Research article - (2019)18, 438 - 447 |
Inertial Sensors in Swimming: Detection of Stroke Phases through 3D Wrist Trajectory |
Matteo Cortesi1,, Andrea Giovanardi2, Giorgio Gatta1, Anna L. Mangia3, Sandro Bartolomei4, Silvia Fantozzi5 |
Key words: Swimming propulsion, hand kinematic, underwater, swimming technique, inertial sensor |
Key Points |
Participants and design |
The experimental protocol was divided into two phases: i) the validation of the 3D wrist trajectory estimation in front-crawl swimming simulated on land using multiples IMMUs and ii) the validation of stroke phases temporal estimation through 3D wrist trajectory in front-crawl swimming in aquatic environment. The validation was performed using video analyses as gold standard: 3D spatial reconstruction and temporal events were considered in phase A and B, respectively. Fourteen national-level male swimmers participated in the study (23.2 ± 2.8 years of age; 76.7 ± 7.6 kg of body mass; 1.81 ± 0.07 m of stature); at the time the experiments were performed, the weekly training duration of the swimmers was 15 ± 3 h per week. Short-course 25 m personal front-crawl best times were 11.3 ± 0.2 s. All fourteen participants took part to the stroke phase detection validation in swimming, while only five completed the 3D swimming wrist trajectory validation in simulated swimming. The project was approved by the local University Ethics committee and conducted according to the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants provided written informed consent to participate in the study. |
3D wrist trajectory validation in simulated swimming |
Each of the five swimmers involved performed a 20 seconds trial of front-crawl simulated swimming with a stroke rate like swimming motion (between 30 to 60 cycles/min). The swimmers were asked, lying on a swim bench, to swim as they would have done in a swimming pool. 150 complete front crawl arm-stroke cycles were collected corresponding to the right and left strokes of the five swimmers involved. Data collection was performed using an IMMUs system (APDM Opals, 5 units, including tri-axial accelerometers (±6 g), tri-axial gyroscopes (± 2000°/s) and tri-axial magnetometers (±6 gauss) each, weight <25g (with battery), 128 Hz, internal storage 8Gb) together with a stereophotogrammetric system (BTS SMART-DX 7000, 7 cameras, 250 Hz) resampled at 128 Hz. Data acquired with both systems were filtered and an isolated explosive flexion/extension of the elbow carried out before each trial was performed for time synchronization between the two methods. The zero-crossing acceleration of the sensors/markers on the wrist was used as the synchronization frame. To compare kinematic data estimated, 5 clusters (four 10-mm markers and one IMMU attached onto a rigid light-weighted wooden plate) were built and firmly fixed onto the swimmer body segments. Anatomical system calibrations (Cappozzo et al., The 3D coordinates of the wrist were computed considering the kinematic chain of three rigid body segments of the upper limb (thorax, upper-arm, forearm, not including the hand). Body segments orientation was estimated applying a protocol adapted and validated for swimming (Cutti et al., Three different wrist trajectories were computed through: 1) 3D marker-based stereophotogrammetry system (MBS) considered as the gold standard; 2) stereophotogrammetric data applying the kinematic chain model (KMS); and 3) IMMUs data applying the same model (3DIMMU). Specifically, IMMUs data were obtained processing raw accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers data with Madgwick algorithm to obtain the 3D IMMUs orientation and applying the kinematic chain model described above (Fantozzi et al., |
Stroke phase detection validation in swimming |
Fourteen participants performed 25 m front-crawl trial in a 25 m indoor swimming pool: eight of them at the intensity of 75% of their maximal velocity (V75%), and six of them at the 100% (V100%). Overall, 146 swim strokes were available after data collection that arise to the right strokes and left strokes of the fourteen swimmers involved (mean of 5 ± 1 swim strokes per swimmer). Since the first and the last stroke cycles of each trial are usually conditioned by the start and finish patterns, they were excluded in the following analysis. Before the second session, the swimmers completed a 20-minute warm-up period and performed an all-out 25 m front-crawl trial wearing IMMUs to become familiar with the test and to measure the maximal velocity. With the aim to measure the split time, the all-out 25 m were videotaped with a camera (GoPro Hero 4, California, USA) recording at 50Hz and full HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixel) by an operator that followed the swimmer throughout the entire trial along the side of the pool. The maximal velocity was obtained from the distance and the 25-m split times. The swimmer was instructed to perform an in-water start and to have a free choice of underwater phase length. Five IMMUs were first calibrated, then inserted in round plastic waterproofed boxes, and finally fixed to the swimmer body segments (thorax, upper-arms, and fore-arms, The same arm-stroke phases classification of Chollet et al. ( The duration of each phase was expressed as a percentage of the complete stroke cycle duration. Arm coordination was quantified using the IdC of Chollet et al. ( To automatically recognize the front-crawl stroke phases through 3DIMMU, an algorithm for the detection of the previously defined arm stroke phases events (tENTRY, tPULL, tPUSH and tRECOVERY) was developed. As first step, the algorithm computes the wrist exit instants, tRECOVERY, applying the method described in Dadashi et al. ( In order to evaluate the error induced by measurement of the body segments, we performed a sensitivity analysis varying of ± 1.5 and ± 3 cm the length of upper-arm and forearm for one participant during real swimming (Stagni et al., To compare and validate the duration of the front-crawl stroke phases with a gold standard (TLC), three underwater cameras (GoPro Hero 4, California, USA) recording at 50Hz and full HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixel), were placed perpendicular to the swimmer’s direction on a sagittal view at 0.70 m under the water surface. More specifically, to record the swimmers between the 8th and 23th meter after the start the 3 cameras were placed each one at a distance of 5 m. An underwater LED lights tube visible by all the cameras was used to synchronize the system. For data synchronization, the first frame when the LEDs were switched on was used to determine the zero time of the video recordings. A rapid bump hit with a finger on the sensor and recorded by the camera was used to synchronize the video analysis with IMMUs. No spatial calibration was performed since it was not required for a temporal analysis. The arm-stroke phase events were detected using the motion analysis software Kinovea (Charmant & Contrib., France) by 2 expert operators (more than 50 hours of experience) to ensure a reliable technique. To evaluate the repeatability of the measure, the first operator repeated the video-analysis five times (intra-operator variability) and the second one was asked to perform the same video-analysis (inter-operator variability). Repeatability test to compute the stability of the stroke phases detection using video analysis showed nearly perfect ICC values of 0.91 and 0.93 for inter-operator variability and intra-operator variability, respectively. Repeatability tests showed high agreement for different operators and between the same operator. |
Statistical analysis |
As first, the normality distribution of residuals and the homogeneity of variances have been confirmed using Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests respectively. In order to quantify the true positive rate and the true negative rate in the detection of stoke cycle, sensitivity and specificity were computed comparing 3DIMMU with gold standard. Regarding to the 3D wrist trajectory, the precision and accuracy of 3DIMMU algorithm in comparison to MBS and KMS methods were determined by the correlation analyses for the x, y, z components of the wrist trajectories. RMSE, 90% percentile of absolute error, 3D mean distance and normalized Pairwise Variability Index (nPVI, Sandnes and Jian, Regarding the stroke phases detection, one-way ANOVA for each stroke phase was employed to compare the absolute error between 3DIMMU and TLC methods, across the two velocity groups (75% and 100% of their personal best time). The precision and accuracy of our algorithms in comparison with the 2D video-based analysis, were determined by the correlation analyses, Bland-Altman plots and RMSE. Repeatability for stroke phases detection algorithm was expressed by the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) across the stroke cycles of each participant. The ICC was also used to compute the stability of the stroke phases detection using video analysis (inter- and intra-operator variability). The correlation magnitude was assessed using the usual scale (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 for low, moderate, high, very high and nearly perfect, respectively) proposed by Hopkins et al. ( All statistical tests were performed using the software SPSS version 20.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) and Microsoft Excel 2010, where p = 0.05. |
