This study was designed to fill the gap in the existing literature by analyzing participation-related constituent year effect in masters swimming over different historical time periods while considering athlete’s age and gender. Consistent with the conclusions by Medic et al. (2007; 2009a; 2009b; 2011; 2018), the findings of this study indicated that, for the combined sample over the 40 year period, US masters swimmers attended National competitions most often when they were relatively youngest and least often when they were relatively oldest in comparison to their peers within the same age category. This suggests that the current 5-year age grouping affects masters swimmers unequally depending on birth date, thus resulting in inequitable participation outcomes at yearly National competitions between relatively old and relatively young cohorts. Specifically, a relatively younger cohort of masters swimmers has higher participation rates compared to a relatively older cohort. The main aim of this study was to analyze whether a participation-related constituent year effect always existed over the past 40 years of masters swimming or if there has been a development of the phenomenon. The results of this study suggest that the participation-related constituent year effect in the US masters sport of swimming existed since its early years of inception and has developed throughout each of the past four decades, especially for males and older-aged masters swimmers. There were statistically unequal distributions of relatively younger and older competitors during the 1980s and subsequent decades (large effect sizes), and similar (but moderate) effects observed in competitions during 1970’s. The US Masters Swimming envisions the most important quality of masters swimming is to ‘encourage and promote improved physical fitness and health in adults’ (U.S. Masters Swimming, 2019). It also acknowledges that a form of competition is needed to achieve the one of the primary goals of a better and prolonged health. On one hand, the competitive character of masters swimming may be associated with declines in participation during later stages of an age category, especially if athletes do not have the perception of an equal chance to succeed compared to their relatively younger competitors (Medic et al., 2013). On the other hand, it is possible that constituent year effect actually confer some benefits, in that it may encourage more strategic, periodized training (similar to an Olympic cycle), thus possibly preventing burnout or overuse injuries. In addition, it may also double as a cost-saving measure for masters swimmers who decide in advance that they will attend National competition every time they move up to a new age category. In spite of this, and consistent with other studies (Unterweger et al., 2016), overall trends also show an increase in the number of masters swimmers in US over each of the past decades since the inception of the sport, indicating positive trends in regards to the overall participation in the sport. Consistent with previous studies (Medic et al., 2009a; Medic et al., 2018), the participation-related constituent year effect was significant in both male and female swimmers, but seemed to be stronger in males. These findings could be explained by potential motivational differences between male and female athletes. Specifically, males have been found to be more attracted by winning, they derive more meaning from the outcome of the competition, are more ego-oriented, and have less self-determined motivational profile than females (Cheuvront et al., 2005; Medic et al., 2009a) thus, leading to a potential decrease in participation in competitions where the opportunity to perform well was reduced. In line with previous studies (Medic et al., 2009a; 2018), the participation-related constituent year effect was more pronounced with age. Several explanations of why participation-related constituent year effect was strongest amongst older-aged masters swimmers include inevitable declines in athletic performance with age (Tanaka and Seals, 2008), individual’s perceptions of physical disadvantage of being relatively older and higher extrinsic motivation (Medic et al., 2009a). There are several possible explanations for the development of the participation-related constituent year effect in US masters swimming. First, the increased popularity and acceptance of masters swimming may have proliferated the constituent year effect over time, especially through higher competition. For example, significant increases in participation and competition over the years amongst masters swimmers would have made winning of competitive awards more difficult, especially for relatively older athletes (i.e., those in their last year of an age category). Also, general population growth in the US of approximately 100 million people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018), which was an increase by a third of the total population, over the forty year period from 1970s through to 2010s (this was also a period of time when baby boomers were reaching masters swimming age eligibility), coupled with increases in media coverage of sport would likely have contributed positively to the observed constituent year effect. In line with previous recommendations by Medic et al. (2009a), a few potential solutions relating to the participation-related constituent year effect in masters sport may be to implement an age-grading system to award prizes at masters competitions, or to use the existing 5-year age categories system in concert with the age-grading system. An age-grading system employs mathematical formulae to derive age corrected times from absolute performance times while adjusting for distance, age and sex. Thus, some of the benefits of this system is its compatibility with the current 5-year age categorization since the absolute results can be calculated with a formula and make them comparable to athletes across the age spectrum, as well as that the athlete’s individual result can be comparable to their former performances independent of one’s chorological age. Furthermore, an age grading system could be a useful tool for sport psychologists in helping aging athletes in the consideration and development of their sport goals (Medic, 2009). Consequently, this approach could over time potentially further foster the health-enhancing character of masters sports while also taking into account the competitive nature of sport (Geard et al., 2018; McKendry et al., 2018; McPhee et al., 2016). Another potential solution could involve emphasis and encouragement of multiple motives which are unrelated to performance including enjoyment, friendship, health benefits, and personal development (Larson et al., 2019). Future research needs to assess effectiveness of these strategies in reducing or eliminating the participation-related constituent year effects in masters sport. Another solution to increasing participation of relatively older masters swimmers may be to educate coaches and teammates to focus their strategies and approaches that exhibit supportive attitudes and avoid over expectation (Santi et al., 2014). One of the limitations of this study is that the sample size in the first year of measurement (i.e., 1972) is rather small, which makes this first period less representative statistically in comparison to subsequent periods but could also be an indicator of its popularity or lack of it during its establishment. Also, the statistical analyses were focused on participation entries only and thus the actual sport performances of the athletes over the historical time periods were not considered as part of this study. Future research could consider the achieved performances in competitions of masters athletes in order to highlight the competitive aspect in masters sports as it relates to the constituent year effect. Furthermore, future research needs to examine whether participation at national versus local level competitions and engagement in training activities serves a proxy for healthy engagement in masters sport since it is possible that some masters swimmers who are highly engaged in their sport may choose to avoid certain national competitions due to the expense, travel time, work/family obligations, or lack of interest in competing at that level. The current sample also consisted of masters swimmers only and is limited to US national championships and thus future studies should examine other sports and countries (Medic at al., 2009b; 2018). In future studies, samples from different sports in the same country could also be analyzed simultaneously as this approach might be useful for historical analysis of the constituent year effect in masters sports in shedding light on unique sociological factors. Finally, there is also a possibility that athletes’ decisions to competitively participate as a function of constituent year may be influenced by disparities in physical demands (Hunter & Stevens, 2013; Kundert et al., 2018) and the age of peak performance (Allen & Hopkins, 2015; Nikolaidis et al., 2017). Thus, future research needs to explore whether constituent year effects exist across different events and disciplines (e.g., short, middle, long distance). |