The main finding of this study was that a 12-week structured NW or RT intervention did not increase the volume of total physical activity. The volume of total LTPA, however increased in the NW-group compared to the non-exercise control group. When a model was built around the weekly change in the physical activity, we found a clear pattern of compensatory behaviour. In the NW-group a 1 MET-hour increase in the volume of total LTPA was associated with a 0.56 MET-hour decrease in the NLTPA. This type of association was also found in the RT-group. Interestingly no association was found between the volume of structured exercise and change in the volume of NEPA. These findings would suggest that of the intervention induced increase in the volume of total LTPA, approximately 50% in the NW group and 25% in the RT-group is compensated by a decrease in the volume of NLTPA. The findings also suggest an individuality of compensatory behaviour that may not be fully covered by group means. The results of this study suggest that the NW intervention increased the volume of high intensity physical activities without affecting the volume of total physical activity. Consistently to our study, it has been reported that an 8-week walking intervention increased time spent on vigorous activities without altering the total energy expenditure in obese middle-aged women (Colley et al., 2010). These findings would indicate that lower intensity habitual physical activities are more strongly affected by compensatory behavior than habitual high-intensity physical activities that are similar to intervention activities. Thus, it is possible that structured NW exercises do not compete with habitual non-structured exercises. Actually, NW but not RT intervention could, at least in some individuals, result in increased non-structured exercise activity. To support this, we found a tendency (p > 0.050) for increased volume of non-structured LTPA in the NW-group and a significant decrease in the C-group. In the RT-group, no change in total physical activity or non-exercise physical activity with resistance training intervention was found, which is consistent with a previous study (Rangan et al., 2011). The current understanding of compensatory behavior is, however a controversial and highly debated an issue (Gomersall et al., 2013). The direct comparison of previous studies is also difficult due to differences in the samples and intervention characteristics and applied physical activity methods. There are multiple possible regulatory pathways for compensatory behavior, including what types of activities were replaced (low or high intensity), degree of post-exercise fatigue, reward behaviour, and possibly genetic susceptibility (King et al., 2007). In the present study we investigated whether the baseline characteristics were associated with compensation. No such association was found for any of the measured characteristic including VO2peak, which has previously been inversely associated with compensatory behaviour (Colley et al., 2010). In the RT-group, however, a higher BMI at baseline was associated with a higher intensity of total LTPA. The mean intensity of RT of participants with greater BMI tended to be higher compared to the participants with lower BMI (data not shown). In addition, the intensity of RT was lower than that of the LTPA, which resulted in decreased intensity of total LTPA in the RT group. Thus, the effect of intensity of RT on the intensity of total LTPA would be less in a higher BMI group, which would explain the found associations. In the present study, structured exercise accounted only for a small portion of the total volume of physical activity, whereas the intensity of structured exercises of all subcategories was highest in the NW-group and the second highest in the RT-group. These findings imply that a change in the volume of total physical activity alone may be insufficient to determine whether the exercise intervention was beneficial health wise. It is not necessary to increase the volume of total physical activity to induce positive changes in health related variables, if a sufficient change in the intensity profile is achieved. Physiologically, changes in intensity are more likely than changes in volume to alter body homeostasis and thus induce positive adaptive responses to exercise. Based on the present study, exercise interventions, especially NW, seem to be more prone to induce changes in the daily intensity profile of physical activity rather than in the volume profile. It is clear that increasing current understanding about the factors that drive individual compensatory behaviour is an important future field of research. This would enable more specific prescription of exercise as a treatment. To substantiate the effect of structured exercise on habitual physical activity or measured outcome, it is vital to analyse the change in physical activity throughout the intervention period. In this study we achieved this goal, which could be viewed as a major strength. After all, the ability of the exercise intervention to induce positive changes in health related outcomes is dependent on the intervention’s ability to increase the dose of regular daily physical activity (Kesäniemi et al., 2001). There are limitations in this study that should be taken into account when interpreting the findings. In this study a specific physical activity questionnaire was applied throughout the intervention, whereas in previous studies, different combinations of more objective measurements have been used, including heart rate, indirect calorimeter, accelerometers, and doubly labelled water (Goran and Poehlman, 1992; Hollowell et al. 2009; Morio et al., 1998). Although these methods are arguably accurate in measuring the amount of energy expenditure (International Organization For Standardization, 2004), they are in fact insufficient in providing information about the intensity, type of activity, or sociological context (Butte et al., 2012). Information regarding all aspects of behavior of physical activity can be gathered with questionnaires (Haskell, 2012). Moreover, physical activity questionnaires have been shown to be suitably reliable (Helmerhorst et al., 2012) and they are also cost–effective in continuous monitoring of physical activity. Although the criterion validity of the questionnaires against the objective monitors has been low (Helmerhorst et al., 2012, Prince et al., 2008), it does not automatically indicate inferiority of the questionnaires. According to Haskell (2012), it is possible that the questionnaires and wearable monitors detect different features of physical activity, thus making them complementary partners rather than excluding rivals. In addition, as previously reported (Hollowell et al., 2009) the large number of incomplete data related to accelerometer measurements indicates that objective measures may not be feasible in measuring total physical activity throughout the 12-week exercise intervention. Accelerometers would also require some type of diary or log to collect information about the physical activity subcategories. The accuracy of the physical activity measurements, as applied here, can be estimated to be 10–20% (International Organization For Standardization, 2004). Another limitation is the small sample size, which may have been underpowered to detect significant changes. The power calculations were not performed, since the change in physical activity was not the primary aim of the initial randomized controlled trial, which is a common approach in clinical trials. Due to the small and most likely a selective group of participants, our findings may well be specific for this particular group. Albeit, there were no significant difference in the baseline characteristics between those included in the analysis and those excluded. Furthermore, small sample size exercise trials are still conducted widely. It can be argued that similar type of large inter-individual variation in non-structured physical activity exist in those studies as in the present study. Albeit, such studies may be sufficiently powered to detect changes in outcomes (e.g. biomarker), they may not be that for the physical activity. Therefore, such trials may be unpowered to induce systematic difference in the change in physical activity, which could partly explain the large inter-individual variability in response to equal dose of prescribed exercise (Bouchard and Rankinen 2001). Our data clearly shows that the physical activity response to structured exercise intervention is neither stable nor similar between individuals. This large inter-individual variation in our sample suggests that future exercise studies should aim for more robust methods to quantify and to analyse the actual change in physical activity induced by the training. Due to the limitations the results should be interpreted with caution and in the future larger more powerful sample sizes may be required. |