Using a single-subject design protocol, a 36-y old team sport player (1.82 m, 80 kg) performed a series of 30-s runs at a 1% incline on a motorized instrumented treadmill (ADAL3D-WR, MD, HEF Tecmachine, Andrézieux-Boutheon, France): 2 sets of 3 runs at 10 km·h-1, 6 at 17 km/h and 6 at 24 km·h-1) with or without his right ankle taped (aimed at slightly shortening/stiffening the Achilles tendon and in turn, creating a stride imbalance, Figure 1). The player was highly familiar with treadmill running, and had no history of lower-limb injury. Tapping the right side was an arbitrary choice. Given the fact that the player had no history of previous injury, there is no reason to think that the side of the taping would have influenced the outcome of the present study. There was a 45-s rest between each trial to minimize fatigue, and a 3-min break between each set. The duration of each set was therefore ~11-min long. At the end of each run, the player stopped running immediately and placed his feet on each side of the belt while holding the handlebars, before re-loading the treadmill at the end of each rest; the treadmill was never stopped so that the speed could be adjusted for the next run. The order of each run was randomized (e.g., 17, 10, 24, 17, 24, 10, 10, 27 km·h-1, etc.) within each set for each running condition, with the taped condition performed during set 2 and 4. The testing sequence was therefore the following: 3 runs at each speed untaped, 3 runs at each speed taped, 3 runs at each speed untaped and 3 runs at each speed taped. To make sure that the tape effect was consistent and reproducible across set 2 and 4, the same length of tape was used and it was repositioned at the same place on the player’s leg. During the 4 series of runs, the player wore positioned between his scapulars and at the approximate level of T2, a commercially-available GPS unit (SPI HPU, GPSports, Canberra, Australia) with an embedded 100-Hz triaxial accelerometer. The GPS unit was held securely in a manufacturer recommended GPS-vest, as previously described (Aughey, 2011). The GPS unit and imbedded accelerometer was vertically-oriented (Z axis) when the player was standing upright, the Y axis was orientated to forward-backward horizontal movement and the X axis was orientated to the left-right lateral deviations. Similar accelerometer data have shown good reliability when collected on football players during football-specific training exercise (Boyd et al., 2011). Methodology. CT and FT were computed as previously described from both treadmill (based the vertical ground reaction force signal) (Morin et al., 2005) and accelerometers (Gaudino et al., 2013) (Athletic Data Innovations, using the magnitude vector, Figure 2) data by two independent scientists. Both scientists were blind to the data obtained with the other device; the data were then pooled by a third scientist who calculated vertical stiffness for both devices using Morin et al.’s equation (Morin et al., 2005). Briefly, this equation is based on a sine-wave modeling of the vertical ground reaction force during the support phase, and uses CT, FT and subject’s body mass as computation inputs. Vertical reaction force data obtained with the treadmill were sampled at 1000 Hz during a 30-s period. For each run, after appropriate filtering (Butterworth-type 30 Hz low-pass filter, based on pilot residual analyses), instantaneous values of vertical ground reaction force were analyzed for 10 consecutive steps. CT and FT were determined for each step using a 30 N threshold (Figure 2, once strides were stabilized, i.e., generally after the initial 10-12 steps). The accelerometer-derived data was processed using a fourth-order Butterworth filter (20-Hz cut-off, sampling frequency 100 Hz) aimed at reducing signal noise. Detection algorithms (Athletic Data Innovations) were used to recognize foot strikes based on the magnitude vector and the relationship between the Y and Z components of the accelerometer data. Due to the alignment of the unit on the subject’s upper back, the axial components of the accelerometer data are not truly vertical or frontal, but change with the varying orientation of the subject’s torso. The side of the foot strike (left vs. right) was assigned using a two-pass algorithm (Athletic Data Innovations) utilizing primarily the X component of the accelerometer. CT and FT were calculated using the filtered accelerometer-derived data by determining the time between the ‘foot strike start positon’ and the ‘foot strike end position’ (CT) using the previously mentioned detection algorithm. Consequently, the time between the ‘foot strike end position’ and the next ‘foot strike start position’ were used to determine FT. To increase the sample size and allow a correlation analysis with sufficient statically power representative of the wide range of steps encountered during training and matches, the data from the 18 runs were then pooled together for analysis (3 speeds x 6 runs x 10 steps = 180 steps). |