Research article - (2015)14, 799 - 810 |
Physiological Demands of Simulated Off-Road Cycling Competition |
Gerhard Smekal1, Serge P. von Duvillard2,, Maximilian Hörmandinger1, Roland Moll1, Mario Heller3, Rochus Pokan1, David W. Bacharach4, Linda M. LeMura5, Paul Arciero6 |
Key words: Off-road cycling, mountain biking, oxygen uptake, power output, lactate, heart rate |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Twenty-four healthy male competitive off-road cyclists (mean ± SD: age 29 ± 7.2 years, height: 1.79 ± 0.05 m, body mass: 70.0 ± 4.9 kg, VO2peak: 64.9 ± 7.5 ml·kg-1·min-1) participated in this study. Athletes participating in this study ranged from competitive amateur racers (5 subjects) to competitive athletes with national ranking (18 subjects). Additionally, one “high performance athlete” (HPA) (age: 26 years, height: 1.84 m, body mass: 75.0 kg, VO2peak: 79.9 ml·kg-1·min-1) that had been in the top 10 of the 2012 Olympic Games volunteered for this study. Subjects were asked to refrain from intense training within 48 h before all tests. Furthermore, the athletes had to record nutritional intake and fluid consumption during a period of 48 h prior to both tests and were asked to utilize the same procedure prior to both trials (LabT, COMP). The University of Vienna Ethics Committee approved the study and all subjects agreed and signed an informed consent prior to participation. |
Laboratory Tests (LabT) |
One-minute incremental cycle ergometer tests to maximal voluntary exhaustion were conducted on an electronically braked cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur Sport, Groningen, Netherlands) according to performance level of the subjects. Based on previous exercise tests LabT were designed to last between 15 to 20 min (starting load 20W; increment size 20 W·min-1, 25 W·min-1 or 30 W·min-1). During each trial, participants pedaled at their preferred cadence between 70 to 100 rev·min-1. VO2peak was determined as the highest mean 30 s value calculated from breath-by-breath measures during LabT. Tests were administered one week prior to the simulated COMP. Respiratory gas measures were conducted using a wireless portable ergo-spirometry system (Oxycon Mobile Pro, Jäger, Würzburg, Germany) in breath-by-breath mode. Volume and gas calibration of the portable system was conducted before each test according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. In both test series’ (LabT and COMP) BLa was determined utilizing a fully enzymatic-amperometric method (Eppendorf ESAT 6666, Hamburg, Germany). HR was determined by means of a chest-belt telemetry monitor (Polar Mod. T61, Kempele, Finland) transmitted to the portable system. LabT was utilized to determine PO, VO2, HR, VE, RER and BLa at maximal workload and respiratory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) ( |
Mountain Bike Competition/”Cross Country” (COMP) |
The COMP was conducted in a wooded area, on a hilly, rocky, single trail with many roots and curves. The entire COMP was divided into four identical laps. The distance for one lap was 6,087 ± 69 m ( All COMP’s were performed using an identical cycle (Mountain-Bike: Specialized Epic Comp 2005, Morgan Hill, California, USA; frame: Epic-FSR-M4 Aluminum; suspension strut: Specialized AFR inertia, Brain Fade; suspension fork: Fox F100 RL, Specialized). All subjects were equipped with a powermeter and the identical portable spirometry system during LabT. During the COMP, data collection was conducted utilizing the same spirometry system as during the LabT. A powermeter (SRM/MTB, Jülich, Germany) allowed for on-line measures of power output and cadence during COMP. Both systems were synchronized and data were sampled in time intervals of 5 s. During COMP field variables were measured (RT, POCOMP, HRCOMP, VO2COMP, VECOMP, RERCOMP, BLaCOMP and cadence (see |
Statistical analyses |
Statistical analyses were conducted using Statistica Software (Version 6.0, StatSoft, Inc. Tulsa, OK, USA). The results were expressed as mean ± SD. Measure of the linear correlation between two variables was calculated using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Normal distribution of the sample was evaluated utilizing Shapiro-Wilk-Test in all cases. Evaluation of differences between means of field variables recorded during the four laps as well as recorded during uphill, nearly flat and downhill cycling was conducted by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. Post-hoc comparison was made by employing the Least Significance Test. A k-means cluster analysis for three clusters based on RTMBC was used to separate data into three groups of subjects with different sport-specific performance capacity. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey HSD tests were employed to detect significant differences between clusters (for field as well as for laboratory variables). |
