Research article - (2019)18, 376 - 383 |
Safety Evaluation of Protective Equipment for the Forearm, Shin, Hand and Foot in Taekwondo |
Hee Seong Jeong1,2, David Michael O’Sullivan3, Sung-Cheol Lee1,2, Sae Yong Lee1,2,4![]() |
Key words: Injury prevention, protectors, PSS, safety, Taekwondo rules |
Key Points |
Materials and equipment |
Procedure |
The procedure was based on the European standards manual of protective equipment for martial arts (SRPS EN 13277-1, 2). An impact location in the centre of the thickest part of the forearm, shin, hand and foot protectors was selected. The protectors were then fixed to the aluminium plate at the bottom of the striker. As recommended by the European standards manual, an impact level of 3 J had to result in an impact force of less than 2000 N; this corresponded to a drop height of 12 cm. According to the literature, bone fractures and ligament/tendon tears and/or ruptures occur between 8-15 J; therefore the resulting impact force should be less than 5000 N (Beumer et al., The forearm guards were tested using drop heights of 12 cm, 36 cm and 48 cm; and the shin guards were tested using drop heights of 12 cm, 48 cm and 60 cm. Ten impacts were performed for each drop height (a total of 30 impacts for each guard). Both the hand and foot protectors were tested using drop heights of 12 cm and 36 cm. Ten impacts were performed for each drop height (a total of 20 impacts for each protector). As recommended by the European standards for testing materials, an interim time of 60 seconds separated each impact. According to previous research, the lower the resulting maximum force during the impact tests, the safer the protectors are deemed to be (Lee, |
Data acquisition and processing |
A uniaxial vertical load sensor (9031a, Kistler, Switzerland), was mounted at the centre of the impact block at the bottom of the striker. The sensor recorded the impact force at 10 000 Hz and data were passed through a channel frequency class 1000 filter (as recommended for impact testing), using a customised Labview programme (LABVIEW 2015, National Instruments, USA). The customised programme was used to record, process, and calculate the maximum force (N) and the impulse (Ns) for all the impacts. A customised data processing programme (LABVIEW 2015, National Instruments, USA), was used to record, filter, and process the impulse sensor data. Impulse data acquisition was performed using a universal serial bus (USB) connected to a Compact data acquisition (DAQ) chassis (cDAQ-9174, National Instruments, USA), fitted with a 24-Bit National Instruments 9234 module (National Instruments, USA). The USB-connected data acquisition system was connected to a Samsung desktop computer, and all data were then exported to Microsoft Excel for processing. |
Statistical analysis |
A two-way analysis of variance and post hoc (Tukey and Duncan) tests were used to identify differences in maximum force and impulse across impact levels and protector brands. The level of significance was set to an effect size (η2: eta squared) of 0.20 (Hopkins, |
The maximum impact forces for the forearm, shin, hand and foot protectors |
The maximum impact force for the forearm guards was significantly different between protector brands (F = 108.99, η2 = 0.729, p <0.001) and impact levels (F = 2470.26, η2 = 0.984, p <0.001). The highest maximum force was recorded for brand D®, followed by brands A® and K® ( The maximum impact force for the shin guards was significantly different between protector brands (F = 176.43, η2 = 0.813, p <0.001) and impact levels (F=562.06, η2=.933, p <0.001). The highest maximum force was recorded for brand D®, followed by brands K® and A® ( For the hand protectors, there were significant differences in the maximum force between brands (F = 3.44, η2 = 0.113, p <0.039) and impact levels (F = 2398.52, η2 = 0.978, p <0.001). The highest maximum force recorded was for brand A®, followed by brands D®, and K® ( For the foot protectors, there were significant differences in the maximum force between brands (F = 19.43, η2 = 0.418, p <0.001) and impact levels (F = 8201.17, η2 = 0.994, p <0.001). The highest maximum force recorded was for brand K®, followed by brands D® and A® ( |
The impulse for the forearm, shin, hand and foot protectors |
The impulse force for the forearm guards was significantly different between protector brands (F=125.79, η2=.756, p <0.001) and impact levels (F = 4031.42, η2 = 0.990, p <0.001). The highest impulse recorded was for brand D®, followed by brands K® and A® ( The impulse force for the shin guards was significantly different between protector brands (F = 28.63, η2 = 0.414, p <0.001) and impact levels (F = 806.89, η2 = 0.952, p <0.001). The highest impulse recorded was for brand D®, followed by brands K® and A® ( For the hand protectors, there were significant differences in the impulse between impact levels (F=1994.78, η2 = 0.973, p <0.001). The highest impulse recorded was for brand K®, followed by brands D® and A® ( For the foot protectors, there were significant differences in the impulse between impact levels (F = 90.72, η2 = 0.627, p <0.001). The highest impulse recorded was for brand K®, followed by brands A®, and D® ( |
Comparison of brand and impact level interaction effects |
Significant interaction effects were shown between the forearm guard brand and the impact level for the maximum force (F = 42.44, η2 = 0.677, p <0.001) and for the impulse (F = 33.97, η2 = 0.626, p <0.001) ( |
