Research article - (2014)13, 244 - 251 |
The Occurrence of Core Muscle Fatigue During High-Intensity Running Exercise and its Limitation to Performance: The Role of Respiratory Work |
Tomas K. Tong1,![]() |
Key words: Core stability, muscle function, respiratory muscle, plank test |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Nine male recreational long-distance runners, who were asymptomatic for cardiorespiratory disease or lower back disorder, and engaged in regular long-distance running training with a lack of experience of regular CM / IM training, voluntarily participated in this study. Physical characteristics and athletic training background of the runners are shown in |
Experimental design |
Subjects were required to perform two trials of continuous runs on a treadmill at an intensity corresponding to 85% VO2max until volitional exhaustion. The first trial (CR trial) was to detect the occurrence of global CM and IM fatigue subsequent to intense running by comparing the results of post-exercise sport-specific endurance plank test (SEPT) and maximum inspiratory mouth pressure (PImax) measurement, respectively, with corresponding baseline values measured on separate days. The change in handgrip strength (HG), non-exercising muscle function, was also measured to evaluate if the potential decline in post-exercise SEPT and PImax was the result of reduced motivation or general whole-body fatigue (Ozkaplan et al., All trials were performed in an air-conditioned laboratory. Before each trial, the subjects refrained from eating for at least two hours, and from participation in strenuous physical activity for at least one day. All trials were scheduled to occur at the same time of day and were separated by a minimum of 3 days. |
Procedures |
Preliminary testing and familiarization trials |
The linear relationship between running speed and steady-state VO2 as well as aerobic capacity of the subjects were assessed by performing a standard graded treadmill testing protocol (Eston and Reilly, Following the graded test, the measurements of baseline HG, PImax and SEPT were performed in sequential order in the laboratory on a separate day. |
Experimental trials |
Measurements |
Sport-Specific Endurance Plank Test (SEPT) |
The SEPT protocol, which has been shown to be valid and reliable in assessing athletes’ global CM function, has been previously described in detail (Tong et al., In regard to the SEPT that subjects repeated with identical body posture, the distances between the left and right elbows (medial epicondyle), the left and right feet (1st metatarsal), and the elbow and feet on the left and right sides of the body were measured during the familiarization trial while the subjects were comfortably performing the prone bridge on a bench. Further, two elastic strings of ~80 cm length which were attached horizontally to a pair of vertical scales were placed beside the bench during the test. The two strings maintained at a distance of 10 cm were adjusted up and down until a height was reached that was at the same level as the subjects’ hip (the iliac crest was evenly in between the two strings). This setting acted as a reference for the objective monitoring of hip displacement during the test. The measured distances between elbows and feet, as well as the hip height, remained constant in subsequent experimental trials. During the test, the test administrator sat one meter away from the bench with the seat height adjusted to a level so that the hip displacement of the subjects could be monitored horizontally. The subjects were then asked to maintain the prone bridge throughout the test with maximum effort. For each time that the hip was beyond either of the reference lines, a warning would be given. The test would be terminated when the hip failed to be maintained at the required level after receiving two consecutive warnings. The measured time to exhaustion was used to reveal the subject’s global CM function. |
Maximum mouth pressure measurements |
IM function was assessed by measuring the PImax at nearly zero flow. This was measured by performing maximal inhalations at residual volume against an occluded rubber-scuba-type mouthpiece with a 1 mm orifice. Maximum expiratory mouth pressure was measured by performing maximal exhalations at total lung capacity as described above. The change in the mouth pressure was detected by a differential pressure transducer coupled with a signal conditioner (Collins, Braintree, MA, USA) during the maximal respiratory maneuvers. The subjects were required to repeat each measurement at least 5 times until the results were stable, and the highest value was recorded for analysis (Tong et al., |
Handgrip strength tTest |
Subjects remained in standing position, holding the T.K.K.5001 grip dynamometer (Takei, Japan) in their dominant hand, and griped with maximal effort. The median of the three highest values within a 5-kg range was recorded. |
Statistical analyses |
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test revealed the data of all variables were normally distributed. Paired |
The occurrence of CM fatigue during high-intensity running |
In the CR trial, the group mean of the speed of intense running was 15.9 ± 1.5 km·hr-1. The corresponding VO2 measured at the 5th min of the exercise was 54.6 ± 3.9 ml·kg-1·min-1, equivalent to 84.0 ± 3.3% VO2max. The time to exhaustion during the high-intensity running was 10.7 ± 4.5 min. |
