In accordance with the hypothesis, the greatest core muscle activation was achieved with the suspension device with a pulley system (i.e., AirFit Trainer Pro), which was considered the most unstable device. However, partly in accordance with the hypothesis, the stable condition only provided the highest muscle activation for the DELT. Suspended push-ups induced greatest activation than standard push-up on the floor, which presented the lowest TRICEP activation, while individually, the suspended device with a pulley system induced the greatest TRICEP activation. In this line, Lehman et al. (2006) and Anderson et al. (2013) found that TRICEP activation during unstable push-ups was superior to the stable condition. On the other hand, Freeman et al. (2006) showed that performing the push-up with two hands on two balls provoked the same activation levels as a stable push-up. However, it is possible that extent of instability in that study was insufficient to elicit significant differences. Similar activation patterns were apparent for TRAPS where it seems that unstable conditions may provide a greater challenge than stable conditions. The suspended device with a pulley system elicited over triple TRAPS activation compared with the two parallel band system with independent anchors and the standard push-up on the floor, probably due to the greater unilateral movement allowed and the scapular synergist stabilizer role of this muscle (Lear and Gross, 1998). In accordance, unilateral maintained push-up on a medicine ball showed greater activation of the TRAPS compared to a stable surface (de Oliveira et al., 2008). Despite there being no significant DELT activation differences between the standard push-up on the floor and the two-anchor suspended push-up, the condition provided by the stable push-up was the only one that caused greater activation than the condition induced by the one-anchor devices (i.e., Flying, TRX Suspension Trainer and the Airfit Trainer Pro). Thus, results suggest that for DELT, a more stable condition may provide a greater or similar extent of activation as more unstable conditions. Consistent with this affirmation, Freeman et al. (2006) found that push-ups on the ground provide similar DELT activation as the same exercise performed with hands on two balls. The PEC muscle showed significantly increased activation with the two-anchor suspended push-up in comparison with the other conditions. A 20% of MVIC higher activation has been reported for a two ball push-up versus a standard version (Freeman et al., 2006). In contrast, no significant differences were found in favour of pectoralis major activation during push-up exercises on a Swiss ball compared with a stable condition (Lehman et al., 2006). Authors stated that absence of changes in muscle activation of the pectoralis major may be due to its role as prime mover and to a less extent as stabilizer (Lehman et al., 2006), and suggested that moderate, rather than excessive levels of instability, are required to increase activation in pectoralis major muscle (Behm and Colado, 2012; Behm et al., 2010). Other reasons that may lead to different muscle activity is the height of the feet during the exercise and the use of shoulder width or wider hand positions, although recent research does not show any difference in pectoralis major activation during a push-up with these hand positions (Youdas et al., 2010). In addition, it is noteworthy that participants’ characteristics such as training experience may play an important role in muscle activation levels (Wahl and Behm, 2008). If we take into consideration the DiGiovine’s scheme (DiGiovine et al., 1992), LUMB and FEM activation levels are classified as low (i.e., <20% of MVIC). Previous studies reported low LUMB activation rates during push-ups on unstable conditions (Freeman et al., 2006; Beach et al., 2008; Anderson et al., 2013) and during similar exercise positions such as a press-up (Marshall and Murphy, 2005) or prone bridge (Lehman et al., 2005, Kang et al., 2012). These findings suggest that suspended devices provoke a safe amount of muscle activation for the lumbar spine (Escamilla et al., 2010) since excessive muscle activity in the lumbar paraspinals has been related to high compressive and shear forces in this zone (Juker et al., 1998). Low activation levels may be appropriate for LUMB muscle (Behm and Colado, 2012) due to their high type I fiber proportion (Behm et al., 2010) and the prevalent role of muscular endurance for daily functional tasks (McGill, 2001). Higher FEM activation has been suggested to cause greater lumbar lordosis (Sundstrup et al., 2012) and may increase the risk of low back pain (Youdas et al., 2008). In our study, the suspended device with the pulley system achieved the greater FEM activation, perhaps due to greater strength requirements to avoid falling and maintain adequate posture and exercise technique. Although it is unknown how much FEM muscle activity is related to greater anterior tilt and an increased lumbar lordosis, caution should be used with some individuals because of the increased low-back injury risk with suspended push-ups (Beach et al., 2008; McGill et al., 2014). The greatest muscle activity of all muscles was achieved for the ABS muscle. The suspended device with the pulley system showed greater activation levels than all conditions but did not differ from Flying. Nevertheless, ABS activation levels were very high during all suspended conditions according to DiGiovine’s (1992) classification. Similarly, Beach et al. (2008) reported greater ABS activation during the suspended push-ups compared with regular push-ups. Likewise, results showing instability-induced higher activation were demonstrated when performing push-ups (Freeman et al., 2006; Anderson et al., 2013), push-up variations such as a press up on top (Marshall and Murphy, 2005) or a push-up plus (Lehman et al., 2006), and a different exercise with similar position to a prone bridge (Lehman et al., 2005, Kang et al., 2012). |