Studies present in the literature about stretching have mostly investigated muscle strength variability only in the stretched muscles. At the same time, there are recent studies investigating crossover effects of stretching as well (Behm et al., 2016; Chaouachi et al., 2015; Jarbas da Silva et al., 2015; Lima et al., 2014; Marchetti et al., 2014). For instance, these studies focused mainly on the crossover effects of (a) upper body stretching on lower body ROM (Behm et al., 2016), jump performance (Marchetti et al., 2014) and strength (Behm et al., 2016), (b) lower body stretching on upper body ROM (Behm et al., 2016) and strength (Behm et al., 2016), and (c) ipsilateral stretching on contralateral ROM (Chaouachi et al., 2015; Jarbas da Silva et al., 2015; Lima et al., 2014), single-leg bounce drop jump performance (Jarbas da Silva et al., 2015), balance (Lima et al., 2014), muscular activity (Lima et al., 2014) and strength (Chaouachi et al., 2015). Beside these crossover effects, there is limited evidence demonstrating strength responses of the ipsilateral non-stretched antagonist muscles. The main purpose of our study was to display changes in strength of the agonist muscles following stretching of the antagonist muscles, either statically or dynamically. In brief, the results of the present study revealed that static and dynamic stretching exercises of the antagonist muscles do not have any effects on isokinetic muscle strength and EMG activity of the non-stretched agonist muscles. The antagonist muscles of the agonists, crossing the same joint, are activated coordinately during dynamic movements to hold a position. This phenomenon is defined as muscle co-activation (Bazzucchi et al., 2006; Busse et al., 2006; Xiong et al., 2015). It was suggested that co-activation of the antagonist muscles is necessary to provide movement accuracy and energy efficiency (Higginson et al., 2006). On the basis of this co-activation effect of the muscles it was stated that antagonist static stretching may induce increases in agonist muscle activation and elastic energy storage, and decreases of antagonist co-activation (Paz et al., 2012; Roy et al., 1990; Sandberg et al., 2012). It was also proposed that co-activation of the antagonist muscles would impair the resultant muscle torque of the agonists (Bazzucchi et al., 2006). Accordingly, based on the results of the recent review articles that investigated the effects of static stretching and suggested negative effects in muscle torque with prolonged static stretching (Behm and Chaouachi, 2011; Behm et al., 2016; Kay and Blazevich, 2012; Simic et al., 2013) a possible increase in strength in the agonist muscles following antagonist static stretching could be assumed. Similarly, when the review articles about dynamic stretching is taken in consideration, which displayed trivial to small magnitude increases in muscle strength following dynamic stretching (Behm and Chaouachi, 2011; Behm et al., 2016), a decrease in strength in the opposing muscles of the dynamically stretched muscles would be expected. However, few studies up to date have investigated this hypothesis (Miranda et al., 2015; Paz et al., 2012; Sandberg et al., 2012; Wakefield and Cottrell, 2015). All of the authors incorporated static stretching routines in their studies. This is the first published study, to our knowledge that utilizes dynamic stretching to the antagonist muscles and examines the effects of strength performance in the non-stretched agonist muscles. The limited numbers of studies in the literature about antagonist stretching have examined the effects of antagonist static stretching on strength (Sandberg et al., 2012), vertical jump performance (Sandberg et al., 2012; Wakefield and Cottrell, 2015) and muscle activation (Miranda et al., 2015; Paz et al., 2012). Sandberg et al. (2012) aimed to investigate the effects of static stretching of antagonist muscles involved during vertical jump performance on various strength and power measures. They elicited significant but small effect size, 9.3% greater knee extension torque during fast angular velocities (300°/sec) but not with slow velocities (60°/sec), with no change in agonist EMG activity following static stretching of the hamstring muscles (3 x 30 second). The antagonist static stretching of the hip flexors and ankle dorsiflexors (3 x 30 second each) also increased vertical jump height by 1.2 cm. Even these results, the authors expressed that practitioners may experiment with static stretching the antagonist muscles to improve performance in high-velocity activities. In partially agreement with this study investigating torque changes following antagonist stretching, the current study did also not show any torque and EMG differences at slow (60°/sec) and any EMG differences at high (240°/sec) angular velocities both in the knee extensors following static and dynamic stretching of the knee flexors and in the knee flexors following static and dynamic stretching of the knee extensors. The effects of antagonist static (Miranda et al., 2015) and propricepstive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) (Paz et al., 2012) stretching (pectoralis major muscle) on agonist muscle activity (latissimus dorsi and biceps brachii) were investigated. Whereas