Research article - (2018)17, 426 - 436 |
Feasibility and Effects of Structured Physical Exercise Interventions in Adults with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study |
Elisabet Guillamó1, Álvaro Cobo-Calvo2,3, Guillermo R. Oviedo4,5,![]() |
Key words: Multiple sclerosis, disability, exercise, quality of life, physical fitness |
Key Points |
Study design and participants |
The study sample comprised 29 participants (21 women and 8 men) with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), fully ambulatory and with minimal disability [Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) <3], within the previous six months ( The groups followed distinct schedules throughout the 40-weeks of the study. While the CG continued their usual pharmacological treatment and the same lifestyle, the CFTFG and HG continued their usual pharmacological treatment but also participated in physical exercise programs. These programs encouraged CFTFG and HG participants to include exercise in their daily lives in order to improve their physical and functional capacities. The programs also educated patients in the practice of physical exercise in accordance with their abilities and needs. In addition, the exercise programs were developed to improve the health-related physical fitness components, prioritizing endurance and strength training ( Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and Appendix 3). Each participant from CFTFG and the home-based exercise group received a fit ball (O’Live Fitness Ball ®. Aerobic & Fitness. Barcelona. Spain) and two latex exercise bands with different levels of resistance (Thera-Band ® The hygienic Corporation. Akron. OH). During the first 20 weeks, the aerobic training during the face-to-face sessions of the CFTFG group included HIIT on a stationary bicycle. The training load was adjusted according to the results obtained on a test carried out every four weeks, at an intensity of 17/18 on the Borg scale (Borg, In both groups, the strength training was carried out using two latex exercise bands (red or green) (Thera-Band ® The Hygenic Corporation. Akron. OH) and/or bodyweight resistance exercise. These exercises developed the large muscle groups of the trunk and the lower and upper limbs. The endurance and strength training was complemented with exercises for joint mobility, balance (mainly static), stretching exercises and body awareness work. During these 40 weeks, attendance at the sessions and meetings was recorded in both groups, and the home sessions were monitored by the use of an activity band (Polar Loop. Polar Electro. Finland). Additional information was also obtained from e-mail questionnaires (Google forms. Google Inc. Mountain View. California). |
Testing procedures |
All participants underwent three evaluations: the first prior to start the intervention (E1), the second after 20 weeks (E2) and the third after 40 weeks (E3). These evaluations comprised clinical and neurological assessments, quality of life and fatigue scales [the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS)], Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD) and Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis (FAMS), and a maximal cardiorespiratory fitness test. Lower limb strength and balance test were assessed prior to the intervention and after 20-weeks. |
Anthropometric measurements |
Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm by using a stadiometer (Seca 225, Seca, Hamburg, Germany).Weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg on a digital scale (Tanita MC-780U, Arligton Heights, IL, USA) with the participants wearing light weight clothing and no shoes. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2). |
Clinical and neurological assessments |
The participants’ neurological impairment and degree of disability were assessed with the EDSS and the number of acute exacerbations of MS symptoms. |
Feasibility evaluation criteria |
Feasibility was measured as the adherence to the exercise program, and completion rates to the program. Adherence represented the percentage of participants who performed the programmed sessions. Completion rate represents the percentage of participants out of the total participants that completed the study. |
Questionnaires |
Cardiorespiratory fitness test |
All tests were conducted in the morning at a room temperature of 22 to 24 °C and a relative physical humidity of 55 to 65%. The participants were tested on a precalibrated cycle ergometer (Excalibur, Lode, Groningen, the Netherlands), cycling at 50 rpm. After a 4-min period cycling at 0 W, participants followed a 20 W/min ramp protocol up to exhaustion. VO2peak (L/min), relative VO2peak (ml/kg/min) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were measured through breath-by-breath with an automatic gas analysis system (Metasys TR-plus, Brainware SA, La Valette, France) equipped with a pneumotachometer and using a two-way mask (Hans Rudolph, Kansas, USA). Gas and volume calibrations were performed before each test, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and heart rate (HR) were monitored continuously during the test (CardioScan v.4.0, DM Software, Stateline, Nevada, USA). |
