The aim of this study was analyze the effect of LMI and GMI after 12 weeks of training in cyclists. The main finding was that both LMI and GMI were sensitive to 12 weeks of training. The lactate concentration after the Wingate test was significantly higher after training. Edge et al. (Edge et al., 2005) showed that 5-weeks high intensity training (120% - 140% of LTAN) improves repeated-sprint ability (5 X 6-s sprints, every 30 s) more than moderate intensity training (85% - 95% of LTAN). However, no difference was found between the groups of BLa after the repeated-sprint test. According to the authors, the higher ability on intermittent test after high intensity training is due to the capacity to maintain a high work output in the latter sprints, since no difference was found between groups in BLa. Even with little time spent at intensities above LTAN, the aerobic training of the present study may have caused higher anaerobic energy supply during Wingate test. However, since this study did not present the baseline pre and post lactate level, this statement should be viewed with caution because higher baseline lactate level could determine the BLa- peak. The LMT has been increasingly used in athletic evaluation, because it is an objective, rapid, and independent method of the muscle glycogen content for assess the LTAN during running. However, LMI seems to be affected by different factors, including initial speed (Carter et al., 1999b; Pardono et al., 2008) and stage length (Simoes et al., 2009) used during the graded phase of the test. Since the test is protocol dependent, its sensibility to endurance training was questioned (Carter et al., 1999a). Johnson and Sharpe (Johnson and Sharpe, 2011) showed that one minute interval between LMI stages and initial intensity of 40% of maximal power output, decreased the power output of the test compared with a continuous test with initial intensity of 45% of maximal power output. To avoid this, our study used an initial power of 125 W with increment of 25 W that was a valid test to predict maximal lactate steady state (Johnson and Sharpe, 2011; Wahl et al., 2017). Until know, Carter et al. (Carter et al., 1999a) were the unique study to test LMI sensitive to aerobic training. They questioned the sensitivity to endurance training adaptations. These authors showed LMI to be not changed after six weeks of aerobic training in 16 students, in spite of significant increases in VO2max, running speeds at 3 mM blood lactate, lactate threshold and MLSS. Together, these results suggest that LMI depends on blood lactate kinetics during the test, which in turn is protocol dependent. Our study is the first to find a significant increase in LMI after 12 weeks of training (215.0 ± 18.6, 237.5 ± 18.8 watts; p < 0.05), and it is in disagreement with Carter et al. (Carter et al., 1999a) which applied exactly the same exercise test protocols prior and after training and used active recovery after maximal effort. This resulted in lower blood lactate concentrations prior to the incremental phase of the test, in the post-training situation, due to (i) lower relative intensities of the supra-maximal bouts (from 120 to 111% VO2max) and (ii) higher lactate clearance during recovery (Ribeiro et al., 2009). Considering the improvement of aerobic fitness with training, during the maximal exercise, the subjects presented less BLa- due to higher lactate clearance, oxidation and gluconeogenesis (Dotan et al., 2011). Maybe, during recovery the individuals could also present higher lactate clearance. Besides that, Ribeiro et al. (Ribeiro et al., 2009) showed that active recovery after maximal exercise, that induce hyperlactemia, underestimates the LMI. The factors mentioned above would approach lactate concentration in the first series of incremental effort close to rest values, and become the U-shaped curve similar to single graded exercise test (Ribeiro et al., 2009), making it difficult to visualize the test sensibility to training. In concordance with these findings, Carter et al. (Carter et al., 1999a) pointed out that it is possible that LMI curve could have shifted to the right, if they had taken the increased fitness of the participants after the training program. Since endurance training involves manipulation of intensity, duration, and frequency of training session over days (Seiler, 2010), comparison between this study and Carter el al. (Carter et al., 1999a) is difficult. Others methodological problems (i.e. training intensity and duration, sample characteristics) could also have minimized training adaptations, diminishing the sensibility. Together, these factors could partially explain the differences between ours and previous results (Carter et al., 1999a). Once blood lactate testing is not always possible due to lack of equipment, great attention has been devoted to alternative methods for LTAN assessment (Dumke et al., 2006; Simoes et al., 1999; Van Schuylenbergh et al., 2004). The lowest serum glucose level was recently described as a good predictor of individual anaerobic threshold (IAT), LMI and MLSS for endurance runners (Simoes et al., 1999; Sotero et al., 2009). Simões et al. (Simoes et al., 1999) found no significant differences between LMI, IAT speed and, GMI during track running tests. Recently, Sotero et al. (Sotero et al., 2009) also did not find differences between GMI and MLSS speed in physically active individuals (201.7 m·min-1 and 201.5 m·min-1, respectively), and, concluded that GMI is a good predictor of the MLSS. Recently Rocha et al. (Rocha et al., 2010) showed that individual glucose threshold changes in 12 weeks of military training, suggesting that this method could be useful for evaluating increases in aerobic fitness. According to Rocha et al. (Rocha et al., 2010), due to soldiers activities, they were not in adequate rest, although, this may not influenced the sensibility of the test. Since there, Rocha et al. (Rocha et al., 2010) found sensibility in individual glucose threshold, and this is the first study that showed sensibility in GMI, comparisons with other results are difficult due to lack of information. From the observation of Simões et al. (Simoes et al., 1999), the hormonal modifications due to exercise may influence glucose availability, enabling the determination of GMI, and it seems that GMI is a good predictor for MLSS (Sotero et al., 2009). Maybe, a delay on hormonal release after training may contribute to alteration on GMI. Although its invasive nature, blood glucose testing presents advantages over lactate related protocols, due to the lower cost and great number of existing analyzers. Consequently, it could be used by a large number of coaches, researchers and other professionals, both for research and training purposes. The close occurrence of lactate and glucose minimum intensities during LMT may be explained by neural and hormonal alterations that take place in the transition from moderate to high intensity effort (Simoes et al., 1999). Increased sympathetic neural activity, as well as, the increased circulation of hormones is known for stimulating liver and muscle glycogenolysis (McGehee et al., 2005) that occur at supra LTAN intensities. This physiological event promotes lactate and glucose appearance to overcome their utilization rate by different tissues. However, more detailed studies are needed to investigate the physiological basis of glucose and lactate minimum existence during LMT. The modification of LTAN and VO2max after aerobic training has already been demonstrated by others (Carter et al., 1999a; Edge et al., 2005; Enoksen et al., 2011; Rocha et al., 2010). Among the factors that might influence the aerobic adaptation are: enhance of monocarboxylate transporter proteins, increase of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced form shuttle enzymes levels, running economy and others (Enoksen et al., 2011; Ferrauti et al., 2010; Ziemann et al., 2011). Although we have not examined the influence of training on more traditional lactate parameters, our results suggest that they could be successfully used to monitor training adaptations. However, more studies are needed to analyze the effects of training and protocol manipulation on both parameters. The LMT and GMT sensibility after off-season limits the study, since the LMI and GMI should be sensitive to training periods within the competitive season. Besides, the absence of baseline values of glucose and lactate prior and after the training and the reliability of these measures is a limitation of the present study. |