Research article - (2016)15, 585 - 591 |
Accelerometer Load Profiles for Basketball-Specific Drills in Elite Players |
Xavi Schelling1, Lorena Torres1,2, |
Key words: Acceleration, physical demands, training drills, monitoring, team sport |
Key Points |
Participants |
A convenience sample of twelve professional male basketball players from a single Spanish 1st Division League club (age: 25.0 ± 4.3 y; height: 1.97 ± 0.09 m; weight: 93.4 ± 12.0 kg; fat%: 13.8 ± 2.5 %) participated in the study. At the time of the study (in-season period), the players were training for 12 hours per week (h.wk-1). All players and coaches were informed of the research protocol, requirements, benefits and risks, and their written consent was obtained before the study began. There were no players under the age of 18 years old. The local Institutional Research Ethics Committee approved this study, and it conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki (Harriss et al., |
Experimental design |
This longitudinal and observational study was conducted during the 2013–2014 Spanish competitive basketball season. Data were collected from basketball team training sessions, performed throughout a 4-week period, during the in-season period (November-December). A total of 16 basketball-specific team-training sessions were chosen for the analysis, where a total of 1139 training observations were analysed, involving a total of 95 ± 33 drills (mean ± SD per player (range: 31 to 123). The mean duration of the drills was 6.3 ± 3.7 minutes. During these practice sessions, groups of teammates, and opponents were varied randomly. These court-based training sessions were designed and supervised by coaching staff to elicit skill, tactical, and physical goals. These were classified according to the confrontation format in terms of the number of players (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5) and the court size (full and half court). |
Procedures |
The team weekly schedule included: ~8 h.wk-1 basketball practice [one or two shoot-around sessions (45–90 min.wk-1), five or six skill and tactical team sessions (525–625 min.wk-1)], ~4 h.wk-1 physical conditioning [two or three strength sessions, one high-intensity interval training session], one game, and one recovery session the day after the game. All training sessions started with a standardized warm-up and ended with a standardized cool-down. These periods were excluded from the analysis. All practice sessions were performed on the same regulation court under similarly controlled environmental conditions. The usual verbal encouragement from the head coach was allowed during sessions. Players were allowed to consume water Acceleration data, interpreted as external load, were obtained from a tri-axial accelerometer (X8-mini; 16-bit; Gulf Coast Data Concepts, USA). This device is 51 x 23 x 13 mm, weighs 17 g, and was set up at a 100-Hz sampling rate. The accelerometer was located on the player’s hip between the belly and the right iliac crest and fixed to the elastic waist of the sport shorts. This location has been shown to provide the best results for whole body movement, as it is close to the player’s center of mass (Cleland et al., The instantaneous data from all 3 axes (x, y, and z) were integrated into a resultant vector through the Cartesian formula √[(xn – xn–1)2 + (yn – yn–1)2 + (zn – zn–1)2]. The straight addition of the instantaneous change of rates of resultant accelerations (also known as jerk) over time represented the acceleration load for a drill or activity (AL). To reduce the value for ease of use, the result was multiplied by a scaling factor of 0.01. All data were expressed over time, per minute of activity (AL.min-1). The validity and reliability of measuring team sport 3-dimensional movements via tri-axial accelerometer has been shown previously (Barrett et al., |
Statistical analysis |
Descriptive statistics was performed using mean and standard deviations. Parameters were log-transformed to reduce bias due to the non-uniformity of error and analysed using a customized Excel spreadsheet (Hopkins |
The main results of the present study showed that, for all players pooled, the higher values were identified when playing full-court 3v3 and 5v5 scrimmage drills, and the lowest when playing 4v4 (see First, for full court, differences ranged between small and moderate, most likely with lower values when comparing 2v2 versus 3v3 and 5v5 (~35%), and 4v4 compared with 5v5 (~30%) (see |
The aim of this research was to objectively quantify the workload using microtechnology (i.e., accelerometers) during basketball-specific training drills, according to different confrontation formats, and court size, in professional male basketball players. Our results revealed that full-court 3v3 and 5v5 have the highest physical demand (external load) compared to other traditional balanced basketball drills (2v2 and 4v4). Moreover, visual inspections in the descriptive analysis by playing position showed that guards reached the highest acceleration load results, irrespective the drill performed. The present findings confirm previous results reported by Montgomery et al. ( When we considered the drills on half-court, 2v2 and 5v5 showed the highest acceleration loads. Taking into account that in this study 1v1 drills were not analysed because they were not included over the data sampling period, having the 2v2 as the drill with higher acceleration load matches with the small-sided game principle that states the relationship between having a fewer number of players involved in a drill and a higher intensity (Castagna et al., In our exploratory data by playing position, our descriptive results showed higher acceleration loads for point-guards. These results would match two logical principles: 1) the smaller the player, the lower the body mass, and the easier to accelerate with less applied force (force = mass . acceleration; acceleration = force . mass-1). In this regard, it seems reasonable to use a scaling factor such as body mass or body mass index to minimize those differences between players, and to obtain an individualized external load; and 2) the tactical principles of basketball usually imply that playing zones for big players are more reduced than the ones for small players, meaning that small players usually have to cover more distance per play or possession for tactical reasons. As previously reported in other team sports such as Australian Football, the identification of position-specific acceleration profiles would assist coaches and staff members, as well as sports scientist, to develop position-specific dependent drills aimed to improve players conditioning (Varley et al., Previous research reported that internal training load model (i.e. based on physiological variables) measures largely different than the accelerometer-based training load model in basketball players (Scanlan et al., Further research should investigate whether data obtained from wearable michrotechnology (i.e., accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers) can be used to classify and quantify basketball activities, such as running activities, jumps, and potential asymmetries (Wundersitz et al., A potential limitation of the current study is the sample size; however, subjects were recruited from the Spanish 1st Division (ACB League), which constitutes a small exclusive convenience sample. The study results are unique in professional basketball players of this level, and it should be taken into account that the training procedures were not modified in any way during the present investigation. |
In conclusion, the results of this study revealed full-court 3v3 and 5v5 showed the highest external workload, measured by tri-axial accelerometer. According to playing position, and commonly related to body size, the smaller the player, the higher the acceleration load, which could be explained by the fact that the lower the body mass, the easier to accelerate with less applied force. Further studies with a larger sample are required to verify these findings. Systematic monitoring of the physical demands during both training and competition would likely improve basketball drill description and classification, as well as a more accurate training periodization. |
The authors of this article are grateful to the team technical staff and the players for their help and collaboration. The authors would like to thank B. Gonçalves for his help concerning the use of qualitative statistical analysis, and also to the reviewers for their constructive criticism. The authors declare there was no financial assistance with the preparation of this manuscript nor was there any financial assistance for data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation. |