Based on our previous study (Niekamp et al., 2012), we proposed that, when compared to an acid promoting (high-PRAL) diet, a short-term alkaline promoting (low-PRAL) diet increases systemic pH and increases maximal exercise respiratory exchange ratio, which is heavily dependent on bicarbonate buffering of exercise-induced acid production. As expected, the low-PRAL diet increased fasted morning urine pH, suggesting systemic alkalinity. However, contrary to our hypothesis, the low-PRAL diet resulted in a lower RERmax, not higher. Based on the aforementioned premise that a low-PRAL diet increases systemic alkalinity, and based on evidence that alkalizing agents such as sodium bicarbonate increase anaerobic exercise performance (reviewed in (Cairns, 2006)), we also hypothesized that a low-PRAL diet increases anaerobic exercise performance. Indeed, time-to-exhaustion during high-intensity treadmill running (lasting ~1-4 min) was 21% greater after consuming a low-PRAL diet as compared to a high-PRAL diet, indicating that anaerobic exercise performance was augmented. It is not clear why the short-term, low-PRAL dietary intervention in the present study resulted in a lower RERmax, while in our previous cross-sectional study (Niekamp et al., 2012), a habitual low-PRAL diet was associated with higher RERmax values; however, some issues warrant consideration. First, it is possible that the short-term dietary intervention was not sufficient to alter serum bicarbonate levels and thus wouldn’t be expected to affect non-metabolic CO2 production and RERmax. Although we did not measure serum bicarbonate or related measures such as pH or CO2 (and future studies should include such measures), bicarbonate levels are closely and inversely associated with urine pH (Unwin and Capasso, 2001). Based on this relationship and the urine pH data from the present study, serum bicarbonate would be predicted to be ~12% lower in the high-PRAL condition than in the low PRAL trial (Unwin and Capasso, 2001). Furthermore, while a lack of change in serum bicarbonate levels might explain a lack of effect on RERmax, it does not explain why short-term changes in dietary PRAL yielded opposite effects to those from our previous cross-sectional study. A more likely explanation relates to the effects of chronic versus acute alterations in dietary acid load. In the previous cross-sectional study, participants were categorized into tertiles of dietary PRAL based on their habitual dietary intakes, which had presumably been consumed for months or even years. In contrast, the present study involved a short-term intervention, which based on urine pH, did not alter systemic pH until the day of testing. Clearly, future studies are needed to evaluate the time-course of responses to changes in dietary PRAL. A major and novel finding form the present study is that anaerobic exercise performance was enhanced by the low-PRAL diet. Furthermore, despite lower maximal RER values after the low-PRAL diet, there were tendencies for a longer time-to-exhaustion during the GXT (p = 0.12) and greater VO2max (p = 0.08). It seems likely that the augmented anaerobic exercise performance could have resulted from an alkaline environment created by the consumption of low PRAL foods, and possibly by an increase in bicarbonate availability. Indeed, it generally accepted that bicarbonate loading improves anaerobic exercise performance by enhancing acid buffering capacity (Carr et al., et al., 2011b; McNaughton et al., 2008; Peart et al., 2012). However, as we and others have demonstrated, a major limitation to bicarbonate loading is that it frequently causes severe gastrointestinal distress (Cameron et al., 2010; Carr et al., 2011a; Kahle et al., 2013; Siegler et al., 2012); furthermore, standard ergogenic doses (300 mg/kg) result in sodium doses of 4-9 grams, which is well above the recommended upper limit of 2.3 g/d (Institute of Medicine, 2005). Therefore, a low-PRAL diet, which focuses on high intakes of fruits and vegetables and has the added benefits of being rich in phytochemicals, fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients, may be an attractive alternative to bicarbonate loading for improving anaerobic exercise performance. Another novel finding was the strong tendency for lower submaximal exercise RER values during the low-PRAL diet, suggesting that the low-PRAL diet altered substrate utilization to favor greater lipid oxidation and lower carbohydrate oxidation. Based on published equations (Ferrannini, 1988) and RER data from the 70% VO2max submaximal intensity, lipid oxidation was higher in the low-PRAL trial than in the high-PRAL trial (37% vs. 12% of total energy expenditure) while carbohydrate oxidation was lower in the low-PRAL trial (66 vs. 96% of total energy expenditure). While this apparent carbohydrate-sparing effect of a low-PRAL diet might have implications for delaying glycogen depletion