Values of field-testing (COMP) are also reported for the HPA ( In approximately 12% of entire RT, we found no or low PO (less than 30 Watt) determined from the SRM powermeter. When manually eliminating phases of no or low PO from 5 s measures (phases of rolling, downhill riding, and racing through sharp turns) the average POCOMP of athletes increased from 2.64 ± 0.43 W·kg-1 to 3.13 ± 0.49 W·kg-1 and from 3.52 W·kg-1 to 4.11 W·kg-1 for the HPA, respectively. The entire data set of 24 subjects with a broad range of performance capacities was additionally divided into three groups based on RTCOMP (k-means cluster analysis for three clusters based on RT). The ANOVA and Tukey HSD-test revealed significant differences in RTCOMP between the three groups (p < 0.001 in all cases; see We were additionally interested in the question of whether a faster RTCOMP resulted in higher metabolic responses. When calculating a correlation between RTCOMP vs. variables of energy demand of COMP (POCOMP, VO2COMP, VECOMP, HRCOMP, BLaCOMP) we found a significant negative correlation between RTCOMP vs. POCOMP (p < 0.001; We further analyzed POCOMP, VO2COMP, and RCOMP when expressed as percentages of corresponding variables during LabTs. Mean POCOMP was 61.9% of POVT2 and 47.2% of POmax, whereas VO2COMP was 112% of VO2VT2 and 88% of VO2peak and HRCOMP was 102% of HRVT2 and 90% of HRmax. Calculating differences by one-way ANOVA with repeated measures (post-hoc Least Significance Test), we found the percentages for PO were significantly lower than that detected for VO2 and HR (p < 0.001 in all cases). The following values were found for the HPA: POCOMP 67.8% of POVT2; 54.2% of POmax; VO2COMP 112% of VO2VT2; 89% of VO2peak and HRCOMP 102% of HRVT2; and 91% of HRmax. The comparison of COMP and LabT data for all subjects are also presented in Our COMP trail was divided into three sections with different gradients, uphill, flat and downhill terrain ( Finally, we assessed performance measurements of COMP (RTCOMP and POCOMP) to endurance measures of LabT to determine the relationship and association of these variables. We calculated the correlation between RTCOMP and PCOMP and endurance variables of LabT (PO and VO2) determined at maximal workload and at VT1 and VT2 ( The association between sport specific performance of COMP (RTCOMP) and results of LabT are also supported by our clusters showing that in the cluster with the shortest RTCOMP (good performance; |
The main aim of this study was to assess load profile of COMP (“Cross Country”). To our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating oxygen costs of an entire COMP using open circuit spirometry. Combining VO2 with measures of PO, HR and blood lactate may provide additional information about the external workload and metabolic response of athletes performing COMP. Our group of competitive MB cyclists and a single high level professional MB cyclist were used for that purpose. Regarding the mean VO2peak determined from our LabT ( The mean maximal power (POmax) determined from LabT for all subjects in our investigation ( The data determined for the HPA ( We additionally determined VO2 and PO at VT1 and at VT2 ( |
Characteristics of the COMP trail and racing time |
The COMP trail was a rocky, hilly single trail with many roots and stones in a wooded area. The entire distance consisted of four identical laps ( |
Physiological profile of COMP/VO, HR |
The average VO2COMP calculated for all subjects was 57.0 ml·kg-1·min-1 or 12.0% lower than the VO2peak determined in LabT, and 13.1% higher than the V̇O2VT2 ( However, these data refer to the fact that riders during cross-country MB exhibit a considerable high intensity. This observation is in line with findings reported by Impellizzeri et al. ( The findings of high oxygen costs of MB are supported by the VO2 time duration. Expressing the total time spent at various percentage bands (10% bands) as percentages of peak values determined from LabTs, the highest intensity band for VO2COMP ( Regarding the respiratory gas exchange measures, only a few papers are comparable to our study. To our knowledge, only a single investigation is currently available that measured VO2 during a short phase of MB cycling (Fraiss et al. The HRCOMP ( When assessing HR times ( |
