Arcelus J., Witcomb G.L., Mitchell A. (2014) Prevalence of eating disorders amongst dancers: a systemic review and meta-analysis. European Eating Disorders Review 22, 92-101. |
Bergstrom R. L., Neighbors C. (2006) Body image disturbance and the social norms approach: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 25, 975-1000. |
Caspi A., Roberts B.W., Shiner R. L. (2005) Personality development: Stability and change. Annual Review of Psychology 56, 453-484. |
Cassin S.E., von Ranson K.M. (2005) Personality and eating disorders: A decade in review. Clinical Psychology Review 25, 895-916. |
Claes L., Vandereycken W., Luyten P., Soenens B., Pieters G., Vertommen H. (2006) Personality prototypes in eating disorders based on the big five model. Journal of Personality Disorders 20, 401-416. |
Connor-Smith J.K., Flachsbart C. (2007) Relations between personality and coping: a meta-analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93, 1080-1107. |
Cresswell S.L., Eklund R.C., Hanton S., Mellalieu S.D. (2006) Literature reviews in sport psychology. Athlete burnout: conceptual confusion, current research and future research directions. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science Publishers. |
Cumming J., Duda J.L. (2012) Profiles of perfectionism, body-related concerns, and indicators of psychological health in vocational dance students: An investigation of the 2× 2 model of perfectionism. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 13, 729-738. |
Díaz-Marsá M., Luis J., Sáiz J. (2000) A study of temperament and personality in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Journal of Personality Disorders 14, 352-359. |
Ellickson-Larew S., Naragon-Gainey K., Watson D. (2013) Pathological eating behaviors, BMI, and facet-level traits: the roles of conscientiousness, neuroticism, and impulsivity. Eating Behaviors 14, 428-431. |
Ferrand C., Magnan C., Rouveix M., Filaire E. (2007) Disordered eating, perfectionism and body-esteem of elite synchronized swimmers. European Journal of Sport Science 7, 223-230. |
Fingeret M.C., Gleaves D.H. (2004) Sociocultural, feminist, and psychological influences on women's body satisfaction: A structural modeling analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly 28, 370-380. |
Galli N., Reel J.J. (2009) Adonis or Hephaestus? Exploring body image in male athletes. Psychology of Men and Masculinity 10, -. |
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E. (1979) The Eating Attitudes Test: An index of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine 9, 273-279. |
Ghaderi A., Scott B. (2000) The big five and eating disorders: A prospective study in the general population. European Journal of Personality 14, 311-323. |
Harrison K., Hefner V. (2006) Media exposure, current and future body ideals, and disordered eating among preadolescent girls: A longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 35, 146-156. |
Hawkins N., Richards P.S., Granley H.M., Stein D.M. (2004) The impact of exposure to the thin-ideal media image on women. Eating Disorders 12, 35-50. |
Hayes A.F. (2013) An introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. New York. Guilford Press. |
Herman C.P., Polivy J., Baumeister R.F., Vohs K.D. (2004) Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. The self-regulation of eating: Theoretical and practical problems. New York. Guilford Press. |
Hobart J.A., Smucker D.R. (2000) The female athlete triad. American Family Physician 61, 3357-64. |
John O.P., Srivastava S., Pervin L., John O.P. (1999) Handbook of personality: Theory and research. The Big Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives. New York. Guilford. |
Keery H., Shroff H., Thompson J. K., Wertheim E., Smolak L. (2004) The sociocultural internalization of appearance questionnaire adolescent (SIAQ-A): Psychometric analysis and normative data for three countries. Eating and Weight Disorders 9, 56-61. |
Kinsaul J. A., Curtin L., Bazzini D., Martz D. (2014) Empowerment, feminism, and self-efficacy: Relationships to body image and disordered eating. Body Image 11, 63-67. |
Lane H.J., Lane A.M., Matheson H. (2004) Validity of the eating attitude test among exercisers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 3, 244-253. |
MacLaren V.V., Best L.A. (2009) Female students' disordered eating and the big five personality facets. Eating Behaviors 10, 192-195. |
MacLaren V.V., Best L.A. (2010) Nonsuicidal self-injury, potentially addictive behaviors, and the Five Factor Model in undergraduates. Personality and Individual Differences 49, 521-525. |
