This study investigated the differences in joint motions and muscle activities of the lower extremities among various squatting postures involved in the baseball-catching motion. We found a significant difference in foot distance between the two squatting postures, and a wide stance (193.34. ± 20.81% shoulder width) in approximately 65% of the acromion width that was wider than the general stance (127.48 ± 22.98% shoulder width). Most previous studies have attempted to determine how squatting affects the lower-limb angle and muscle activation. Squatting can be defined by shoulder width (Escamilla et al., 2001; McCaw and Melrose, 1999), the distance between the two anterior superior iliac spines (Escamilla, et al., 2001), or the distance between the two greater trochanters (Paoli et al., 2009). The previous definition of wide stance was approximately 140% to 196% of shoulder width, or 200% of the distance between the two greater trochanters. The wide stance adopted in this study is in accordance with the earlier definition. The general definition of general stance is typically 75% to 118% of shoulder width, or 100% of the distance between the two greater trochanters. However, the general stance adopted by the catcher was 127% of shoulder width on average and was categorized in previous studies. The time of the pick-off throwing by the catcher and the pitcher’s pitching speed are equally relevant, and are both indices for skills evaluation. Previous studies have found that, in dynamic squatting, the increase in rising time is consistent with squatting (Escamilla et al., 2001), and rising time can be decreased by lowering the knee flexion angle through the support of the catchers’ knee saver (Hsieh, 2007). Previous studies have suggested that squatting and the knee flexion angle are crucial factors in action duration. However, the results of this study did not show any correlation between squatting and ball-throwing time for both pivot throwing and weight-shift throwing. Further investigation revealed a larger range of motion of the hip flexion/extension angle in wide stance and the knee flexion/extension angle in general stance. In wide stance, the higher hip flexion angle compensated for the lower knee flexion angle, cancelling any effect on weight-shift throwing. However, in contrast to the results of Escamilla et al. (2001), no increase in action duration was observed in wide stance. Loading might be a reason Escamilla et al. (2001), complicating action duration, and a change of body weight or muscle strength caused by loading must be considered. Hence, we observed no increase in action duration in wide stance because extra loading was absent. Higher ball speed was found in weight-shift throwing in both forms of squatting, although previous studies as medium stance (100% to 153% of shoulder width or 150% of the distance between the two greater trochanters) have not shown any ball throwing speed (Larson et al., 2007). A possible explanation for higher ball speed in weight-shift throwing might lie in the ground reaction force, lower-limb joint angle, and muscle activity. MacWilliams et al. (1998) reported that the linear wrist velocity of the throwing arm is positively related to the upward-forward ground reaction force and total force at the pivot foot. Previous studies on the lower-limb joint angle and muscle activation have shown the contribution to push-off by hamstrings (Yu et al., 2008), and the greatest hamstring activation occurs at a knee joint flexion angle of 50° to 70° (Escamilla et al., 1998; 2001; Ninos et al., 1997). We identified that the greatest hamstring activation in the pivot foot appeared at the stride phase to push off and generate the driving force. The knee joint flexion angle in the stride phase of weight-shift throwing began at approximately 90° and ended at 60°. Weight-shift throwing caused the flexion angle for greatest hamstring activation in the midst of the stride phase and pivot throwing occurred directly after the stride phase, which is a possible reason for the higher ball speed in weight-shift throwing. In pivot throwing, the most distinct difference in joint angles of the two squatting postures in each phase was at the squat phase and ascend phase. In the squat phase, the joint angle difference occurred from the stance and continued to the ascend phase. The general stance had a significantly higher knee joint flexion angle at squatting, and the angle remained high upon ascending. The hip joint flexion angle in wide stance was higher in squatting and higher than that of general stance at approximately 5° on average in the ascend phase. The acceleration and follow-through phases did not reveal how the next phase (ascend phase) was affected by the former phase (squat phase). Despite the difference in the early stage, when the catcher throwed the ball in the acceleration phase (from the stride foot contact to the ball release), the lower-limb joint angles and joint motion in different squatting were similar. In the acceleration phase of pivot throwing, the hip joint angle at the pivot foot was approximately 52° and 32° in the knee joint, whereas the hip joint angle at the stride foot was 75° and 50° in the knee joint. Between the two squatting postures, the difference in lower-limb joint angles was less than 2°, and compared with that of the knee flexion angle when the pivot foot of pitchers entered the acceleration phase (the instance when the stride foot makes contact), Escamilla et al. (2007) found the instant knee flexion angle to be approximately 47° for pitchers, which was similar to the knee flexion angle in the acceleraion phase in the present study. The angular velocity of the stride foot in each pivot-throwing phase showed little difference between various squatting postures. Compared with previous studies, we concluded that, regardless of the difference in the early stage of throwing, the stride foot entered the acceleration phase with an analogus knee angle; and regardless of squatting, the stride foot shared an identical joint motion. Squatting affected only joint angles in the early stages (squat and ascend phases) of weight-shift throwing. In the acceleration phase of weight-shift throwing, the lower-limb joint angles at the pivot foot were 34° at the hip and 36° at the knee, and the joint