Research article - (2015)14, 681 - 688 |
No Additional Benefit of Repeat-Sprint Training in Hypoxia than in Normoxia on Sea-Level Repeat-Sprint Ability |
Paul S.R. Goods1,, Brian Dawson1, Grant J. Landers1, Christopher J. Gore2,3, Peter Peeling1 |
Key words: Hypoxic training, simulated altitude, top-up training, team sport |
Key Points |
Sample |
Thirty semi-elite male Australian football athletes from one Western Australian football club were recruited for this investigation; mean [95% Confidence Intervals (CI)] age 20.3 [19.7, 20.9] y, stature 1.84 [1.81, 1.86] m, body mass 81.7 [78.7, 84.7] kg. Two participants failed to complete the study due to injuries unrelated to the ‘top-up’ training intervention; one each from the control and hypoxic intervention groups. Prior to commencement, all participants provided written informed consent. Ethical approval was granted by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Western Australia (RA/4/1/5703). |
Research design |
A single blind, randomised control trial design, incorporating 5 weeks of cycling repeat-sprint ‘top-up’ training, in either a hypoxic or normoxic environment, was used to assess the effects on RSA at sea-level. Participants first completed a cycling RSA test, a running RSA test and a 20 m shuttle run test within 7 d, in a randomised order. All participants were instructed to avoid caffeine intake on the day of each test and to keep food intake consistent before each test. Subsequently, participants were evenly allocated into a control (CON), normoxic training (NORM), or hypoxic training (HYP) group via simple randomisation. There were no significant performance differences between groups for any test prior to commencing training. Subsequently, the NORM and HYP groups trained three times per week for 5 weeks in an environmental chamber, performing cycling repeat-sprint training at either sea-level (NORM) or 3000 m of simulated altitude (HYP). Training was planned in a progressive overload manner as a ‘top-up’ to the regular team sport training. Both groups were blinded to their treatment throughout the trial. The CON group continued to train as usual near sea-level (the altitude of Perth, Western Australia is ~30 m), with no ‘top-up’ sessions completed. Regular team sport training was completed together by all groups, and comprised two 60 min sports specific training sessions per week (small sided games, skill and strategy drills), two 45 min strength training sessions, one circuit-based conditioning training session (15 min each of boxing, aerobic cycling intervals and gym circuit) and one 30 min interval running session performed on sand. As the intervention was performed in the pre-competition phase, no matches were played throughout the training period. After completing the 5 weeks of training, all performance tests were repeated to assess the effect of ‘top-up’ training alone, and ‘top-up’ training in hypoxia on performance. |
Running Repeat-Sprint Ability Test |
This test was performed indoors on a sprung wooden floor. Participants were fitted with a heart rate strap (T31, Polar Electro, Finland), and watch receiver (F1+, Polar Electro, Finland), before they commenced a standardised warm-up, comprising a 2 min jog followed by 3 min of running drills (e.g. high knees, heel flicks) and finally 2 x 20 m submaximal sprints on the test track as a familiarisation. A post-warm-up capillary blood sample was then taken for analysis of blood lactic acid concentration before the test commenced. The running RSA test comprised 3 sets of 6 x 20 m maximal sprints departing every 25 s, each performed from a standing start. Standardised verbal commands were used during each sprint, with times recorded via electronic timing gates (Swift Speed Light Timing System, Swift Performance Equipment, Australia). Upon completing each sprint, participants jogged back to the starting line to commence the next sprint from the common starting end. This test has been used previously (Sim et al., 2009), with excellent test-retest reliability (typical error and coefficient of variance of 0.06 s and 1.8%, respectively, for one set of sprints, and 0.19 s and 1.1% for best 20 m sprint time). Each set was followed by 3 min of passive (standing) and low-intensity (walking) recovery, which included the collection of heart rate, self-rated perceived exertion (Borg’s 6-20 scale; Borg, |
Cycling Repeat-Sprint Ability Test |
