There were two main findings in this study: First, that a typology based on the nature of the generated force and the coordination type can be used to characterize treading water behaviors; second, that when provided with appropriate training (i.e., 1 hour tutorial to recognize macroscopic pattern characteristic), inexperienced analysts are able to characterize treading water behaviors accurately and reliably according to the typology. Examination of video footage revealed that despite the fact that the swimming participants all successfully managed to tread water for 150 s, the vast majority of them did not use the so-called ‘eggbeater-kick’ pattern described by Homma (2005) and Sanders (1999). The wide inter-individual variability is not surprising when one considers treading water behavior from a constraints-led approach. This approach considers that the interaction of constraints (task, environmental and organismic) potentially leads to the emergence of a wide range of functional patterns (Davids et al., 2004; 2008; Newell, 1986). In this study, the task was clearly imposed (that is, treading water for 150 s) and the range of behavior limited by the properties of aquatic environment (i.e., the environmental constraint). So the behavioral variability might be best explained by organismic constraints. For example, the physical property of the swimmer (such as fat to lean body mass distribution) directly influences their relative buoyancy. Furthermore, his/her expertise level influences the amount and the efficiency of propulsive force generation. Biomechanists have shown that propulsion in aquatic environment can be achieved by generating lift, drag or a combination of both of these forces (Counsilman, 1971; Schleihauf et al., 1983; Toussaint and Truijens, 2005) and has been applied to the treading water patterns of expert swimmers (Homma, 2005; Sanders, 1999). When a solid surface (here, a hand or a foot) is moved through a fluid, a drag force is generated in the opposite direction of the displacement. This movement creates a difference of pressure between the posterior and the anterior side of the element, thus producing a force in the opposite direction from the axis of displacement. Lift force relies on Bernouilli’s principle that is often illustrated using the analogy of an aircraft wing (Counsilman, 1971; Schleihauf et al., 1983). Aircraft wings are designed in such a way that the shape of the upper surface is more convex than the lower surface. So when in motion, the air molecules on the upper side of the wing have to travel further and therefore faster than those on the lower side. This creates a depression that generates a force perpendicular to the axis of displacement that “lifts” the aircraft. These concepts have served as a basis to explain the complex movement patterns of expert swimmers, especially the lateral movement of the hand which creates propulsion (Schleihauf et al., 1983). Of these two methods of creating propulsive force, lift force is considered to be more efficient than drag force (Homma, 2005; Zielinski, 2001). In addition, generating force more consistently throughout the leg cycle leads to less vertical displacement of the body. These principles serve to justify why, in this study, participants exhibiting lateral, asynchronous movement were considered more efficient than those exhibiting up-down, symmetric movements. These two principles (nature of the force and frequency of the force impulse) provided an interesting means to describe the macroscopic characteristics of the movements (up-down vs lateral, synchronized vs asynchronized movements). As we have explained propulsive forces generated in water rely on somewhat complex biomechanical principles not obvious from mere observation. However, in line with Williams et al. (2006), we expected that the relative motions of the limbs could be perceived from the video and easily classified using the macroscopic descriptors of the typology, a strategy which has proven efficient in past studies (Koedijker et al., 2011). For this endeavor, the accuracy and reliability of the typology was evaluated. The rate of correct classification was 80.1%, with an overall Fleiss’ kappa coefficient of K = 0.69 which represents a substantial agreement between raters (Landis and Koch, 1977). These results showed that scoring consistency (i.e. the ability to correctly identify different pattern types) was quite high. The ability to identify correct patterns on different occasions (occasion-variance) it was necessary to use generalizability theory. According to Mushquash et al. (2006), classical test theory provides an assortment of useful individual methods for assessing reliability (e.g., test–retest, alternate forms, internal consistency, and inter-observer agreement), but it considers only one source of measurement error at a time. Generalizability theory allows one to separate different source of variance, and to outline the interactions between all variance sources. Thus, the power and complexity of generalizability theory increases when additional facets of measurement are included (Strube, 2006), which was the case in this study where two facets (rater and occasion) were assessed. Pertinent studies in education research have reported index of dependability (φ) ranging from 0.6 to 0.96 (Marty et al., 2010; Sluijsmans et al., 2001). The φ coefficient found in our study (0.98) was very high, and suggests that raters were able to classify the pattern type with few errors despite the fact that they had limited experience of analyzing or watching this specific task. Also, the D study indicated that just one rater on one occasion could correctly recognize the pattern type 85.6% of the time, which is above the 80% threshold generally accepted in such studies (Gronlund, 1988; Strube, 2006). This finding shows that raters could reliably assess the behavior when the evaluation occurred just once (Linn et al., 1975). However, this result differs from the study of Marty et al. (2010). Possibly, this is because raters who reviewed the video in our study had to categorize behaviors on the basis of simple macroscopic descriptors, which is apparently easier than grading psychomotor skills on a scale. |