the same amount of antagonist static stretching produced significant increases in the agonist muscles (Miranda et al., 2015), no significant differences were observed following antagonist PNF stretching (Paz et al., 2012) during seated row resistance exercise test. Nevertheless, the EMG activity of the stretched antagonist muscles (pectoralis major) represented no significant reductions. Miranda et al. (2015) suggested that other mechanical and metabolic mechanisms such as alterations in the acute sensitivity of muscle specific proprioceptors, fatigue and elastic storage rather than a reduction in antagonist co-activation induced by antagonist passive stretching would be associated with the increase in activity of the agonist muscles. The study by Wakefield and Cottrell (2015) demonstrated increases in vertical jump height by 1.74% and improvements in hip extensor ROM by 6.54% following static stretching of the antagonist hip flexor muscles (rectus femoris, iliacus, and iliopsoas; 3 x 30 second). The authors concluded that antagonist muscle stretching induces agonist muscle activation, but the changes in vertical jump height were not correlated with passive hip flexor compliance. The non-significant EMG activity changes in the agonist muscles following antagonist stretching found in the current study supports the idea that antagonist static or dynamic stretching has no effects on agonist muscle performance. There are two primary hypotheses proposed to explain the mechanisms by which static or dynamic stretching affects strength performance. These are the neuromuscular factors such as the changes in motor neuron pool excitability (Cramer et al., 2005; Herda et al., 2008; Sekir et al., 2010) and the mechanical factors involving the viscoelastic properties of the musculotendinous unit (Cramer et al., 2004; Cramer et al., 2005; Nelson et al., 2001). Cramer et al. (2005) concluded that the altered strength producing capabilities of a muscle as a result of stretching may be due to changes in muscle activation. The strength decrements following static stretching were also supported with EMG activity decreases in the stretched muscles by the study from Herda et al. (2008). Similar to these studies, Sekir et al. (2010) showed also EMG activity decrements concurrent to decreases in strength after static stretching and EMG activity increments concurrent to increases in strength after dynamic stretching. As a result, regarding the neuromuscular factor, given that we have also measured the EMG activities in the agonist muscles, it can be hypothesized that antagonist stretching does not have any effects on non-stretched agonist muscle activities. The results of the current study did not represent any change in agonist muscle strength after performing antagonist static or dynamic stretching. Because the aim of our study was to see the effects in the non-stretched antagonist muscles we did not focus on the stretched muscles. Therefore, it is not possible to present any change in the stretched muscles that might be exist. Besides, we think that the amount of stretching either for static or dynamic method is sufficient to produce any possible effects on performance of the stretched muscles. Static stretching routine for one muscle group (leg extensor or flexor) was performed in standing or sitting positions, each for 4 sets of 30 seconds. Similarly, dynamic stretching routine for one muscle group (leg extensor or flexor) was performed also with two different methods, each for 4 sets of 30 seconds. Accordingly, the active static or dynamic stretching time for the leg extensor or flexor muscles was 240 seconds. Decrements in torque production after static stretching and increments in torque production after dynamic stretching of the agonists have been reported in narrative (Behm and Chaouachi, 2011), systematic (Behm et al., 2016; Kay and Blazevich, 2012), and meta-analytical (Simic et al., 2013) review articles, which encompassed several studies. The total active stretching duration for each muscle varied from 30 to 480 seconds in these studies. These reviews reported a clear dose-response effect of stretching as a common result. For instance, the systematic review by Kay and Blazevich (2012) indicated evidence that static stretching of short duration (<45 second) has no detrimental effect, whereas a significant reduction likely occurred with stretches >60 second. Behm et al. (2016), in their largest systematic review to date, represented also greater performance deficits with >60 second (-4.6%) than with <60 second (-1.1%) static stretching. Behm and Chaouachi (2011) reported a dose-response effect for dynamic stretching in which greater overall peak force and power improvements were observed when >90 second (7.3%) vs. <90 second (0.5%). The meta-analytical review by Simic et al. (2013) observed a trend toward enhancing the negative acute effect of static stretching on maximal muscle strength with longer stretch duration. In particular, pooled estimates for stretching lasting <45 second, 46-90 second, and >90 second were -3.2%, -5.6%, and -6.1%, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to state that the stretch duration performed in the current study would be enough to bring out eventual changes in strength in the muscles. |