The main aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a curcumin and piperine supplementation on the muscle function recovery kinetics after exercise-induced muscle damage. As the exercise task used to induce muscle damage was new and has never been used before with this population, it is required to check that this exercise induced muscle damage before analysing the effect of the supplementation. The measurements to quantify typical symptoms (muscle weakness, muscle pain, increased muscle stiffness, muscle swelling) of muscle damage are commonly used as markers of muscle damage (Nosaka, 2011). A loss of muscle function is considered to be the best marker to quantify muscle damage (Warren et al. 1999). In the current study, the muscle function was impaired up to 48h following the exercise. There was a moderate effect on the concentric peak torque up to 48h (-8.2%, ES = -1.12; CI90%: -2.17 to -0.06), there was a small effect on the CMJ up to 48h after the exercise (-13.9%, ES = -0.44; CI90% = -0.73 to -0.15) and a large effect on the mean power developed during the one leg 6s sprint up to 48h after the exercise (-22.9%, ES = -1.65; CI90% = -2.51to -0.80). Some other indirect markers of muscle damage are also used: delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and an increase in blood markers such as creatine kinase. In the curent study, there was a large effect of the exercise on the muscle soreness up to 48h (+106,7%, ES = 3.0 ; CI90% = 0.57 to 5.58). The blood content in CK was largely higher up to 72h in the control group (+221,2%, ES = 3.61; CI90%: 0.24 to 6.98). According to Nosaka et al. (2011) criteria, the loss of muscle function up to 48h after the exercise combined with elevated muscle soreness 2 days after the exercise and the elevation in creatine kinase up to 72h after the exercise in the control condition tend to indicate that the exercise task chosen induced muscle damage. The main results show that there was a moderate effect in favor of the supplementation of the curcumin and piperine combination on the loss of one leg 6 s sprint mean power output 24h after the exercise (ES = -1.12; CI90% = -1.86 to -0.29). However, this result is counterbalanced by the absence of effect of the supplementation on muscle force outcomes measured with an isokinetic dynamometer and the absence of effect of the supplementation on the blood creatine kinase level. This may be explained by the fact that the exercise-induced muscle damage here was from a ‘global’ exercise, which involved a larger neuromuscular recruitment pattern than was required for the isokinetic and isometric tests. This could explain why the only positive effect of supplementation was detected on the 6s one leg sprint test, as the movement pattern needed for this test was the closest to the movement performed during the exercise task inducing muscle damage. During a downhill sprint, there is a strong eccentric activity of the hip extensors and knee extensors (Eston et al., 1995), which are the most activated parts of the lower limb during a sprint (Simonsen et al., 1985). The results concerning this one leg sprint could reflect better than an isokinetic test the effects of the exercise and of the supplementation on the loss of muscle function. Moreover, the 6s one leg sprint test showed the highest level of reproducibility, as calculated in this study, which allows to be confident in the results found with this test. The results of this study confirm those found by Tanabe et al. (2015) where the muscle damage induced by exercise was attenuated with curcumin supplementation. Tanabe et al. (2015) showed that after 50 eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors, the use of Theracurmin before and 12h after the exercise significantly reduced the loss of strength of the elbow flexors immediately post-exercise, although there was no effect on creatine kinase blood concentration measured at 48h, 72h and 96h after the exercise. One of the limitations of this study was the muscle damage recovery kinetics, which was relatively quick. Some of the muscle damage markers, such as the muscle function, were not impaired anymore 72h after the exercise. These results could come from the level of the population tested (i.e. elite rugby players). However, it also corresponds to the time course of muscle damage recovery markers obtained after some soccer matches or simulated matches (Nédelec et al., 2012). Consequently, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the effect of the supplementation 3 days after exercise induced muscle damage. The confidence intervals in the results recorded here are very large and may be linked to the small sample size of the study. The statistical power was calulated at posteriori and reached 80% only on the sprint mean power output, but was slightly below 80% on all the other outcomes measured. It is possible that with a larger sample size, other positive effects of supplementation could have been detected. Moreover, as this study was a cross over study, the participants were evaluated on one leg in each condition and there may have been a repeated bout effect with a faster recovery in the second condition in comparison with the first one. To counteract this possible effect, the period between the two conditions should have been longer, but as this study was conducted with elite athletes, it was not possible to ask them to wait 6 weeks or more between the two conditions. However, the design of the study limits the impact of this possible repeated bout effect on the results, as the number of participants was equal in each group and was balanced by starting an equal number with the curcumin and piperine or the placebo in the first phase. The one leg 6s sprint test has never been validated as a test to evaluate muscle damage. However, as explained above, it was necessary to use a test that allows to sollicitate knee and hip extensor of the evaluated leg, as these muscle groups are the ones which were eccentrically sollicitated during the downhill exercise (Eston et al., 1995). Even if this test has never been validated, the performance on the one leg 6s sprint was altered by the muscle damage inducing exercise during 48h after the exercise, and this alteration was reduced by the supplementation. It means that even if it is not possible to be sure that this supplementation acted on the muscle damage, this supplementation is efficient to hasten the recovery after an exercise sollicitating knee and hip extensors eccentrically. Although highly speculative, the theorical explanation could be that curcumin coupled with piperine, by inhibiting NF-Kb and COX-2 (Basnet and Shalko-Basnet, 2011; Singh and Aggarwal, 1995; Koeberle et al., 2009) could limit post-exercise inflammation. As curcuminoids are also strong free radicals scavengers (Basnet and Shalko-Basnet, 2011) when coupled with their anti-inflammatory action, the hypothesis was that curcumin could also reduce secondary muscle damage. While some strategies used more specifically target the recovery process following muscle damage, (e.g. protein consumption) (Etheridge, 2008), it seems the supplementation used in the present study could attenuate muscle damage before it occurs, especially the secondary muscle damage linked to the inflammatory process. As a perspective, it could be interesting in a new study to analyze the effect of this supplementation on the inflammation level and the oxidative stress, with the help of blood level in inflammatory markers that could be influenced by the curcumin and piperine supplementation (IL-6, C-recative protein, TNF-α) and oxidative stress markers in urine (F2-isoprostanes). As this study is the first to evaluate the effect of curcumin and piperine supplementation on muscle function, it is unknown what the ideal dose to efficiently attenuate muscle damage may be. It would be useful to compare the effect of varied doses of this combined supplement on the muscle function and recovery kinetics following the same, high damaging exercise task. Moreover, several strategies have been studied separately after exercise-induced muscle damage, such as cold water immersion (Poppendieck et al., 2013), protein (Etheridge at al., 2008) or berry consumption (Connolly et al., 2006, Bowtell et al., 2011; McLeay et al., 2012) but how effective these strategies may be when they are implemented together has not been studied. In a sporting context, several strategies are often implemented without knowing if there is a potential conflicting effect between them. For example, a recent study showed that the antioxidant power of red fruit is reduced when it is consumed with milk, a high protein content drink (Serafini et al., 2009). Therefore, it would be interesting to evaluate the effect of the implementation of several recovery strategies together on muscle function and recovery kinetics followed exercise-induced muscle damage. It has been shown that the post-exercise oxidative and inflammatory stress are highly involved in the training adaptation process, and that the use of antioxidant supplementation could limit these adaptations (Slattery et al., 2015). Whether a combined supplementation of curcumin and piperine would have a detrimental effect on chronic muscle adaptations following damaging exercise (Nosaka et al., 1991) is unclear and warrants further investigation. |