This study compared the muscular activity level and relative activation time in-between two actual backstroke start variants (Figure 1a and 1b). Comparisons were made from the starting signal to the water immersion, underpinned by temporal and angular kinematic data. Our main findings have shown that, independently of the starting phase, all differences between the two variants were considered unclear with magnitude of effect ranging from trivial to moderate in iEMG (Figure 4) and relative activation time (Figure 5), which did not agree with the previous hypothesis established in this study. It was assumed that clear differences between start variants would be observed in upper limbs EMG parameters from the starting signal to the hands-off instant. Secondly, upper and lower limb biarticular muscles were not recruited similarly by the two start variants in hands-off, take-off, flight and entry start phases, in opposite with our initial supposition. To assess iEMG calculation per phase and relative activation time, the absolute starting phase time was assessed in both variants. Like starting phase times, the two start variants did not differ for the starting performance indicator (i.e. 15 m starting time) (Figure 3). These similarities in performance may justify previous observations (de Jesus et al., 2014), that elite backstroke swimmers tend to use both starting variants, independently of the gender and competitive event. Van Soest et al. (1994) stated that performance will be successful as long as starting postures are close to the preferred position and the jumping execution did not seem to be hampered when the movement has to be started from widely different starting positions. Despite those resemblances, different motor profiles might lead to similar performances (Vantorre et al., 2014). In terms of muscular activity, different body geometries assumed at set positioning have affected the EMG signal amplitude in lat-pull down exercise (Andersen et al., 2014), in throwing (Escamilla and Andrews, 2009) and in jumping (Bobbert et al., 2013; Mackala et al., 2013a; 2013b). These findings are often attributed to the effects of muscle length changes on their ability to generate force during high velocity contractions (McGowan et al., 2013; Zajac, 2002). Following the temporal findings, the different handgrip positioning showed an overall similitude between start variants for shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle joint angles at set positioning frame and upper and lower limb EMG parameters throughout the different starting phases. The unclear muscular activation changes during the initial backstroke start phase is probably due to similar intrinsic muscle properties (i.e. muscle length) (McGowan et al., 2013) and seem to reflect similar solicitation of the nervous system as maximal effort is intended (Giroux et al., 2015). As we are dealing with proficient backstroke swimmers, their ability to keep constant the already planned and learned motor task is somewhat prevalent with respect to the necessity to suddenly modify the specific motor task substantially (Camomilla et al., 2009). According to Van Soest et al. (1994) for specific task groups (e.g. explosive leg extensions) a muscle stimulation pattern stored at present in some unspecified form within the central nervous system, which drives to a muscle stimulation pattern that yields successful performance for a wide range of, for instants, starting positions. Complementarily, Rodacki and Fowler (2001) mentioned that the past experiences of individuals could have a meaningful influence on movement output, as they tend to select a stereotyped strategy similar to that previously learnt. In both variants clear differences in upper and lower limb muscles activation between starting phases were observed. Monoarticular muscles have been pointed out to generate more propulsive energy (Zajac, 2002); however, biarticular muscles were already identified as the most important to increase jumping performance (Pandy and Zajac, 1991). This fact reinforce the still remaining contradictions in biarticular muscles role (Cleather et al., 2015; Youm et al., 2009) highlighting the need to study the respective activation in different backstroke start phases, as previously conducted in upper limbs sports (e.g Escamilla and Andrews, 2009). In this study, despite Biceps Brachii and Triceps Brachii have displayed several unclear differences between start phases for the relative muscle activation time, indicating that they were involved in sustaining, propelling and stabilization movements (Hohmann et al., 2008), muscle activity level revealed that these biarticular muscles were more required in specific phases. Regardless of the start variant, Biceps Brachii was more recruited during the flight and entry compared to take-off phase, which might be due to the important glenohumeral stabilizer role. Youm et al. (2009) mentioned that with elbow and forearm movements controlled, Biceps Brachii long head plays an essential active compensatory role in the unstable shoulder. For both start variants, Biceps Brachii also revealed similar iEMG during hands-off and take-off phase, corroborating previous findings in lat pull-down exercises that observed similar Biceps Brachii activation throughout the entire movement (Andersen et al., 2014). Antagonist Triceps Brachii was highly recruited during hands-off and entry compared to the flight phase, suggesting a predominant elbow extension during hands-off followed by the synergistically contraction for shoulder adduction and anterior-posterior stabilization (Hohmann et al., 2008). Biarticular muscles involved in simultaneous joint actions produce less energy themselves, since they are activated to distribute net joint moments to control the direction of force applied externally by the limb (Zajac, 2002). Considering the mono and biarticular lower limb muscles in both variants, only Biceps Femoris relative activation time was consistent throughout the starting phases, corroborating (Takeda et al., 2014) statement that coaches should focus on hip motion during backstroke start. In fact, swimmers are required to extend their hip joint since the hands-off until the entry phase. Possible great activation of Tibialis Anterior during take-off compared to flight phase can be explained by the antagonist co-activation to prevent ankle hyper-extension (Giroux et al., 2015). To date, none research conducted previously to the current study had concerned about the Tibialis Anterior EMG during backstroke start. Gastrocnemius Medialis was confirmed as the most important contributor to the plantar flexor (Giroux et al., 2015; Zajac, 2002) due to the greater activation displayed during take-off rather than in hands-off and flight phase. Pandy and Zajac (1991) noted that the Gastrocnemius Medialis contributed similarly to the monoarticular ankle plantarflexors during to improve vertical jump performance. The slight Rectus Femoris relative activation time at hands-off compared to take-off, flight and entry might be explained by lower limb joint rotations sequence timing, which is initiated by the hip extensors during hands-off phase (Takeda et al., 2014). Following take-off, Rectus Femoris is activated to decelerate hip joint extension during flight phase (Giroux et al., 2015) and to extend the knee during the entry phase to maintain the hole-entry (Takeda et al., 2014). Notwithstanding the originality and relevance of the current data, limitations should be mentioned. Firstly, considering the complexity of our methodology and consistency with previous findings, these results should be considered as preliminary, however important, and used with caution until data on a larger sample can be obtained. Authors recognize that enhanced statistical inference power of results depend upon substantial number of observations, though, ten swimmers is a common mean number used in complex EMG swimming scenarios (Figueiredo et al., 2013; Hohmann et al., 2008; Stirn et al., 2011), being reported noticeable signal variability even in larger sample study designs using normalization procedures (Martens et al., 2015; Pereira et al., 2015). Secondly, five from the six studied muscles have biarticular characteristics (i.e., generating torque, transferring energy and protecting joint passive structures), which are considered to develop less propulsive energy than mono-articular muscles (Zajac, 2002). As contribution of mono and bi-articular muscles were not compared in this study, as previously done for jumping (e.g. Pandy and Zajac, 1991), further researches should analyze if bi-articular muscles display nuanced activity than mono-articular independently of the starting phase. Thirdly, measuring EMG in water is challenging (Martens et al., 2015; Stirn et al., 2011) and findings obtained are considered essential for neuromuscular responses understanding. Nevertheless, it is recommended that further research should integrate EMG, kinematic and kinetic data for better understanding about eventual influence of the new feet wedge on biomechanics of the backstroke start variants. Based on the results reported in this article, it is suggested that similar strength training can be planned for both backstroke start variants; however, coaches should attempt to select proper exercises for muscles activated at different starting phases to enhance neuromuscular function. |