The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between fascicle length of different muscles and sprint performance of front crawl swimming in young male swimmers. The results demonstrated that young swimmers with a faster front crawl swimming sprint performance significantly had a greater absolute fascicle length in VL, GL, and TB. Also, they had a significantly greater relative fascicle length (relative to limb length) in VL and GL. There was a significant relationship between muscle fascicle length (absolute and relative) and swimming performance time in VL and GL muscles. It has been demonstrated that muscle fiber shortening velocity is determined by muscle fiber type composition and muscle fascicle length (Barany, 1967; Schluter and Fitts, 1994). Previous studies (Costill, 1978; Gerard et al., 1986) revealed that sprint swimmers have a high percentage of type II muscle fiber in their involved muscles. Nygaard and Nielsen (1978) did a cross-sectional study in which they found that swimmers had smaller Type I and IIa fibers in the deltoid muscle compared to controls, despite the fact that the overall size of the deltoid muscle was greater. However, muscle fiber type percentage could be varied among swimmers, even among those who have been trained for specific swimming distance (Sortwell, 2010). Also, evidence indicates that muscle fiber composition bears little relationship to performance capacities (Campbell et al., 1979). Despite the fact, it would seem likely that muscle fiber type is a more important muscle-based determinant of muscle endurance while fascicle geometry affects more the length-tension and force-velocity characteristics of a muscle (Blazevich, 2006). Fascicle-shortening velocity is an important factor in determining muscle power output (Stager and Tanner, 2005). Potentially, there are two possibilities for longer fascicle length leading to a faster sprint performance. First, the longer fascicle length would result in greater maximal shortening velocity (Abe et al., 2001; Kumagai et al., 2000). Therefore, faster velocity would results in greater power, which leads to improvement of sprint performance. Thom et al. (2007) estimated that the decreasing of fascicle length due to losing of sarcomeres placed in one series results in 50% decrease in total maximum velocity of muscle shortening of GM in the old men compared with young men. Second, according to Hill’s equation (Hill, 1970), with increasing the velocity of muscle shortening, its force generating would decrease. However, the shortening speed of each sarcomere in a fiber or fascicle would be slower for a given speed of whole-fiber shortening when there are more sarcomeres in series. Also, according to the force-velocity relationship, sarcomere force would not decrease as rapidly as fiber-shortening speed increase (Blazevich, 2006; Kumagai et al., 2000). Therefore, at high shortening velocities, longer fascicles are capable of generating greater force (Blazevich, 2006). As a result, power would be greater which improve the sprint performance potentially. Previously, the effects of muscle architectural parameters on swimmers performance had not been studied. However, similar studies in this field demonstrated that fascicle length (absolute and relative) is significantly greater in locomotor muscles such as VL and GL of elite sprinters with a faster sprint running performance time (Abe et al., 2001; Kumagai et al., 2000). In present study negative relationship has found between fascicle length (absolute and relative) of VL and GL muscles with sprint swimming performance. This is maybe due to the strong relationship (r = 0.76) between lower-body power output and sprint (50-m) front crawl swimming performance in young swimmers (Hawley et al., 1992). Moreover, the correlation of r=0.90, has been reported between 25-m sprint front crawl swimming performance and leg power in 8-12 year old children (Inbar and Bar-Or, 1977). Although in front crawl actual contribution of leg kick in the 10% gain in maximal velocity in front crawl swimming (Deschodt et al., 1999), however, leg action smooth the intracycle fluctuations of swimming velocity (Persyn et al., 1975), and also useful in keeping the body horizontal in the water, especially during sprints (Hollander et al., 1988), and therefore can be improved arm stroke efficiency. In the musculoskeletal system, muscles generate force and transmit that force via tendons to bone. The greater the force generated by muscle, the greater the stress transmitted through the tendon. Increases in the power requirement of our muscles (e.g. with speed) require a stiffer tendon to produce optimal efficiency and also to produce the required power with the given muscle volume (Lichtwarh and Wilson, 2008). However, there is no evidence about front crawl flatter kick, it seems that in such activity like walking and running the GM fascicles contracted almost isometrically (Alexander, 2002). Indeed, the tendon stretched and recoiled as the ankle flexed and extended, but the muscle fascicles remained almost constant in length and hardly did any work. Therefore, tendon stiffness becomes an important factor in muscle power generation ability. However, as opposed to the well-documented changes in muscle with exercise, the adaptive significance of changes in tendon stiffness with exercise is unclear (Buchanan and Marsh, 2002). Although, to our best knowledge no investigation conducted on swimmers, Simonsen et al. (1995) found that tendons increased stiffness in rats in response to a swim-training program even though this type of exercise has low impact loads. In this sense, it would be interesting to determine the optimum fascicle length and tendon stiffness for swimming activities and compare them to data from specialists in this sport. Considering the determining role of arm movement in generating propulsive force in front crawl swimming (Deschodt et al., 1999; Sharp et al., 1982), we investigated BB and TB muscles. Based on this consideration, muscle thickness of BB was similar between groups, but S1 had significantly greater muscle thickness in TB. Also, the group with faster sprint swimming performance (S1) had significantly smaller pennation angle and greater absolute and relative fascicle length (relative to arm length) in TB. So it seems that young swimmers with faster sprint performance benefit from greater fascicle length of TB in generating greater power. Hawley et al. (1992) reported a positive correlation between mean power of active muscles on shoulder joint and sprint front crawl swimming performance in a group of trained young swimmers with same average age to the present study (r = 0.63, p < 0.01). Also, Inbar and Bar-Or (1977) found a correlation of r = -0.92 between mean power of the arms and 25-m freestyle time in a small group of young swimmers (n = 9). As a result, it would be expected that there should be a correlation between architectural characteristics especially fascicle length (absolute and relative) of TB and sprint front crawl swimming performance. In the present study there was no correlation between architectural characteristics of TB and sprint front crawl swimming performance. These results can be due to several reasons that affect sprint performance of young swimmers: (i) Based on literature (Stager and Tanner, 2005; Van Praagh, 2000), genetic factors influenced anaerobic muscle function and performance, and genetic predispositions contribute around 50% of variance in short-term anaerobic performance. This fact supports the contention that sprinters might indeed be born, rather than developed (Stager and Tanner, 2005). (ii) Indeed, usage of potentially higher output muscle power due to the longer fascicle length to generate faster forward motion in swimming affected by swimmers technique. As shown by Lätt et al. (2010) from 28 different biomechanical, anthropometrical, and physiological parameters, stroke rate and stroke index alone explained 92.6% of 100-m front crawl swimming performance variability in adolescent male swimmers (15.2±1.9 years). Also, Vitor and Böhme (2010) reported that stroke index (r2 = 0.62) is one of the effective factors for predicting 100-m front crawl swimming performance in young male swimmers (13.0 ± 0.7 years). Thus, stroke technique parameters play an important role in front crawl swimming performance. During these ages, long distance aerobic training is a major component of young swimmers training program as our subjects. These trainings could be affected and interrupted the relationship between sprint swimming performance and muscular architecture parameters. Therefore, to verify this relationship more clearly it is necessary to perform similar works on elite sprint swimmers. Moreover, it would be required to consider the impact of different muscular architecture parameters concomitant with major factors such as anthropometrical, physiological, and technical those affecting swimming performance. Such studies will help elucidate the most important factors that are responsible for differentiation between individuals performance. |