The 30-second sit to stand test |
The participants were asked to sit down and stand upright as often as possible for 30 s without using their hands. The instructors did not record the result if participants could not stand up from a chair without supporting themselves with their arms on arm rests, knees, or walking aid (after attempts of the test instructor to motivate participants to do so). In the general older population, it was found that the 30-s sit to stand test is a reliable and valid measure of lower body strength (Jones et al., |
Balance measurements |
Postural sway was assessed with a pressure platform (Podoprint Balance Platform, Namrol, Barcelona, Spain). All participants performed a double leg stance with eyes open and eyes closed. They were instructed to stand erect on the platform with no shoes, motionless and with the arms by their sides. Heels were separated by 3 cm and toes formed a 30° angle. The software requires each participant to maintain this position for 52 s. Three trials were performed with a 60 s rest between them. Total travel distance (TTD), radial area (RA), mean mediolateral (MLD) and mean antero-posterior (APD) displacements of the center of pressure (COP) were measured at a frequency of 100Hz using manufacturer’s specific software (PodoPrint v 2.6, Namrol, Barcelona, Spain). |
Statistical analysis |
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the normality of the distribution of all variables. For the categorical variables, chi-square tests were employed to detect group differences. For the continuous variables, linear mixed-effect models were used to assess between and within groups effects with Bonferroni post hoc tests. All data are reported as means and standard error of the mean (SEM) unless otherwise specified. Statistical significance was set at |
The characteristics and anthropometric measurements of the 29 participants are presented in |
Expanded disability status scale |
In the clinical follow-up, none of the groups presented changes on the EDSS. The number of acute exacerbations of MS symptoms between the year prior to the study and the first year of follow-up fell by 40% in the CFTFG; there were no relapses in the HG, compared with 12.5% in the CG ( |
Feasibility |
Twenty-three out of 29 participants (79.3%) completed the protocol, 15 of them (78.9%) were members of the physical exercise groups (HG and CFTFG) ( Adherence from the CFTFG during the first 20 weeks of the supervised sessions (2 sessions/week) reached 77.5%, while in the unsupervised sessions (4 per week) adherence rate was 30%. During the same period, adherence rate of the HG to the program reached 50%. During weeks 20 to 40, 5 participants from the HG (45.4%) and 5 participants from the CFTFG (62.5%) kept training independently 2 to 6 times a week (p > 0.05). Seven participants from the exercise groups (36.8%) continued training 3 or more times a week during the unsupervised period (weeks 20 to 40), with significant differences between the active groups vs. control group (p = 0.013, statistical power = 75.6%). The two exercise programs implemented in the present study were safe, well tolerated by all participants and the programs were not related to adverse events. |
Questionnaires |
No significant within or between group differences were observed throughout the intervention for the HAD; MFIS and FAMS questionnaires ( |
Cardiorespiratory fitness test |
No differences were observed between the study groups in terms of peak values. However, a significant difference was observed for absolute VO2 (L/min) mean values between E1 vs. E2 in the CFTFG ( At ventilatory threshold 1, the CFTFG presented differences in oxygen consumption (p = 0.002) which improved by 3.2 ml/kg/min (95% CI = 4.6-1.8; p = 0.006) between the second and the third evaluations; in contrast, oxygen consumption fell in the HG (p = 0.049). At ventilatory threshold 2, differences in oxygen consumption with regard to the workload were observed (p = 0.047); oxygen consumption fell in the HG between the first and third assessments by 0.07 ml/watt (95% CI 0.03-0.12; p = 0.016), but increased in the CFTFG by 29.7 ml/watt (95% CI 55.1-4.2, p = 0.032). |
The 30-second sit to stand test |
In the 30-second sit to stand test, the CFTFG obtained a significant improvement when comparing E2 vs. E1 (p = 0.002; improvement of 33.3%, statistical power > 95%) during the supervised exercise period (weeks 1 to 20). Also, the results obtained by the CG were significantly higher during the E2 than during the E1 (p = 0.026; improvement of 15.3%, statistical power = 75.5 %) ( |
Balance |