3D wrist trajectory validation in simulated swimming |
Both sensitivity and specificity result to be equal to 1, that means that all and only the real stroke cycles were detected by the algorithm. An example of the average right wrist trajectory of a single participant and overall statistic results of the comparison of the methods for computing the wrist trajectories are illustrated in |
Stroke phases detection validation in swimming |
The ICC value across the different stroke cycles for the stroke phases detection was always above 0.90. This result indicated the good repeatability of the stroke phases detection algorithm. The sensitivity analysis performed to evaluate the error introduced by an inaccurate measurement of body segment lengths, reveals a maximum RMSE of 2%. Stroke durations percentage of the entry and catch, pull, push and recovery phases for V75% and V100% using 3DIMMU were 36.7 (± 8.2)%, 21.8 (± 6.9)%, 13.2 (± 2.8)%, 28.5 (± 4.3)% and 32.4 (± 3.6)%, 22.9 (± 4.4)%, 15.3 (± 6.1)%, 28.3 (± 5.3)%, respectively. One-way ANOVAs revealed no significant differences in absolute error due to testing procedure (3DIMMU versus TLC) between velocity groups (p = 0.074, 0.554, 0.323 and 0.320 for entry and catch, pull, push and recovery phases, respectively). On average over the four participants, V75% swimmers adopted a catch-up pattern of coordination, with a mean index of coordination of -16.8 (± 3.9%). A relative opposition was noted in the V100% swimmers, with an index of coordination close to zero (-2.8 ± 1.8%, from –4.2 ± 1.5% to 0.5 + 1.8%). The increase of velocity from V75% to V100% was associated with a switch from catch-up to opposition coordination mode. The mean (±SD) values of the entry and catch, pull, push and recovery phases duration in percentage of the complete cycle detected using 3DIMMU versus TLC for the whole group were 34.7 (± 6.8)%, 22.4 (± 5.8)%, 14.2 (± 4.4)%, 28.4 (± 4.5)% and 33.9 (± 6.8)%, 21.8 (± 6.0)%, 14.5 (± 4.2)%, 29.8 (± 5.5)%, respectively. 3DIMMU highlighted low bias (0.8%, 0.6%, 0.5%, 1.4%), reasonable RMS error (2.9%, 2.8%, 2.3%, 3.5%) and very large correlation (r = 0.91, r = 0.89, r = 0.86, r = 0.81) for entry and catch, pull, push and recovery phases, respectively. The agreement between stroke phase detection in percentage of the complete cycle estimated by TLC and 3DIMMU is reported in |
An algorithm for automatic complete stroke phase detection based on the 3D wrist trajectory using IMMUs was proposed and validated with respect to video analysis. A first analysis revealed both sensitivity and specificity equal to 1 in the detection of the stroke cycles. A very large mean correlation (r = 0.87), low bias (mean 0.8%) and LoA (7.7%), and reasonable RMS error (mean 2.9%) for the stroke phases duration were observed. The swimmer’s velocity and arm coordination model do not affect the performance of the algorithm in stroke phases detection. The results support the use of wearable IMMUs for automatic temporal phase detection based on 3D wrist trajectory in front crawl swimming. |
3D wrist trajectory validation in simulated swimming |
3D underwater motion analysis supports the quantitative evaluation of the swimmer performance, disclosing the potentiality to improve the movement pattern efficiency of the athletes and their results during competition. In this study, the accuracy of the wrist’s coordinates estimation computed using IMMUs was assessed in simulated swimming (dry-land condition) through a comparison with stereophotogrammetric system and a very similar but shifted patterns of the wrist trajectory were observed. The statistical results of the present study regarding the absolute spatial position of the wrist showed critical errors for the hand trajectory estimation: a more specific kinematics chain model of the upper limbs is requested if the 3D coordinates of the wrist are the main topic of the study. However, the identification of the entry, the maximum depth, the exit and the backward movements of the wrist are related to the wrist trajectory and not only to the absolute spatial position of the wrist with respect to the trunk. A nearly perfect correlation suggests that the 3D wrist trajectory can be used for an accurate identification. The 3D wrist trajectory has been previously estimated using different techniques such as stereophotogrammetry (Silvatti et al., To date, only one study estimated the 3D wrist trajectory using IMMUs (Nakashima et al., |