A custom made front access cycle ergometer (School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health; University of Western Australia), calibrated prior to use (NATA Ergometer Calibration Rig, Biomed Electronic Services, Australia) was used for the cycling RSA test. Prior to the test, feet were strapped into the pedals and a standardised warm-up comprising 3 min of cycling at 150 W, followed by 3 x 4 s submaximal sprints to familiarise participants with the test protocol was completed. After the warm-up, blood lactate was analysed, and the test commenced 2 min later. The cycling RSA test comprised 3 sets of 6 x 4 s maximal sprints departing every 25 s, performed from a stationary start with the dominant leg forward and parallel to the ground. Standardised verbal commands were used during each sprint. Mean power output and peak power output were recorded for each sprint (Cyclemax, The University of Western Australia, Australia), but not for the subsequent recovery period, which comprised 15 s pedalling at a self-selected intensity followed by 6 s to re-assume the stationary starting position. This protocol was designed to replicate the demands of the running RSA test. Each set was followed by 3 min of self-selected low intensity cycling, where heart rate, blood lactate and perceived exertion were recorded following the final sprint. During this time, participants drank water |
20 m Shuttle Run Test |
This test was also performed indoors on a sprung wooden floor. A standardised warm-up comprising a 2 min jog followed by 3 min of running drills (e.g. high knees, heel flicks) was used pre-test. The shuttle run test was conducted in accordance to the previously established and accepted methods of Leger et al. ( |
Training intervention |
All ‘top-up’ training sessions were performed in the same environmental chamber (mean [CI] temperature and humidity 25.3 [24.9, 25.7] °C and 51 [46.6, 55.4] %, respectively). Simulated altitude in the 40 m3 environmental chamber was achieved through nitrogen injection (flow rate 270 L.min-1, b-Cat BV S879, VPSA S325 V16, Van Amerongen, Biezenwei 6, The Netherlands), creating a normobaric hypoxic environment. The percentage of inspired oxygen for sea-level and 3000 m was 20.9% and 14.5%, respectively. ‘Top-up’ training was performed in groups of 3-5 participants, each using an identical cycle ergometer (M3+ Indoor Cycle, Keiser, USA). Standardised verbal instructions were given throughout each training session. The first session comprised 3 sets of 7 x 5 s maximal sprints (1 repetition and 1 s greater than the cycling RSA test, to overreach testing requirements), with variable recovery times of between 15 s and 35 s between sprints and 3 min of self-selected light active recovery between sets. These training sessions were meant to replicate the duration of high intensity efforts in Australian football, which do not exceed 6 s (Dawson et al. |
Capillary blood samples |
Fingertip capillary blood samples (first drop discarded) were taken during the 1st, 8th and 15th training efforts following the warm-up and immediately after each set of repeated sprints to aid in the estimate of training intensity. A 95 µL sample was collected into a heparinised glass capillary tube (Clinitubes, Radiometer Medical ApS, Denmark) and analysed for blood lactate and oxygen saturation (ABL 735, Radiometer Copenhagen, Denmark). During the cycling and running RSA tests, earlobe capillary blood samples were taken following the warm-up and each set of repeated sprints, then immediately analysed for blood lactate (Lactate Pro, Arkray Global Business Inc., Japan). |
Perception of training environment |
After the last post-training performance test, NORM and HYP participants were verbally asked to nominate in which environment they thought they had trained. |
Statistical analysis |
All data are presented as mean [95% CI]. A between subjects repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify interaction effects between training groups and performance using SPSS analysis software (version 21.0, IBM, USA). Significance was accepted at p≤0.05. Where significant interactions were found, one-way ANOVAs using LSD post-hoc tests were used to clarify any between group differences. Paired samples t-tests were also used to establish within group differences from pre- to post-training. Additionally, changes in performance data between groups were analysed using Cohen’s effect sizes ( |
Training responses |