No significant intervention-related changes were observed in the active groups. The control group presented a slight deterioration, with higher TTD of the COP during the test with open eyes (p = 0.004, statistical power > 95%) ( |
This study confirms that offering two different 40-week structured exercise programs (HIIT plus home exercise program and a home-based physical exercise program) to a group of fully ambulatory and minimally disabled RRMS patients is feasible, safe and does not produce negative side effects. More than half of the participants continued training regularly and independently after the end of the supervised period of the intervention. In addition, the CFTFG improved the lower limb strength and the aerobic capacity after 20 weeks of exercise. One of the main objectives of an exercise program designed for a chronic pathology is to achieve a satisfactory level of completion and adherence to the programs. The rate of completion in the current study (78.9%) is similar to that reported by Dalgas et al. ( Learmonth et al. ( To our knowledge, our intervention is the longest of its kind carried out to date. During the unsupervised period of our program, (weeks 20 to 40), 62.5% of the CFTFG and 45.4% of the HG continued training between 2 and 6 times a week. After the 12-week intervention described by Dalgas et al. ( The main difficulties mentioned by participants regarding regular training are the lack of time (that is, the difficulty in combining training with one’s working or family life and in making it part of one’s everyday routine), the boredom of training alone and, to a lesser extent, fatigue. These difficulties coincide partly with those recorded by Assano et al. ( During the first 20 weeks the CFTFG carried out two supervised exercise sessions, since there is evidence that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and strength training twice a week improve functional capacity and muscle function respectively. Some studies also indicate that there may be benefits for mobility and fatigue, while little is known regarding its potential benefits on quality of life (Latimer-Cheung et al., In the present study, the CFTFG achieved significant changes in lower limb strength during the first 20 weeks of the program. These results suggest that at this stage of supervised exercise the intensities achieved were high enough to generate adaptations, whereas in the case of the HG the changes promoted were not significant, probably due to the difficulty to control accurately the volume and intensities during the home-based sessions (Dalgas et al., During the first 20 weeks in the CFTFG, the sessions included high intensity stationary cycling, which may have improved lower limb strength, as suggested by Collett et al. ( This study, designed to assess the feasibility and effects of exercise programs in MS, presents some limitations. In the first place, the small sample size (29 MS patients) may have reduced the study’s statistical power. Secondly, we allowed participants to choose their group, and drop-outs over the course of the 40 weeks reduced the number of participants available for the study of the selected variables. However, the non-randomization of the sample may actually have been an advantage; according to Saarto et al. ( The participants of the CFTFG were more clinically active (relapses in the year prior to this study) than the other patients at beginning of the intervention and the reason why there is a downward trend observed in the MFIS probably was a result of the pass of the time and conditioned by this initial higher activity. However, we could not identify significant changes among groups when evaluating anxiety or fatigue (HAD and FAMS scales). Further studies with larger sample sizes should be performed to give light the usefulness of exercise interventions on these items. In the future, randomized controlled trials with a larger sample of participants with MS should be implemented in order to analyse the effects of these physical exercise programs on cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, balance and clinical evolution. Also, changes in QoL and fatigue scales during the implementation of these protocols may help researchers and practitioners to identify the types of intervention that are of greatest benefit. |
Structured exercise programs are well tolerated by RRMS patients. Supervised interventions are able to retain more participants and facilitate high intensity exercise which is well tolerated if applied progressively and adapted to each individual. In view of this positive impact of supervised training, interventions should be designed to enhance the positive aspects of working in small groups, but also to improve the commitment of participants to perform unsupervised exercise sessions in order to maximize the benefits. |
The authors are very grateful to the participants for their willingness to take part in this research. The experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. |
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