To our knowledge, this was the first study to explore the relationships between sumo and conventional deadlift performance and the anthropometrics of sitting height, arm length, and leg length in deadlift naïve subjects. We utilized naïve subjects because pilot testing with experienced deadlifters revealed a preferred deadlifting style predominantly employed in training. Consequently, had a difference in SDL vs. CDL performance been found, it would be more difficult to discern whether this performance difference was a result of varying anthropometrical ratios or due to the principal of specificity. By using deadlift naïve subjects we better able to control for both specificity of training and standardize deadlifting technique between subjects, allowing for greater insights into the relationship between deadlifting performance and anthropometrics. We hypothesized that greater performance in the CDL versus SDL would be positively correlated with longer relative arm and shorter relative femur lengths. The only relationship we found was between sitting height relative to total height and a greater SDL. Therefore, we reject our initial hypothesis. On the surface our findings disagree with Hales (2010) who recommended those with longer arms (measured from humeral head to distal most tip of third phalange) would be better suited for the conventional deadlift while those with shorter arms would be better suited for the sumo deadlift, regardless of torso length. Hales (2010) defined long arms as a proportion equal to or greater than 38% of total height. In the present study, the arm proportion was 44.5 + 1.9%, defining all subjects as having long arms. However, the arm lengths were measured using a proximal point of the acromium process in the present study, not the humeral head, which may have led to a slight overmeasurement of arm length. Regardless, there was a high degree of homogeneity in relative arm length of the subject pool, which may have reduced our ability to detect the relationship between relative arm length and the SDL:CDL strength ratio. We also hypothesized that individuals with relatively shorter thighs would perform better in the CDL compared to SDL. We formed this hypothesis because longer thigh lengths would require the individual to start the lift with a greater degree of hip flexion and torso angle, especially in the CDL, thereby reducing leverage and requiring greater erector spinae strength. On the other hand, during the SDL, the hip abduction and laterally rotated feet effectively shortens the length of the thigh in the sagittal plane (Demers et al., 2018), thereby reducing the degree of hip flexion necessary to grasp the bar in the starting position. In partial support of this hypothesis, Demers et al. (2018) reported individuals with longer relative thigh lengths (compared to lower leg length) may potentially benefit from adopting a wider stance when back squatting. Our results did not support our hypothesis. We did not find a correlation between thigh length relative to lower leg length and the SDL:CDL strength ratio, nor did thigh length predict the difference in deadlift strength. In contrast to the arm proportion, there was a higher degree of heterogeneity in the thigh to lower leg length ratio (0.93 ± 0.09) in the sampled population. The discrepancy in our results compared to those reported by Demers et al. is likely due to differences in mechanics between the squat and the deadlift. Demers et al. suggested that when individuals with longer thighs use a wider stance, it reduces the reliance on ankle dorsiflexion to achieve depth in the squat. In the deadlifts, however, tibial translation angles are small and dorsiflexion is likely not a limitation. Our results suggest that the SDL may be mechanically advantageous for deadlift naïve individuals with longer torsos, while the CDL may be best suited for those with shorter torsos. This is likely because during the SDL the center of mass is positioned over and closer to the barbell compared to the CDL, allowing for a more upright torso, which reduces the moment arms of resistance at the knee, hip and especially the lumber joints (Escamilla et al., 2000; Escamilla et al., 2002). Research has also indicated the hip extensors do not exceed the force exhibited by the erector spinae muscles in the SDL, possibly due to greater quadriceps femoris activity, making it easier to maintain lumbar lordosis (Escamilla et al., 2000; Escamilla et al., 2002). Finally, we found no gender differences in repetition performance at 60% of 1RM between the CDL or SDL. However, we did observe absolute repetition performance to be higher in females for both deadlifts. These findings are in agreement with previous studies that reported higher acute fatigue resistance in females compared to males at a given relative intensity (Salvador et al., 2009) especially during sub-maximal (60-80% maximum) dynamic contractions (Hicks et al., 2001; Hunter, 2014). There are several mechanisms that may explain greater deadlift fatigue resistance in females, including a greater proportion of type I muscle fibers, greater proportion of fat oxidation during exercise, and greater muscle perfusion resulting in greater metabolite clearance, which leads to reduced peripheral afferent inhibition to the motor neuron pool, thus attenuating voluntary activation (for review, see Hunter, 2014). |