angles at the stride foot were 75° at the hip and 40° at the knee. The comparison of lower-limb joint angles in the acceleration phase between pivot and weight-shift throwing showed a greater extension. Although different lower-limb joint angles appeared in various squatting and lower-limb motions presented in different throwing approaches, the stride foot entered the acceleration phase with the hip joint flexion angle at approximately 75°. Previous studies on pitching have concluded that the function of the pivot foot is to support the body weight and to maintain balance during pitching (MacWilliams, et al., 1998). For catcher throwing, the stride foot entered the acceleration phase at 75° of the hip joint flexion angle, which may be an appropriate angle for balancing throwing. Plummer and Oliver (2014) indicated that the gluteal muscle group provided squat-up and pelvic stability functions from the squatting position to the acceleration phase. This study revealed that the driving force generation of the pivot foot in the stride phase is due to hamstring contraction. This is consistent with the finding of a previous study that hamstrings contributed to the push-off motion (Yu et al., 2008), and that the gluteal muscle group helps to extend the pelvic joint, provides energy to squat up, and pelvic stability during acceleration. Hamstrings generate the energy to drive the throwing motion to the second base. The results of Plummer and Oliver (2014) and of the present study provide a clearer insight into the contribution of the lower extremity muscles during the throwing motion. In pivot throwing, greater activation of the gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and hamstrings appeared in the pivot foot in wide stance, whereas the stride foot demonstrated greater activation of the gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and quadriceps femoris in wide stance, suggesting that adopting the wide stance in pivot throwing maximizes muscle activation in the lower limb. From the lower-limb kinematics perspective, previous studies have revealed the greatest muscle activation in the quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius at knee flexion angles of 80° to 90° (Escamilla et al., 2001; Isear et al., 1997; Ninos et al., 1997; Signorile et al., 1994; Stuart et al., 1996), 50° to 70° (Escamilla et al., 1998; 2001; Wilk et al., 1996), and 60° to 90° (Escamilla et al., 1998; Isear et al., 1997), respectively. The knee flexion angle in wide stance of weight-shift throwing was found to be similar to the flexion angle for maximum muscle activation; thus the catcher could have greater muscle activation in wide stance. A similar difference in squatting positions occurred in weight-shifting throwing. The pivot foot in general squatting displayed greater hamstring muscle activation whereas the stride foot in general squatting displayed greater gastrocnemius, hamstring, and quadriceps femoris muscle activation. Various throwing motions in the squatting position showed reverse muscle activation of the lower extremity. Through the knee flexion angle of weight-shifting throwing, the knee joint showed an obvious extension at the ball-catch instant. Taking the pivot foot as an example, at the onset of the squat phase, the knee flexion angle of the general squat and the wide squat were 140° and 128°, respectively. However, at the ball-catch instant, they were 127° and 107°. Although significant differences were found in the knee joint angle of various squatting positions, the knee joint did not show early extension at the ball-catch instant. This might explain the reverse muscle activation of the lower extremity in various squatting positions and throwing motions. According to MacWilliams et al. (1998), the pivot foot generated a forward-driving GRF, initializing the momentum toward the throwing direction. The results of the muscle activation of the pivot foot indicated that the generation of the driving force of the pivot foot in the stride phase resulted from hamstring contraction. This is consistent with a previous study that reported that hamstrings contribute to the push and step motion (Yu et al., 2008). Although the hamstrings began to show larger activation in the stride phase, we also found that when entering the acceleration phase, hamstrings showed maximum muscle activation. However, the driving force of the pivot foot in various throwing motions did not increase continually in the acceleration phase. This was because when the pivot foot completed the push and step motion, it immediately left the ground. Therefore, even the larger muscle activation of the hamstrings could not contribute to the driving force. Therefore, the driving force generation of the pivot foot in the stride phase resulted from hamstring contraction. The pivot throwing subsequently displayed a lower driving force. The knee angle at maximum muscle activation of the hamstrings was 50° to 70° (Escamilla, et al., 1998; 2001; Ninos, et al., 1997). The knee flexion angle of the pivot foot during pivot throwing was 125° at the onset and 70°at the end of the stride phase. For maximum muscle activation of the hamstrings, maximum activation occurred at the end of the stride motion. However, for weight-shift throwing, the angle was 90° at the onset and 60° at the end of the stride phase. The maximum muscle activation of the hamstrings occurred at the middle of the stride phase. Therefore, the weight-shifting motion resulted in larger knee extension of the pivot foot, so that hamstrings reached maximum muscle activation earlier in the stride phase, possibly generating more driving force. For the measured GRF from the force plate, a driving force of only 0.3 body weight was found in the stride phase of weight-shift throwing, lower than the 0.4 body weight of pivot throwing. This might be because in weight-shift throwing, the stride motion lagged behind the weight-shifting motion, and the ground contact time of the pivot foot after weight shifting decreased because of gravity. Hence, a contradictory situation occurred. Another possibility might be that after the weight-shifting motion in the weight-shift throwing and directly before the knee flexion angle of the maximum hamstring activation, a driving force of 0.3 body weight was the optimal performance. |