Physiological measures of COMP/PO, BLa, cadence |
The component of POCOMP was substantially different compared to variables of cardiopulmonary demands and VO2 of COMP (VO2COMP and HRCOMP). The relative POCOMP calculated for all subjects (2.66 ± 0.43 W·kg-1; see also However, the relatively low values of POCOMP in our group of cyclists were also influenced by the periods of cycling where there was no or very low force production applied to the pedals, particularly during the downhill portion ( As previously mentioned, the increase in VO2COMP and HRCOMP may be attributed to the larger muscle mass simultaneously working to fulfill the demand of MB. It cannot be ruled out that blood flow to lower limbs may have been reduced (Volianitis et al., The blood lactate concentration (BLaCOMP) (mean of four laps) was 5.98 ± 1.38 mmol·l-1 ( Concerning cadence during COMP, there were no significant differences with respect to laps ( |
Relationship between RT vs. other study variables of field testing |
It is not surprising that faster RTCOMP resulted in higher load profiles, a finding that has been documented by significant correlations found between RTCOMP vs. POCOMP, VO2COMP, VECOMP and HRCOMP. There was no evidence of an influence of BLaCOMP and cadence associated with RTCOMP. Despite the above described differences between POCOMP and VO2COMP, these two variables were significantly and positively correlated. In addition, VECOMP was correlated with POCOMP, indicating higher ventilatory effort with higher workload. |
Association between LabT and COMP variables |
We further found that endurance variables were credible predictors for sport specific performance of RTCOMP and POCOMP. This statement is supported by significant correlations between RTCOMP and PCOMP and variables of aerobic power (LabT; Finally we want to refer to some limitations. As mentioned before, the average RTCOMP due to loading capacity of the batteries (time for warming up and calibration procedure of the spirometry system, for slowly cycling to the starting point and for performing COMP) was somewhat shorter than specified for a Cross-Country Olympic Competition. Furthermore, within the UCI guidelines, there is a considerable variation concerning the characteristics of a course. Our course (chosen by two semi professional MB trainers) was very rocky with many roots and curves. Participants (including the HPA) described the trail as competitive and technically selective. However, the question is whether data derived from only a single course really reflects the broad spectrum possible for cross-country cycling competitions. We also have to concede that all athletes used the same MB cycle for COMP. This approach seemed practicable, since an accurate service and preparation of equipment (SRM system and cycle) could be completed on evenings prior to tests. Only a short warm-up phase of approximately 10 min remained for participants to become acquainted with the MB cycle (however, during the entire phase of COMP measures there was no critique about the cycle). |
The present study resulted in the following main findings: 1) HR and BLa measures were not sufficiently sensitive to ascertain the load profiles of COMP. Therefore, respiratory gas and power output measures are helpful to provide new insights to the physiological profile of cross-country cycling. 2) During COMP, very high oxygen costs exist, probably influenced by the high muscle mass simultaneously working to fulfill the demands of the COMP. On the other hand, based on data determined from LabT (maximum, VT1 and VT2) POCOMP turned out to be lower when compared to VO2COMP, likely caused by phases of no or very low force production applied to the pedals (particularly during the downhill phases), by the rocky trail with many roots and stones forcing athletes to react with caution and maybe also by a lower blood flow and leg muscle oxygenation due to the recruitment of a high number of muscle groups. 3) An excellent endurance cycling ability appears to be a prerequisite for COMP, but good sport-specific abilities are also needed for successful off-road cycling. 4) Data determined from LabT might be utilized to describe semi-specific abilities of MB athletes on a cycle ergometer, while data originating from COMP might be useful when designing MB-specific training. 5) Our data only measured a single MB trail, hardly reflective of the broad spectrum of possible cross-country courses. Therefore, generalization of these results is limited. |
Authors declare no conflict of interest. |