The main findings of this study are: 1) The majority of elite young European soccer players appear hypohydrated at first morning, when a USG threshold of 1.020 is applied; 2) Body mass loss, fluid intake, and USG measures showed large inter-individual variation; 3) Elite young European soccer players replace approximately 71% of their sweat losses during training; 4) When training in cool conditions, replacing 71% of sweat losses results in minimal hypohydration (<1% BM). Previous research investigating the hydration status and fluid balance of adolescent team games players did not quantify first morning hydration status (Da Silva et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2011). Therefore, comparing the current study to other work is difficult. However, what is important is that a large number of participants were hypohydrated upon waking and did not significantly improve their hydration status prior to training several hours later. As a result, many participants were starting each training session hypohydrated. This practice is in conflict with current fluid intake guidelines that recommend consumption of sufficient fluid in order to begin training euhydrated (Sawka et al., 2007). Interestingly, individual training sessions did not cause a further deterioration of hydration status, nor was there a cumulative effect of the sessions. Therefore, in contrast to other research (Godek et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2011), the participants in this study were able to maintain a stable hydration status during three consecutive training sessions. However, the studies of Godek et al. (2005) and Silva et al. (2011) were undertaken in markedly different environmental conditions to the current work. What is again important to highlight is that although participants in the current study were generally able to maintain their hydration status across the training sessions, a large proportion of participants were maintaining a hypohydrated state. This study used a threshold USG of >1.020 as indicative of hypohydration. This USG threshold has much support in the hydration literature (Bartok et al., 2004). However, it has been shown that the USG threshold to detect hypohydration may be higher (>1.025) in athletes with larger relative muscle mass (Cheuvront et al., 2010; Hamouti et al., 2010). Therefore, it is possible that the USG threshold used in the current study may have classified some athletes as hypohydrated when in fact they were euhydrated. However, the absence of body composition data for the athletes in this study means that a judgement on whether to use the higher USG threshold based on the Hamouti et al. (2010) data could not be made. Therefore, it was decided to use the well-accepted USG threshold of >1.020 to quantify hydration status in the current study. Participants consumed sufficient fluid to replace approximately 71% of sweat lost during training. This level of fluid intake resulted in a statistically significant BM reduction in each training session. The extent of fluid replacement in the current study is larger than that reported by Da Silva et al. (2011) during competition in elite young heat-acclimatised players performing in a warm environment. This larger fluid intake may be related to the nature of the exercise; Da Silva et al. (2011) conducted their study in competition, whereas the current study examined training sessions, which may have provided more opportunities for fluid consumption (Clarke et al., 2008). There was no significant relationship between changes in BM and changes in USG pre- to post-training, in line with some previous findings (Cheuvront et al., 2010). However, both BM and USG showed a small mean reduction from pre- to post-training across the three sessions. There was a large inter-individual variation in fluid intake, BM loss, and USG changes, again in line with other findings (Bartok et al., 2004; Cheuvront et al., 2010). Participants in this study were not required to complete a standardised pre-exercise fluid intake strategy, and fluid was consumed in an unstructured fashion during training. Drinking behaviour is known to confound urine hydration interpretation (Cheuvront et al., 2010). Specifically, USG can be influenced by the timing of fluid intake, as extracellular fluid (ECF) osmolality is regulated in preference to ECF volume (Popowski et al., 2001). Therefore, acute fluid intake in the latter stages of training could have promoted urine formation in order to maintain ECF osmolality, which would have resulted in more dilute urine and could explain the slight mean reduction in USG pre- to post-training (Popowski et al., 2001). In this situation, USG measures would not necessarily provide an accurate representation of hydration status. The notable inter-participant variation in SR, BM loss, and fluid intake observed in the current study agrees with previous work in young players (Silva et al., 2011) and adults (Maughan et al., 2005; Shirreffs et al., 2005) during training and competition. It is likely that variations in participant’s body composition, fitness levels, exercise intensity, and biological maturation status (Rowland, 2008; Sawka et al., 2007) played a role in this inter-participant variation. The inter-participant variation in BM loss must be taken into account when prescribing fluid intake regimes, as it suggests that generic fluid intake guidelines for an entire team may be inappropriate and alterations to fluid intake practices should be considered on an individual basis (Silva et al., 2011), in agreement with current fluid intake guidelines (Sawka et al., 2007). Prescription of fluid intake regimes should also consider the magnitude of hypohydration that occurs. In the current study, BM loss incurred during training was statistically significant, but the actual extent of hypohydration was small (<1% BM), and lower than that reported for adult soccer players training in a cool environment (Shirreffs et al., 2005). Of course, differences in training intensity and duration could account for differences in fluid loss between studies. However, the data from this study indicates that replacing ~71% of the fluid lost during training in a cool environment results in only nominal hypohydration in elite European youth soccer players. Current exercise and fluid replacement guidelines recommend that individuals should develop customised fluid replacement regimes that prevent excessive (≥2% BM) dehydration (Sawka et al., 2007). In the current study, no participant recorded a training-induced level of dehydration ≥2% BM with ad libitum water intake. As a result, it appears that ad libitum water ingestion by young elite European soccer players training in a cool environment prevents excessive dehydration as defined by current fluid intake and hydration guidelines (Sawka et al., 2007). Therefore, current fluid intake guidelines seem to be applicable to this form of soccer training in this population. |