The results of this study suggest that serial administration of a CHO mouth rinse may significantly improve PPO during a maximal cycle sprint. No significant influence of the CHO mouth rinse was found for MPO, FI, or any physiological or perceptual measurements. The significant increase in PPO in the current study contrasts with the finding of Chong et al. (2011). The current study employed a thorough familiarization trial, in line with published recommendations (Hopkins et al., 2001), and double-blinded solution administrations to minimise the possibility of a PLA effect, which has been a concern in previous mouth rinse studies (Carter et al., 2004). The absence of a learning effect for any performance variable supports the veracity of the familiarization. Furthermore, participants in the current study were experienced at cycle ergometer sprinting, and Hopkins et al. (2001) reported that learning/practice effects are similar for athletes and non-athletes. Therefore, it is unlikely that a learning/practice effect explains the results, even in this non-athletic sample. The current study used the same Wingate protocol as Chong et al. (2011). The primary difference between the two studies is the mouth rinse administration. The serial administration paradigm was developed in pilot work as one that could be utilised by individuals in an externally-valid setting but that was also employable alongside the protocol used in this study. Repeated exposure of the oral cavity to the CHO mouth rinse may indicate a cumulative effect of a CHO mouth rinse on processes related to central drive, motivation, or motor output (Chambers et al., 2009; Gant et al., 2010) that enabled a significant increase in PPO in contrast to the single administration of Chong et al. (2011). This cumulative effect could be explained by the increased exposure time of the oral cavity to the mouth rinse (40 seconds in the current study compared with 10 seconds in Chong et al., 2011), and would support the contention that increased oral exposure time can facilitate the ergogenic effect of a CHO mouth rinse (Rollo et al., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2013). However, if a cumulative effect of CHO mouth rinsing did occur it did not manifest via increased sensations of arousal in the participants. It may be that the cumulative effect resided in other central alterations or because the FAS was not sensitive enough to detect alterations in arousal that may have occurred. Future work should test the veracity of mouth rinse oral exposure times using more objective measures of central activation such as electromyography. Despite a statistically significant improvement in PPO with a CHO mouth rinse and magnitude inference analysis reinforcing the potential of the performance benefit, the observed improvement (2.3%) only just exceeded the smallest worthwhile improvement (2%). Therefore, while this study demonstrates the potential for an ergogenic effect of CHO mouth rinsing during sprinting, further research into optimising this effect is warranted. It would be interesting to conduct similar work with trained cyclists, as a performance enhancement of ~2% in that population would be meaningful. Based on the findings of this study and of Sinclair et al. (2013) during a 30 minute self-paced cycle, future work should consider focussing on the combined influence of duration of oral exposure to a CHO mouth rinse and the timing of mouth rinse use prior to sprinting in an attempt to develop the optimal pre-sprint mouth rinse strategy. There was no significant effect of the CHO mouth rinse on MPO. However, it is interesting to note that MPO showed a trend for being greater in the CHO trial over the first 5 seconds of the sprint, but a trend for being greater in the PLA trial at all other time intervals. Similarly, FI was greater in the CHO vs. the PLA trial, although this was not significant. It therefore appears that the greater initial power in the CHO trial may come at a relative cost for the remainder of the sprint (Beaven et al., 2013). As a result, a CHO mouth rinse may have a shorter duration of influence during a maximal effort compared with prolonged submaximal exercise. In support, Beaven et al. (2013) reported that a CHO mouth rinse improved PPO only in the first of five 6 second cycle sprints, despite use of the mouth rinse prior to each sprint. A CHO mouth rinse may therefore exert a comparatively greater benefit during a shorter sprint than that used in the current study. The current study also agrees with the suggestion of Beaven et al. (2013) that the mechanisms behind improvements with CHO mouth rinsing during sprinting are likely central, as PPO was greater early in the sprint in the CHO trial, suggesting an ability of the CHO mouth rinse to improve performance when participants are in a non-fatigued state (the absence of significant phosphocreatine depletion). The present study used a maltodextrin mouth rinse. There is no clear evidence for the presence of maltodextrin receptors in the oral cavity (Feigin et al., 1987). However, in their non-exercising fMRI studies Chambers et al. (2009) reported similar activation of brain regions associated with reward and motor control in response to glucose and maltodextrin mouth rinses. This suggests that the anatomy and function of human oral CHO receptors is not fully understood (Chambers et al., 2009) and that, based on the current study’s findings, maltodextrin CHO mouth rinses have the potential to promote central ergogenic responses. The digestion and absorption of CHO begins with salivary amylase secretion from salivary glands in the oral cavity (Butterworth et al., 2011), and it has been shown that within 5 minutes following introduction of a CHO solution into the oral cavity, a cephalic phase insulin release is observed (Just et al., 2008). Therefore, while oral CHO receptors may play a role in CHO mouth rinse efficacy, it is also worth considering the potential role of sublingual CHO absorption. The glucose and maltodextrin solutions used in the imaging studies of Chambers et al. (2009) were 18% (w/v) concentration, and the fMRI scans were conducted at rest. Therefore, it is not possible to state that the central responses to these solutions would be replicated with a lower CHO concentration ([CHO]) during exercise. An avenue of future research is to investigate the possibility of a dose-response relationship between the [CHO] of a mouth rinse and sprint performance. Participants took part in the study in a controlled post-prandial state. The influence of a CHO mouth rinse on performance may be reduced when participants are fed (Beelen et al., 2009; Fares and Kayser, 2011). Therefore, the ergogenic effect of the CHO mouth rinse may have been larger if participants had fasted longer than 2 hours prior to testing. However, participants in the study of Chong et al. (2011) performed an overnight fast yet no significant influence of the CHO mouth rinse was found. Furthermore, fasting prior to training or competition is not common practice; therefore the finding of the current study has greater external validity. However, it would be of benefit for future work to standardise further pre-exercise nutrition between participants to fully account for the potential influence of this variable on performance. It has been suggested that mouth rinse research should incorporate a no mouth rinse trial along with a PLA trial, due to observation of a longer time to complete a cycle time trial when a water mouth rinse was used compared to no mouth rinse (Gam et al., 2013). Longer time to completion with use of the mouth rinse was attributed to interruption of the natural breathing cycle during exercise. A no mouth rinse trial was not used in the current study; however, participants did not use the mouth rinse during exercise. Therefore, the issues raised by Gam et al. (2013) are not relevant to this study. |