The findings of the present study indicate each version of the 3CT was reliable. Therefore, 3CTR and 3CTL can be used to evaluate change of direction speed (CODS) in untrained college-aged men. Similarly, 3CTAR and 3CTAL can be used to evaluate agility in the same population. Stewart et al. (2014) was first to determine the reliability of the 3CTR, and found 3CTR times of 8.19±0.46 s, and ICC of 0.80 (0.55-0.91), SEM of 0.18 and CV of 2.3%. Their subjects were slightly faster, with a nearly identical ICC (0.80 versus 0.79), higher SEM and lower CV. It should be noted their tests used electronic timing gates. The results of the present study confirm those found by Stewart et al. (2014) in a larger (40 versus 24 participants) population of non-athletic men. In addition to replicating the findings of Stewart et al. (2014), the study goal was to determine the reliability of three additional versions of the test and correlate each test version to determine whether one or more tests is necessary to assess agility. Each version (3CTL, 3CTAR, and 3CTAL) of the 3CTR test was reliable with ICC values of 0.73 or higher. As with the 3CTR the values were slightly lower than the predicted value of 0.85, yet were similar to the those reported by Stewart et al. (2014). Pearson correlation coefficients ranged between r=0.72-0.92 across both test days indicating that the tests are measuring very similar qualities of movement and therefore only one test is necessary, but in practical terms athletes should be trained to change direction using both legs. As for the versions that included a reaction component and considered as ‘agility’ (Young et al., 2002) the correlations between 3CTAR and 3CTAL were r=0.89 (day 1) and r = 0.83 (day2) which result in shared variances equaling 79.7% and 68.5%. It can be concluded that the tests are measuring the same variable, but testing and training should not rely on making a change of direction only using the same foot. The current study was the first to use a manual cueing system to initiate a reaction. The cue was simple to apply and indicated in which direction to proceed, but further research is necessary to determine the point at which the cue is initiated to better simulate the game action being represented. Also to be considered is the timing of the initiation of the cue by the tester. Every attempt was made to provide the cue at the same time point to all participants; however, it is possible that some error was introduced. A main aim was to determine the reliability of the tests so future studies can focus on validation and e.g. comparisons between manual and electronic timing. Depending on the speed of the participant, using a cue at a standardized time point could affect the time each participant has to make the next change of direction (COD). For example, in 3CTAR or 3CTAL the cue was given at the same distance from the next change of direction (Figure 2), but if a light gate cue was given at a prescribed interval following the previous COD the faster one runs the closer the participant gets to the next COD. Vice versa, a slower participant will receive a light cue earlier having more time to make the change of direction. This may result in a participant slowing during the reactive step, thus slowing their overall time. This would not be a desired training adaptation. In a team game, moving as fast as possible in a controlled manner is the desired outcome. Young and Farrow (2013) described the need for progressing the athlete from CODS, to “generic”, then to “sport-specific” cues during training. The same can be assumed for testing. For example, Paul et al. (2016) found that a human or video stimulus was better than a light source. This finding, in combination with the principle of specificity, means the practice of using generic tests across different sports and skill levels is not appropriate. The results from the present sample of non-athletic men is that when going to the same side (i.e. 3CTR and 3CTAR) there was a strong positive agreement r = 0.90 (day 1) and r = 0.88 (day 2). Similar values were seen between 3CTL and 3CTAL (r=0.86 on both days). The high correlations between reactive and non-reactive tests in the present study support the need for a more “sport-specific” cueing system when assessing athletes. For example, Farrow et al. (2005) reported r = 0.70 between reactive and standard tests when using a video simulation of a player in a game situation. To identify any case of systematic bias Bland Altman plots (Figure 5) were included; bias was not evident as the points were evenly dispersed above and below the horizontal mean line. Additionally, to provide evidence in relation to the mean, a coefficient of variation (CV) score was calculated for each test on both days. A small percentage of the times were equal to the mean. The inclusions of these additional statistical procedures provide greater evidence for the conclusions drawn from the basic ICC and Pearson correlations. Bland Altman plots and CV provide additional statistical information that should be included in future test re-test investigations. Areas of concern in the literature regarding the 3-Cone Test that this study addresses are inaccuracies. The first example of an inaccuracy comes from Hoffman et al. (2007). The 3CTR in Figure 1 Hoffman et al. (2007, p. 129), indicates the runner proceeding to the left (clockwise) when circling cone C, when, in fact, the runner should be routed around the cone to the right (counterclockwise). It is likely an error in the figure, but as the first published model it could be confusing to an uninformed coach. In addition to the incorrect path depicted by the Hoffman et al. (2007) study, comparisons between the current data and those of Hoffman et al. (2007) should be cautioned, due to differences in the test, re-test protocols, and no mention of the statistical analysis used to calculate reliability. Stewart et al. (2014), correctly described the 3-Cone Test, but unfortunately labeled it the “L-Run (aka 3-cone drill)”. The L-Run, published by Webb and Lander (1983), did not include a return to the start line after the first change of direction (step 2 on Figure 1). The L-run goes directly around ‘B’ to the right (no step 2 or 3). The current study provides an accurate account of the original 3-Cone Test. In addition, two previously undescribed versions (3CTL and 3CTA) are described. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to make direct comparisons between identical tests, with and without a reaction stimulus using a manual cue. Farrow et al. (2005) compared a video reactive stimulus and a planned movement test. They found ICC’s of 0.80, which falls below the range (0.84-0.90) found in the present study across the four test versions of the 3-Cone Test. Morland et al. (2013) examined the use of a pre-planned route and either a light or a human stimulus, but did not report any correlations between tests. A consensus exists that ‘reaction’ remains a critical element of agility. Even with the high correlations (0.86-0.90) and shared variances (r2) of 73.9 and 81.0% between the non-reactive (3CTR and 3CTL) and reactive pairs (3CTAR and 3CTAL), the data confirm differences between agility and CODS tests. While the differences were not as great as hypothesized, both the cueing method and timing may need to be considered. A possible reason for similar results between the reactive and non-reactive version of 3CTR is that the cue was administered too early, thus allowing the participant to react and change direction at nearly the same velocity they were running at during the non-reactive test. In addition, more than a single reactive component may be necessary to fully assess agility (Matlak, et al., 2016). It also may be necessary to calculate ‘segment times’ (including reaction time), as reported by Spiteri (2015), instead of total test time in order to establish exactly where time was lost between trials. For example, a runner may get a bad start or lose balance during a change of direction - unrelated to the reaction component of the test. In that case, total time would not be representative of the influence reaction has on executing the test as fast as possible. Lastly, the use of a more sophisticated cueing system that simulates a specific game situation may be required. For example, the question of how much time does a person have to react to the situation in real-time at the velocity they will be traveling must be considered. This would include the distance to the cue. The manual cue given in the current study was at a distance equal to 2.29 metres from the required change in direction. This distance may have contributed to the lack of difference between the reactive (3CTAR/3CTAL) and non-reactive tests (3CTR/3CTL). A computerized cueing system, presently found in the new generation of reactive tests, could randomly provide a visual cue at various distances from the point of change of direction. A limitation associated with the present study is the use of a convenience sample, which is a threat to external validity and, ultimately, generalizability. Before using any version of the 3CT, practitioners must first determine the reliability within their population. A second limitation was the consistency of maximum effort. The participants were asked to refrain from any strenuous activity the day prior to testing. However, it became obvious, once the data was analyzed, that a few individuals provided less than maximal effort on certain trials. In five of the 40 subjects (12.5%), test times decreased greater than one second from day 1 to day 2 for at least one test version. The test results from these participants had a significant influence on the ICC values. These types of discrepancies may necessitate re-testing or potential removal from the data set, due to an apparent lack of consistent effort. In the absence of a “gold standard“ test for agility and without access to a comparison sample, test validation in the current study is limited to face validity. The determination of validity was not the primary focus of the present study, however; based on a required definition of agility that incorporates “a rapid whole-body movement with changing velocity or direction in response to a stimulus” (Sheppard and Young, 2006, p. 922), the 3CTR and 3CTL are deemed reliable CODS tests, requiring future validation. The reaction variations of the test, 3CTAR and 3CTAL, appear to be reliable options for measuring agility. Future investigations should attempt to validate these tests with athletes of different sports and levels of participation, using either criterion or construct validity. The current list of agility test options is quite limited and focused on a small number of sports and performance levels (Paul et al., 2015). The majority of these reactive agility tests employ either expensive video (Farrow et al., 2005; Gabbett et al., 2007; Serpell et al., 2010; Spiteri et al,. 2014; Young et al,. 2011) or photocell timing gate systems (Benvenuti et al., 2010; Green et al., 2011; Henry et al., 2011; Oliver and Meyers, 2009; Lockie, et al., 2014; Sekulic et al., 2014), crucially; no previous investigation has compared an existing test to a modified agility test using a manual cue to initiate a reaction. Future research should identify a set of valid, sport/position-specific, developmental, and sex-specific tests of agility. The use of technology allows for multiple variations in test patterns that challenge both the temporal and spatial components described by Chelladurai (1976) and Sheppard and Young (2006). Video from actual game play can be used for testing and training purposes, as Serpell (2010) demonstrated using practice video clips. It is likely that, in the not too distant future, athletes could attend virtual training centres and interact with 3-dimensional images as part of their testing and training programs, much like a “virtual reality” video game. Conversely, alternative “field” accessible tests of agility should be developed for practitioners at the youth sport and physical education level. These tests should be valid, use appropriate technology and include the same characteristics described above. |