during long-duration endurance exercise, the results should be considered preliminary, as the exercise and indirect calorimetry protocols were not optimized for the evaluation of substrate utilization during steady-state, submaximal exercise. We are currently conducting a follow-up study to confirm these findings. One possible explanation for the shift in substrate utilization might be that the low-PRAL diet, because it was lacking in grains (i.e. a rich source of carbohydrate), was carbohydrate deplete and as a consequence, low glycogen levels caused the low carbohydrate oxidation rates (Starling et al., 1997). However, subjects were encouraged to eat substantial quantities of carbohydrate-rich fruits during the low-PRAL diet and thus there was no difference in carbohydrate intake between trials. Furthermore, total energy intake and carbohydrate intake met or exceeded recommended intakes in both trials, making it unlikely that energy or carbohydrate deficiency altered substrate utilization rates. Another possibility is that the shift in systemic pH altered the activity of enzymes that regulate lipid and carbohydrate oxidation. In support of this possibility, the activity of carnitine acyl transferase-I, one of the rate limiting enzymes in lipid oxidation, is highly pH-sensitive within the physiologic range (pH 6.8-7.0) (Bezaire, Heigenhauser, & Spriet, 2004) in a manner that would favor lipid oxidation during a more alkaline state. A study limitation is that the broad dietary changes that were needed to alter PRAL also altered other dietary factors that might have had their own effects on the study outcomes. One such factor is dietary nitrates, which acutely improve exercise performance (Lansley et al., 2011; Larsen et al., 2007; 2010; Murphy et al., 2012). Because vegetables are nitrate-rich (Hord et al., 2009), and because large quantities of vegetables were consumed during the low-PRAL diet, it is possible that nitrates might have enhanced exercise performance during the low-PRAL trial. However, this scenario does not seem likely because nitrates improve exercise performance by increasing work efficiency (i.e. less oxygen cost to perform exercise) (Vanhatalo et al., 2010) and we did not observe differences in efficiency between trials. It is also possible that the greater protein intake in the high-PRAL diet may have contributed to the lower fat oxidation rates observed in the low-PRAL trial; however, while studies have demonstrated that acute ingestion of dietary protein suppresses postprandial fat oxidation (Benton & Swan, 2007), fasting lipid oxidation is not altered by a long-term high-protein diet and actually reduces carbohydrate oxidation (Linn et al., 2000), which is opposite to that observed in the present study. The large age range included in the present study (19-60 yr) might also be viewed as a limitation; however, this also makes the results generalizable to a larger population. Furthermore, based on the lack of correlation between age and the main study outcomes, the responses to low and high-PRAL diets appears to be relatively uniform across the wide age range, making the results applicable to young and older men and women. Practical implications of the present study are that the dietary manipulation of PRAL might benefit athletes. Events heavily dependent on anaerobic metabolism, where performance is often limited due to acidosis, would be expected to improve. These would be events lasting 1-5 minutes such as 100-200 meter swimming or 400 – 800 meter running events. Additionally, based on the preliminary evidence of lower RER values during submaximal exercise, a low-PRAL diet may have a glycogen sparing effect by decreasing carbohydrate oxidation and increasing lipid oxidation, and thus might be beneficial for long-duration exercise performance, in which glycogen depletion is of concern (e.g. marathon running, long-distance bicycle races, etc.). In order to achieve PRAL levels that are similar to those used in this study, high consumption of fruits and vegetables should be encouraged while minimizing consumption of meats and grains. For competitive athletes, a high-carbohydrate diet can be maintained without a grain-rich diet by consuming carbohydrate-rich fruits and vegetables such as fresh and dried fruits, fruit juices, and potatoes for at least 4-7 days before competition. Anecdotally, and based on the ~50% longer time required to achieve the urine pH goal, it was more difficult for participants to adhere to the low-PRAL diet. This is not surprising in light of the acidic nature of the subjects’ diet at baseline (i.e. less dietary change was required). However, because the low-PRAL diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, and deplete of many unhealthy foods such as cheese, fatty meats, and refined grains, a low-PRAL diet not only provides exercise performance benefits, but might also reduce chronic disease risk. |