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the safety of different brands of Taekwondo forearm, shin, hand and foot protectors, by testing their impact attenuation. Brand A® were the most shock absorbent forearm guards, and brand K® were the most shock absorbent shin guards. Impact attenuation was highest for the brand A® hand protectors, and the brand D® foot protectors. There were no interaction effects between the brands and the impact levels for the impulse (for either the hand or foot protectors). The maximum force showed interaction effects between the brands and the impact levels for the hand and foot protectors. At the bone fracture and ligament and tendon tear/rupture impact level of 8-15 J, the output of the force transducer exceeded the 3000 N threshold. This means that to prevent severe injuries, the protective equipment needs to be substantially improved (the resulting impact forces need to be reduced to <2000 N). For most protective foam materials, the thicker the material, the higher the shock absorbency. This means that there is a trade-off between thickness and comfort for the athlete. However, as shown in Impulse is defined as the integral of force concerning time (Lee, Even though the brand A® and D® hand and foot protectors passed the requirements for reducing the impact below 2000 N at the 3 J impact level, injury reports from major competitions show that more protection is needed to prevent bone fractures and tendon/ligament ruptures and tears. The PSS requires a foot sock with a sensor to be worn to record the impacts and scores, but the existing sponge pad does not seem to reduce the impact to a satisfactory level (Pieter et al., In this study, the maximum force and impulse showed interaction effects between the brands and the impact levels for the forearm and shin guards. In contrast, the hand and foot protectors showed brand and impact level interaction effects for the maximum force only. Most customers would presume that the more expensive products manufactured by the bigger brands would perform better; however, our data did not support this assumption. On the contrary, our tests showed that the cheaper K® brand performed better than brands D® and A®. Along with the existing approval standards which stipulate the need to reduce the impact force below the 2000 N threshold, and the use of ethylene vinyl acetate, nitrile rubber or polyurethane only materials (Ramazanoglu, The athletes stated that the equipment needed to be more shock absorbent, light, easy to put on and take off, and it needed to stay in place when sweating. With the high frequency of finger and wrist injuries, inclusion of a double layer sponge to the ulnar shaft portion of the forearm guards is recommended (Bromley et al., |
Strength and limitations |
As far as known, this is one of the first published studies based on the European standards for the testing of martial arts protective equipment. The data is meaningful for martial arts practitioners and equipment manufacturers to promote safety and prevent injury. The study provides quantitative data on the safety performance of the most popular guards/protectors which can be used to improve protective equipment designs. One limitation is that the guards/protectors were compared using data obtained from impact testing equipment, and therefore the findings cannot be extrapolated to safety performance in the field. Another limitation is the lack of information supplied by manufacturers regarding material properties, protector sizes, padding thickness and stiffness. Even though the temperature of the laboratory was maintained between 21-24°C, the humidity could not be controlled. In addition, only data for the three most popular brands were presented, which may not be representative of all of the available brands. For the protective equipment tested in this study, the lowest maximum force and impulse for the forearm guards were produced by brand K® and A®, respectively. When testing the shin guards, brand A® produced the lowest maximum force and brand K® produced the lowest impulse. For the hand protectors, brand K® created the lowest maximum force and brand A® created the lowest impulse; whereas for the foot protectors, the lowest maximum force was obtained for brand A®, and the lowest impulse was obtained for brand D®. With the substantial differences in safety performance between the brands recorded in this study, we recommend the development of more stringent protective equipment standards to ensure the safety of athletes. Furthermore, continued research investigating injury mechanisms and the effects of the new PSS equipment and competition rule changes is warranted. |
For the protective equipment tested in this study, the lowest maximum force and impulse for the forearm guards were produced by brand K® and A®, respectively. When testing the shin guards, brand A® produced the lowest maximum force and brand K® produced the lowest impulse. For the hand protectors, brand K® created the lowest maximum force and brand A® created the lowest impulse; whereas for the foot protectors, the lowest maximum force was obtained for brand A®, and the lowest impulse was obtained for brand D®. With the substantial differences in safety performance between the brands recorded in this study, we recommend the development of more stringent protective equipment standards to ensure the safety of athletes. Furthermore, continued research investigating injury mechanisms and the effects of the new PSS equipment and competition rule changes is warranted. |
This study was conducted in cooperation with the World Taekwondo Anti-Doping and Medical Committee, which is part of the WT Sports Department and Yonsei Institute of Sports Science and Exercise Medicine (YISSEM), an IOC Research Centre for preventing injury to and protecting athletes. The authors would like to thank the World Taekwondo for all practical support. All authors have no relationship with any of the brands tested and have no other conflict of interest to declare. The study complied with the laws of the country of the authors’ affiliation. |