Mask L., Blanchard C.M. (2011) The protective role of general self-determination against ‘thin ideal’media exposure on women’s body image and eating-related concerns. Journal of Health psychology 16, 489-499. |
McCrae R.R., Costa P.T. (1990) Personality in adulthood. New York. The Guildford Press. |
Miller J.L., Schmidt L. A., Vaillancourt T., McDougall P., Laliberte M. (2006) Neuroticism and introversion: A risky combination for disordered eating among a non-clinical sample of undergraduate women. Eating Behaviors 7, 69-78. |
Mitchell J.E., Crow S. (2006) Medical complications of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 19, 438-443. |
Murnen S. K., Smolak L. (2009) Are feminist women protected from body image problems? A meta-analytic review of relevant research. Sex Roles 60, 186-197. |
Plaisant O, Courtois R., Réveillère C., Mendelsohn G.A., John O.P. (2010) Validation par analyse factorielle du Big Five Inventory français (BFI-Fr) Analyse convergente avec le NEO-PI-R. Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique 168, 97-106. |
Penniment K.J., Egan S.J. (2012) Perfectionism and learning experiences in dance class as risk factors for eating disorders in dancers. European Eating Disorders Review 20, 13-22. |
Petrie T.A., Greenleaf C.A., Tenenbaum G. (2007) Handbook of Sport Psychology. Eating disorders in sport: From theory to research to intervention. Hoboken. Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. |
Preacher K.J., Hayes A.F. (2004) SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers 36, 717-731. |
Rolland J.P. (2004) L'évaluation de la personnalité : le modèle en cinq facteurs. Mardaga. |
Rosendahl J., Bormann B., Aschenbrenner K., Aschenbrenner F., Strauss B. (2009) Dieting and disordered eating in German high school athletes and non-athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 19, 731-739. |
Scoffier S, Maïano C., Arripe-Longueville F. (2010b) The effects of social relationships and acceptance on disturbed eating attitudes in elite adolescent female athletes: the mediating role of physical self-perceptions. International Journal of Eating Disorders 43, 65-71. |
Scoffier S., Paquet Y., Corrion K., d’Arripe-Longueville F. (2010a) French development and validation of the self-regulatory eating attitude in sports scale (SREASS). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport 20, 696-705. |
Sherman R.T., Thompson R.A., Reels J.J., Beals K.A. (2009) The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image. Body image and eating disturbance in athletes: Competing to win or to be thin. Reston: VA. AAHPERD. |
Shroff H., Thompson J.K. (2006) The tripartite influence model of body image and eating disturbance: A replication with adolescent girls. Body Image: An International Journal of Research 3, 17-23. |
Smolak L., Murnen S.K., Ruble A.E. (2000) Female athletes and eating problems: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders 27, 371-380. |
Stice E (1994) Review of the evidence for a sociocultural model of bulimia nervosa and an exploration of the mechanisms of action. Clinical Psychology Review 14, 633-661. |
Thompson J.K., Stice E. (2001) Thin-ideal internalization: Mounting evidence for a new risk factor for body-image disturbance and eating pathology. Current Directions in Psychological Science 10, 181-183. |
Twamley E.W., Davis M.C. (1999) The sociocultural model of eating disturbance in young women: The effects of personal attributes and family environment. Journal of social and clinical psychology 18, 467-489. |
Tylka T.L., Russell H.L., Neal A.A. (2015) Self-compassion as a moderator of thinness-related pressures' associations with thin-ideal internalization and disordered eating. Eating Behaviors 17, 23-26. |
Vartanian L.R. (2009) When the body defines the self: Self-concept clarity, internalization, and body image. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 28, 94-126. |
Vecchione M., Alessandri G., Barbaranelli C., Caprara G. (2012) Gender differences in the Big Five personality development: A longitudinal investigation from late adolescence to emerging adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences 53, 740-746. |
Vohs K.D., Baumeister R.F. (2011) Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. Guilford Press. |
Wade T., Martin N.G., Tiggemann M., Abraham S., Treloar S.A., Heath A.C. (2000) Genetic and environmental risk factors shared between disordered eating, psychological and family variables. Personality and Individual Differences 28, 729-740. |