Mean blood lactate concentrations were not different during training sessions (NORM: 7.3 [6.5, 8.1] mmol.L-1 vs HYP: 7.9 [7.0, 8.8] mmol.L-1; p = 0.60), but blood oxygen saturation values were significantly higher for NORM (97.6 [97.4, 97.8] %) than for HYP (89.3 [89.0, 89.6] %; p = 0.001). |
Perceptual responses |
Six participants from both NORM and HYP groups nominated that they were training in hypoxia, resulting in a 40% correct group assessment for NORM and 67% for HYP. |
Cycling repeat-sprint ability |
No significant differences existed between groups at baseline ( For peak power output, significant improvement for NORM occurred in all three sets (p = 0.002, p = 0.001, and p = 0.0001, respectively), and for HYP improvements in sets 1 (p = 0.028), and 3 (p = 0.041) were noted, with no changes in CON. Significant improvements to peak power output in sets 2 and 3 were found for NORM compared to CON (p = 0.050; After training, a significant time effect across groups existed for a lower heart rate after every set, and for a higher perceived exertion after sets 1 and 2. No significant differences between groups were found for heart rate or perceived exertion ( |
Running repeat-sprint ability |
No significant between group differences existed for running RSA at baseline ( After training, a significant time effect was found for lower blood lactate after set 1 and set 2, as well as lower heart rate following every set. No significant between group differences were found for blood lactate, heart rate or perceived exertion ( |
20 m Shuttle Run Test |
Following training, all three groups significantly increased shuttle number (p < 0.001) with no differences between groups ( |
This study showed that the addition of hypoxia to 5 weeks of ‘top-up’ repeat-sprint training provided no extra benefit to sea-level repeat-sprint performance, compared with the same ‘top-up’ training performed in normoxia. This result concurs with two other team sport RSH training investigations, which found normoxic and hypoxic ‘top-up’ repeat-sprint training equally improved sea-level RSA (Brocherie et al. It is also important to note that cycling ‘top-up’ repeat-sprint training, regardless of environment, demonstrated larger improvements in cycling RSA compared with CON, which reinforces the principle of specificity in training and highlights the importance of team sport athletes performing predominantly running-based training. However, while HYP demonstrated a two-fold improvement in mean sprint time (2.3%) during the running RSA test compared to CON (1.1%), this was very similar to the improvement in NORM (1.8%), and highlights that hypoxia failed to have any impact on performance. Despite demonstrating only a small effect compared to CON, the magnitude of improvements in mean sprint times for running RSA in both HYP and NORM are in agreement with other research investigating the effects of ‘top-up’ running repeat-sprint training (2.1%: Bravo et al. The preferred use of running as a training mode is supported by recent suggestions that RSA enhancements following RSH training may be greater in running compared to cycling (Girard et al. Finally, the ~two-fold greater improvement in overall peak power output during the cycling RSA test for NORM as compared to HYP (with NORM, but not HYP, demonstrating a moderate effect for improved peak power output compared to CON) may reflect a potential limitation of RSH training. Performing repeat-sprint training at altitude may even blunt improvements in maximal power, since the training intensity achieved during RSH is lower than at sea-level (Brosnan et al. A limitation of the current investigation is that no underlying physiological responses to RSH training were measured. Bishop and Girard ( |
The current investigation found that cycling ‘top-up’ RSH training provided no additional benefit to sea-level RSA as compared to the same training performed in normoxia. However, cycle-based ‘top-up’ repeat-sprint training conducted in both hypoxic and normoxic conditions did substantially improve cycling RSA when compared to regular team sport training where no ‘top-up’ stimulus was applied. Regardless, there was no impact of any ‘top-up’ training on running RSA, and therefore, future research into RSH or regular ‘top-up’ repeat-sprint training in team sport athletes should endeavor to use sports-specific running activity. |
The authors would like to acknowledge all participants who took part in this study. The authors declare that no conflicts of interest, past or present, existed throughout this investigation. |