The limitation of CM fatigue to the intense running performance |
Subsequent to the CM fatigue workout in the CR_F trial, SEPT performance and PImax, but not HG strength ( |
The contribution of respiratory work to the exercise-induced CM fatigue |
The selected respiratory data at 50 and 100% exercise duration in the CR trial did not differ (p > 0.05) from those obtained at the iso-time points during the voluntary hyperpnea in the Mimic trial ( |
Correlations |
Significant inter-individual correlations among the changes (∆), when expressed as percentage of either baseline or CR value, in time to exhaustion, SEPT, PImax, RPE, and RPB in different trials are shown in |
CM fatigue and its limitation to the running performance |
In the CR trial, the maximum SEPT performance was reduced by 30.7% from baseline after intense running, suggesting that exercise had led to CM fatigue in the runners. The fatigue was possibly local in nature, as there was no concurrent reduction observed in HG strength - the maximum force output of non-exercising muscles. Nevertheless, further interpretation of the change in SEPT performance may have limitations. In SEPT, CM function is assessed globally in a prone position, rather than the function of isolated CM, such as rectus abdominis, in an upright body position. Moreover, it is not clear whether the CM groups mainly loaded during the SEPT were identical to those recruited dominantly during the intense exercise in the CR trial for stabilizing the trunk and maintaining the running form. For evaluating the changes in the CM function resulting from the running exercise with the altered SEPT performance, the potential existing contradictions including the discrepancies in CM recruitment, and that in the trunk configuration and associated muscle length and angle of pull of various CM groups between these two maneuvers should be taken into account. Although the change in CM function as a consequence of intense running may not be quantified precisely with the altered SEPT performance, the current findings agree with the previous notion that CM is actively involved in providing core stiffness that helps stabilize running form, and maximize the kinetic chains of upper and lower extremity function during running activities (Borghuis et al., To explore this further, we examined the influence of CM fatigue on intense running performance in CR_F trial. The application of fixed-intensity exercise undertaken to the limit of tolerance, rather than time trial which is more close to racing situation, in CR and CR_F trials is due to its good sensitivity to small performance change (McConnell, Although the absolute exercise load between the CR_F and CR trials were identical, the rate of increase in the RPE in the CR_F trial was higher than that in the CR trial. Moreover, the changes in RPE and time to exhaustion during the intense running are inter-individual correlated to the reduction in SEPT resulting from the CM fatigue workout ( |
The contribution of respiratory work to exercise-induced CM fatigue |
Regarding CM function, the SEPT performance was reduced significantly post-hyperpnea, suggesting that the heavy respiratory work which induced IM fatigue during the intense running could independently lead to global CM fatigue in the runners. Moreover, the correlations between the ∆PImax and ∆SEPT ( Increase in IM function via specific IM training has been well-demonstrated to enhance one’s capacity in the performance of various types of exercise including swimming, cycling, endurance and high-intensity intermittent running (Romer, & Polkey, In this study, we have demonstrated that intense running to exhaustion induces CM fatigue in endurance runners. The occurrence of CM fatigue during running exercise may be partly attributed to exercise-induced increase in respiratory work. Moreover, the reduction in CM function with fatigue in runners may limit their capacity to perform intense running. Although we did not demonstrate directly the limitations of CM function on endurance runners’ performance, the current findings outlining the occurrence of CM fatigue during intense running and its negative influence on runners’ endurance capacity provide a strong rationale of the essential role of core training in running performance. Moreover, the available evidence of the dual role of IM in breathing and core stabilization during intense running in the present study suggests that IM training incorporated into a running specific-core training regime potentially enhances the effectiveness of the core training in a functional manner to deal with the challenge faced during intense exercise. Further evidences of the synergetic effect of combined training on running performance await thorough experimental investigation. |
In conclusion, CM function in endurance runners subsequent to intense running to exhaustion was impaired with fatigue. With the preceded CM fatigue workout, the endurance capacity for performing intense running was reduced. In mimicking the respiratory responses recorded during intense running while the runners were standing upright and free from whole-body exercise, CM function decreased. |