Arbuckle J.L. (2006) AMOS (version 7.0) [Computer software]. Chicago. SPSS. |
Arcelus J., Witcomb G.L., Mitchell A. (2014) Prevalence of eating disorders amongst dancers: a systemic review and meta-analysis. European Eating Disorders Review 22, 92-101. |
Bergstrom R. L., Neighbors C. (2006) Body image disturbance and the social norms approach: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 25, 975-1000. |
Caspi A., Roberts B.W., Shiner R. L. (2005) Personality development: Stability and change. Annual Review of Psychology 56, 453-484. |
Cassin S.E., von Ranson K.M. (2005) Personality and eating disorders: A decade in review. Clinical Psychology Review 25, 895-916. |
Claes L., Vandereycken W., Luyten P., Soenens B., Pieters G., Vertommen H. (2006) Personality prototypes in eating disorders based on the big five model. Journal of Personality Disorders 20, 401-416. |
Connor-Smith J.K., Flachsbart C. (2007) Relations between personality and coping: a meta-analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93, 1080-1107. |
Cresswell S.L., Eklund R.C., Hanton S., Mellalieu S.D. (2006) Literature reviews in sport psychology. Athlete burnout: conceptual confusion, current research and future research directions. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science Publishers. |
Cumming J., Duda J.L. (2012) Profiles of perfectionism, body-related concerns, and indicators of psychological health in vocational dance students: An investigation of the 2× 2 model of perfectionism. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 13, 729-738. |
Díaz-Marsá M., Luis J., Sáiz J. (2000) A study of temperament and personality in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Journal of Personality Disorders 14, 352-359. |
Ellickson-Larew S., Naragon-Gainey K., Watson D. (2013) Pathological eating behaviors, BMI, and facet-level traits: the roles of conscientiousness, neuroticism, and impulsivity. Eating Behaviors 14, 428-431. |
Ferrand C., Magnan C., Rouveix M., Filaire E. (2007) Disordered eating, perfectionism and body-esteem of elite synchronized swimmers. European Journal of Sport Science 7, 223-230. |
Fingeret M.C., Gleaves D.H. (2004) Sociocultural, feminist, and psychological influences on women's body satisfaction: A structural modeling analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly 28, 370-380. |
Galli N., Reel J.J. (2009) Adonis or Hephaestus? Exploring body image in male athletes. Psychology of Men and Masculinity 10, -. |
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E. (1979) The Eating Attitudes Test: An index of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine 9, 273-279. |
Ghaderi A., Scott B. (2000) The big five and eating disorders: A prospective study in the general population. European Journal of Personality 14, 311-323. |
Harrison K., Hefner V. (2006) Media exposure, current and future body ideals, and disordered eating among preadolescent girls: A longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 35, 146-156. |
Hawkins N., Richards P.S., Granley H.M., Stein D.M. (2004) The impact of exposure to the thin-ideal media image on women. Eating Disorders 12, 35-50. |
Hayes A.F. (2013) An introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. New York. Guilford Press. |
Herman C.P., Polivy J., Baumeister R.F., Vohs K.D. (2004) Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. The self-regulation of eating: Theoretical and practical problems. New York. Guilford Press. |
Hobart J.A., Smucker D.R. (2000) The female athlete triad. American Family Physician 61, 3357-64. |
John O.P., Srivastava S., Pervin L., John O.P. (1999) Handbook of personality: Theory and research. The Big Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives. New York. Guilford. |
Keery H., Shroff H., Thompson J. K., Wertheim E., Smolak L. (2004) The sociocultural internalization of appearance questionnaire adolescent (SIAQ-A): Psychometric analysis and normative data for three countries. Eating and Weight Disorders 9, 56-61. |
Kinsaul J. A., Curtin L., Bazzini D., Martz D. (2014) Empowerment, feminism, and self-efficacy: Relationships to body image and disordered eating. Body Image 11, 63-67. |
Lane H.J., Lane A.M., Matheson H. (2004) Validity of the eating attitude test among exercisers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 3, 244-253. |
MacLaren V.V., Best L.A. (2009) Female students' disordered eating and the big five personality facets. Eating Behaviors 10, 192-195. |
MacLaren V.V., Best L.A. (2010) Nonsuicidal self-injury, potentially addictive behaviors, and the Five Factor Model in undergraduates. Personality and Individual Differences 49, 521-525. |
