The main findings of the study were as follows: a) significant jump height reduction in Post 2 but not in Post 1, b) significant timing alterations in tECC as opposed to tCON, c) altered timing in FzCON (though its magnitude did not change), d) a more pronounced peak magnitude alteration in Fx than in Fz (instantaneous mechanics and ensemble averaged curves) and e) force-velocity and force-length alterations, as indicated by the Fz-Velocity and Fz-Displacement loops, respectively. θ¤he running speed (9.7 ± 2.3 km·hour-1) cannot be compared with previous studies due the lack of mountain half-marathon data. The mean running speed of the present mountain half-marathon is higher than the mean speeds of 5.4 km·hour-1 (Temesi et al., 2014), 4.2 km·hour-1 (Morin et al., 2011) and 2.7 km·hour-1 (Vernillo et al., 2014), reported for ultra-marathons. Heart rate remained steady at a level of 90 ± 5% of the age-predicted maximum heart rate (HRMAX), which was higher than that observed in longer mountain running distances (85 u 3% HRMAX, 95 km) (Lazzer et al., 2014) but similar to the one observed in shorter mountain distances (90 ± 4% HRMAX, 15.6 km) (Easthope et al., 2014). Maintenance of a steady heart rate was accomplished by adjusting running speed to the ground slope (increasing in downhill slopes and decreasing in uphill slopes), which may be associated to the mechanism of pacing strategy regulation (Tucker and Noakes, 2009). Along with their satisfaction of completing the race, the last 8 km downhill at 9.9% slope may explain the runners’ perception of fatigue as medium because this slope approaches the metabolically optimal running grade and requires minimum energy expenditure (Snyder et al., 2012). The decrease in post-race jump height was expected due to the functional alterations and the reduced maximal force-generating capacity induced by prolonged high-intensity running (Millet et al., 2002; Saugy et al., 2013; Vernillo et al., 2015). The jump height reductions in Post 1 (-4.1%, non significant) and Post 2 (-7.9%, significant) were smaller than the significant jump height decrease after a 65 km mountain ultra-marathon (-15.6%, Millet et al., 2000), a 28.4 km flat circuit (-10%, Lepers et al., 2000), as well as, the significant (-8.8%, Petersen et al., 2007) and non significant (-7%, Nicol et al., 1991) reduction after a road marathon. The lack of significant jump height decrease in Post 1 may be associated with the counteraction of fatigue by the phenomenon of post-activation potentiation, as a result of the prolonged eccentric muscle actions during the last downhill part of the race (Hodgson et al., 2005; Tillin and Bishop, 2009). The existence of concurrent fatigue and potentiation has been previously reported after fatiguing endurance running, where the jump height was increased while, at the same time, the peak force was decreased (Boullosa et al., 2011). The mechanism is yet to be determined with regard to distance runners, however, the post-activation potentiation profile after fatiguing running exercises appears to be protocol dependent (Bullosa and Tuimil, 2009). Thus, in protocols inducing mechanical rather than metabolic fatigue due to high eccentric force requirements and relatively low energy demand, as the last downhill part of the present race, one could possibly argue for potentiation counteracting fatigue (Bogdanis, 2012; Newham et al., 1987). In Post 1 of the present study, jump height was maintained despite the eccentric mechanics impairment, as those were denoted by the decrease of Fx (-18%) and Velocity (-11%), which might possibly be a mountain running dependence of potentiation profile. For certain, the association between fatigue, endurance running and post-activation potentiation cannot be substantiated in the present study; however, it constitutes an issue that warrants further investigation. In studies investigating potential alterations of vertical jump performance, the anterio-posterior jump mechanics are not usually examined. Given the reduced jump height, the observed post-race Fx reduction cannot be explained as a more vertical jump but rather as the product of insufficient horizontal momentum that could, in turn, be converted into potential energy. The Fx-time curve denotes this reduction at time intervals that are critical for full bodyweight dynamic control, with the Fx-Displacement loop denoting a lowered workload throughout the total contact duration. A number of studies (Bobbert and Van Ingen Schenau, 1988; Bobbert et al., 2002; Fourchet et al., 2012; Jones and Caldwell, 2003) suggest that muscle fatigue may affect the execution of the vertical jump with regard to the anterior-posterior direction of the movement. For instance, forward movement may be restricted, meaning that the fatigued hip extensors avoid configurations requiring strong posterior acceleration (Bobbert and Van Ingen Schenau, 1988; Jones and Caldwell, 2003). Similarly, the fatigued tibialis