Stroke phases detection validation in swimming |
The accuracy and precision of the proposed algorithm to detect the stroke phases was tested using a 2D video-based system as gold standard. The mean difference between inertial and motion analysis systems was always lower than 7.7% of cycle duration in detecting the start events of each phase. The error and mean bias found indicate the 3D trajectory computed using IMMUs as a viable option for swimming arm-stroke phase assessment. The swimmer’s velocity variation and relative arm coordination model seem to have no influences in the detections of stroke phases. Then, the changes of spatiotemporal parameters of the stroke (stroke rate and length) due to the increase of swimming velocity (Craig et al., The entry phase points out the beginning of the underwater stroke of the arm in a front crawl. Many authors have reported the leading role of this phase in order to prepare the following propulsive phase and decrease the drag during the stroke (Samson et al., The percentage duration of the stroke phases was in line with previous findings (Millet et al., Considering the errors in identifying the stroke phases through IMMUs, comparable results were found with respect to Dadashi’s study ( Regarding the transferability of the proposed algorithm to the swimmer’s population, the different arm coordination analyzed in this study shows a transition from catch-up model to opposition model between 75% and 100% of maximal velocity, in agreement with the results of Seifert et al. ( |
Limitations, future directions and practical applications |
Although the validity of the algorithms for stroke phase detection was demonstrated in the present study, improvement of the accuracy regarding spatial position is needed for future analysis of wrist kinematic parameters. Comparing the two 3D wrist trajectories estimated using the kinematic model chain with those measured by the gold standard, similar but shifted patterns were observed. This shifting error can be largely explained by the rigid body model assumption that could be critical for the thorax segment particularly during swimming. A possible solution could be taking into account the motion of the gleno-humeral joints adding an IMMU on the scapula. However, this solution would be in contrast with the wearability and drag enhancement (Gatta et al., The obtained accuracy can be considered sufficient to satisfy the coaches and athletes training purposes. Indeed, this information can be used for quantitative stroke analysis of the arm action during training session and for movement features extraction of both left and right arms independently. The intra-cyclic stroke variability and stroke-by-stoke variability of the arm stroke phases can be analyzed by the coaches using IMMU wearable easily and completely independent from the video-analysis, and that not require complex setting. The coach may utilise the IMMUs in daily or weekly routine as quantitative analysis approaches to assess continuously the arm-stroke motion. In a training context, the intra-trial and intra-laps variability analysis of the stroke phases duration and IdC could provide useful information to assess the swimmer’s adaptations to event constraints and the potential influence of these fluctuations on the action economy and movements self-organization (Simbaña Escobar et al, Future methodological perspectives will include the reduction of the number of IMMU units to improve the wearability of the system, a full-automatic algorithm for the identification of the stroke phases without a fixed thresholds values for the tENTRY and tPULL events, and dedicated calibration trials (Roetenberg et al., |
The validity of the proposed approach to detect all stroke phases through wrist spatial position in front crawl using IMMUs is here demonstrated by the comparison with video-based analysis. The strong correlation founded with the gold standard explains the similarity among the wrist trajectories patterns. The 3D wrist trajectory can be used for an accurate and complete identification of the stroke phases in front crawl using IMMUs. The results indicated the 3D trajectory computed using IMMUs as a viable option for swimming arm-stroke phases complete assessment. |
Funding for this study was obtained from a research grant awarded to ALMA IDEA - University by Bologna. Researchers involved in this study have no financial or personal interest in the outcome of results. The experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. |