Mask L., Blanchard C.M. (2011) The protective role of general self-determination against ‘thin ideal’media exposure on women’s body image and eating-related concerns. Journal of Health psychology 16, 489-499. |
McCrae R.R., Costa P.T. (1990) Personality in adulthood. New York. The Guildford Press. |
Miller J.L., Schmidt L. A., Vaillancourt T., McDougall P., Laliberte M. (2006) Neuroticism and introversion: A risky combination for disordered eating among a non-clinical sample of undergraduate women. Eating Behaviors 7, 69-78. |
Mitchell J.E., Crow S. (2006) Medical complications of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 19, 438-443. |
Murnen S. K., Smolak L. (2009) Are feminist women protected from body image problems? A meta-analytic review of relevant research. Sex Roles 60, 186-197. |
Plaisant O, Courtois R., Réveillère C., Mendelsohn G.A., John O.P. (2010) Validation par analyse factorielle du Big Five Inventory français (BFI-Fr) Analyse convergente avec le NEO-PI-R. Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique 168, 97-106. |
Penniment K.J., Egan S.J. (2012) Perfectionism and learning experiences in dance class as risk factors for eating disorders in dancers. European Eating Disorders Review 20, 13-22. |
Petrie T.A., Greenleaf C.A., Tenenbaum G. (2007) Handbook of Sport Psychology. Eating disorders in sport: From theory to research to intervention. Hoboken. Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. |
Preacher K.J., Hayes A.F. (2004) SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers 36, 717-731. |
Rolland J.P. (2004) L'évaluation de la personnalité : le modèle en cinq facteurs. Mardaga. |
Rosendahl J., Bormann B., Aschenbrenner K., Aschenbrenner F., Strauss B. (2009) Dieting and disordered eating in German high school athletes and non-athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 19, 731-739. |
Scoffier S, Maïano C., Arripe-Longueville F. (2010b) The effects of social relationships and acceptance on disturbed eating attitudes in elite adolescent female athletes: the mediating role of physical self-perceptions. International Journal of Eating Disorders 43, 65-71. |
Scoffier S., Paquet Y., Corrion K., d’Arripe-Longueville F. (2010a) French development and validation of the self-regulatory eating attitude in sports scale (SREASS). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport 20, 696-705. |
Sherman R.T., Thompson R.A., Reels J.J., Beals K.A. (2009) The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image. Body image and eating disturbance in athletes: Competing to win or to be thin. Reston: VA. AAHPERD. |
Shroff H., Thompson J.K. (2006) The tripartite influence model of body image and eating disturbance: A replication with adolescent girls. Body Image: An International Journal of Research 3, 17-23. |
Smolak L., Murnen S.K., Ruble A.E. (2000) Female athletes and eating problems: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders 27, 371-380. |
Stice E (1994) Review of the evidence for a sociocultural model of bulimia nervosa and an exploration of the mechanisms of action. Clinical Psychology Review 14, 633-661. |
Thompson J.K., Stice E. (2001) Thin-ideal internalization: Mounting evidence for a new risk factor for body-image disturbance and eating pathology. Current Directions in Psychological Science 10, 181-183. |
Twamley E.W., Davis M.C. (1999) The sociocultural model of eating disturbance in young women: The effects of personal attributes and family environment. Journal of social and clinical psychology 18, 467-489. |
Tylka T.L., Russell H.L., Neal A.A. (2015) Self-compassion as a moderator of thinness-related pressures' associations with thin-ideal internalization and disordered eating. Eating Behaviors 17, 23-26. |
Vartanian L.R. (2009) When the body defines the self: Self-concept clarity, internalization, and body image. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 28, 94-126. |
Vecchione M., Alessandri G., Barbaranelli C., Caprara G. (2012) Gender differences in the Big Five personality development: A longitudinal investigation from late adolescence to emerging adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences 53, 740-746. |
Vohs K.D., Baumeister R.F. (2011) Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. Guilford Press. |
Wade T., Martin N.G., Tiggemann M., Abraham S., Treloar S.A., Heath A.C. (2000) Genetic and environmental risk factors shared between disordered eating, psychological and family variables. Personality and Individual Differences 28, 729-740. |