anterior re restricts the forward movement of the body to prevent the requirement for posterior acceleration and to align the ground reaction force line of action with the centre of pressure (Bobbert and Van Ingen Schenau, 1988; Jones and Caldwell, 2003). The fatigued plantar flexors may also restrict foot rotation (Bobbert et al., 2002) and the forward movement of the centre of pressure along the base of the foot (Jones and Caldwell, 2003). In mountain distance running, plantar flexors become more fatigued compared to dorsi flexors (Fourchet et al., 2012). This imbalance may prevent alignment of the ground reaction force with the centre of pressure. The variable terrain of a mountain race may increase muscle fatigue through unpredicted and continuously changing postural control requirements (Degache et al., 2014), a condition that may partially account for the significant alterations of the anterior-posterior component of the ground reaction force. The alteration in the timing of the jump variables is of particular importance. The limited studies on CMJ performance after mountain running do not provide timing data. In a road marathon study, a decrease in CMJ height (-8.8%) was accompanied with an almost triple increase of eccentric (+21%) over total (+7.3%) contact phase (Petersen et al., 2007). A short eccentric phase is a prerequisite for stretch-induced force enhancement, increased conservation of elastic energy (Saunders et al., 2004) and greater force potentiation (Van Ingen Schenau et al., 1997). Despite the decrease in jump height, the fatigued jumps of the present study were performed with the same relative timing of total contact duration, which is in agreement with previous studies reporting insignificant changes of the eccentric and concentric contact phases in fatigued CMJs (Rodacki et al., 2002). However, a robust template motor program irrespective of fatigue (Rodacki et al., 2002) cannot be completely implemented, due to the altered relative timing of the variables within the time limits of the eccentric and the concentric jump phases. A problem when individuals execute vertical jumps is the efficient transfer of the trunk and lower body rotational energies into the maximum vertical take-off velocity (Bobbert and Van Ingen Schenau, 1988). For the production of the required rotational energy under fatigued conditions, it is critical that the changes of motor template still allow for an optimal timing of segmental displacement. A timing alteration may influence vertical jump performance by disrupting the time difference between the segmental acceleration maxima (Hochmuth, 1975). Timing alteration may also decrease the sharpness in the activation of the muscles, leading to poor use of mechanical energy and increased metabolic energy in the completion of the movement (Luhtanen and Komi, 1978). The earlier timing of Fx, Velocity and Power whithin tECC, highlights the altered timing pattern during the eccentric phase of the jump, which most likely reflects an increased passive muscle stiffness (Ishikawa et al., 2006), triggering an earlier decrease in the body’s gravitational descent. The later timing of Fz within the concentric phase of the jump may be attributed to reduced strength (Cormie et al., 2009) or lower eccentric velocity (Harman et al., 1990). Of particular interest is the opposite direction in the altered timing of Fz during tECC (earlier in tCONTACT) and during tCON (later in tCONTACT). The expansion of the time interval defined by the Fz peaks in tECC and tCON is most possibly associated with the delay between the eccentric and the concentric muscle actions, clarifying a fatigued stretch-shortening cycle (Nicol et al., 2006). This relative time expansion also shows an altered force-velocity relation, as depicted in the Fz-Velocity loop (Fig. 5), which results from the change in the timing rather than the magnitude of the produced vertical force. An altered force-length relationship is most likely indicated in the modified Fz-Displacement loop, probably due to the downhill sections of the race that impose a prolonged workload on the knee extensors over a greater muscle length (Mizrahi et al., 2001). The coexisting alterations in the Fz-Velocity and the Fz-Displacent loops denote that half-marathon mountain running induces fundamental changes in the vertical jump muscle mechanics. These changes lead to lower post-race jump height, while at the same time, a greater workload (Fz-Displacement loop) and greater power (Power-Displacement loop) are produced during the late part of the concentric phase, where the body must return to the initial position of zero displacement. Considering that peak velocity in the eccentric phase of the CMJ also decreases post-race, the observed alterations in the Fz-Velocity and Fz-Displacement loops may also be associated with lower acceleration levels at the beginning of, and throughout the concentric phase of the jump (Cormie et al., 2009). |