Reactive strength index-modified, calculated for both loaded and unloaded jumps, is related to lower-body allometrically-scaled maximal strength expressed in the IMTP test. Previous research has suggested that strength is a limiting factor in jumping ability and other lower body measures of explosive strength characteristics (Suchomel et al., 2016). A previous study also found that the reactive strength index, calculated similarly to RSImod but during depth jumps, was also related to allometrically scaled PF measured during the IMTP (Beattie et al., 2017). Interestingly, when the strongest and weakest jumpers in the previous study were stratified, there were moderate to large differences in JH, ground contact time, and reactive strength index, with differences between the strong and weak groups growing with greater drop heights (Beattie et al., 2017). Stratifying between stronger and weaker athletes has shown differences in CMJ height, RSImod, and TTT in other studies (Dos’Santos et al., 2017). Given the relationship between jumping and lower body strength, it was justified to control for maximal strength when attempting to elucidate differences in how men and women jump. Past research has demonstrated that there are differences in strength (Jones et al., 2016) and JH (Castagna and Castellini, 2013; Suchomel et al., 2015b) between males and females, although less is understood about differences that might exist in jumping strategies between males and females. Findings from the current study indicate that maximal strength is related to RSImod and JH, but after statistically controlling for relative maximal strength, there is still a difference between men and women for RSImod for loaded and unloaded CMJs. This indicates that there must be other factors that explain observed differences in RSI-mod between males and females than simply lower body strength. Both RSImod and JH, measured when unloaded and loaded, were different between sexes in the present study after controlling for strength. Interestingly, TTT in an unloaded condition was not different between males and females. This would appear to indicate that it is JH and not TTT that contributes most to the greater RSImod observed in males. Mechanically, this means that on average, male athletes generate greater impulse in a similar amount of time as their female counterparts. A study by McMahon et al. (2017) found that eccentric and concentric impulse, scaled to body mass, was statistically greater in male athletes, supporting this explanation. This greater impulse could be the result of greater RFD or greater peak forces, or both, during various phases of the CMJ (Sole et al., 2018a). In contrast, TTT20 was different between males and females. Greater decrements in CMJ performance under unloaded conditions have been previously explained by lower strength (Kraska et al., 2009), but strength was controlled for in this study, eliminating it as a possible explanation for the increased TTT20 in the loaded condition. One possible reason for the greater TTT20 in females could be the fact that the 20kg bar represents a greater proportional load relative to their body weight. This explanation needs further examination in future research. The CMJ starts with the countermovement-unweighting phase, in which the athlete rapidly drops down from his or her starting position, then quickly applies force eccentrically to slow their descent and change direction, called the countermovement stretching/braking phase (McMahon et al., 2018). Once sufficient impulse has been generated to change direction, the propulsion phase begins, in which forces are generated concentrically to propel the athlete into the air (McMahon et al., 2018). The forces/impulse generated during each of these phases dictates the change in momentum the athlete experiences and thus the takeoff velocity of the athlete as they leave the ground, and the maximum jump height the athlete will reach. The impulse-momentum relationship dictates that the amount of impulse applied to an object is responsible for the proportional change in momentum the object experiences. Consequently, for vertical jumps, maximization of impulse will result in the maximization of takeoff velocity, leading to a greater jump height. Unfortunately, little is understood about how force generation might differ between each sex, especially with regard to force production in each phase of the jump. The greater impulse that results in larger jump heights in males could be applied in any or all of the phases of the CMJ. One recent study found that during the CMJ, males exhibited greater peak forces in the stretching, net impulse, and propulsion-acceleration I phases, and higher relative impulses in the net impulse and propulsion-acceleration I phases (Sole et al., 2018a). Interestingly, phase durations of the CMJ were similar between men and women, leading the authors to suggest that it is non-temporal factors that are primarily responsible for better CMJ performance, agreeing with the findings of the present study and others (Laffaye et al., 2014). On the other hand, McMahon et al. (2017) found that there was a small, albeit non-statistically significant difference (Hedges’ g of 0.53) in time to takeoff between males and females, although this could potentially be explained by the fact that each sex group came from different sports. Increased impulse within the countermovement stretching phase may partially explain the difference in JH and RSImod between sexes, due to known differences in lower-body stiffness (Granata et al., 2002b; Wang et al., 2015), increased tendon stiffness (Kubo et al., 2003), and greater vertical stiffness measured in hopping tasks (Granata et al., 2002a) in men. The increased stiffness observed in males may lead to a more effective ability to exert high rates of force development, due to lower electromechanical delay (Grosset et al., 2009) and enhanced force transmission. On a molecular basis, titin plays an important role in the forces and stiffness exhibited during eccentric tasks (Herzog, 2014), thus it is possible that the characteristics of titin may display some sex differences, although this has not yet been tested to the authors’ knowledge. Musculotendinous stiffness is associated with rate of torque development (Bojsen-Møller et al., 2005), maximal CMJ height (Bojsen-Møller et al., 2005), and other countermovement kinetic/kinematic measures (Bojsen-Møller et al., 2005). Vertical stiffness, measured during jumping tasks, is related to CMJ height (Secomb et al., 2015) and to reactive strength index measured in drop jumps (Kipp et al., 2018). This increased stiffness, among other factors, could potentially explain differences in CMJ performance between sexes. Isometric PF, measured during the IMTP has also been shown to be related to vertical stiffness (Secomb et al., 2015). It is possible that the influence of underlying mechanisms for both PFa and vertical stiffness were removed by the ANCOVA procedure in the present study, removing some of the possible benefit held by the increased stiffness observed in male athletes. Still, notable differences remained in the dependent variables of this study after controlling for relative maximum strength (a difference of 0.0865 for RSImod0, 6.64 cm for JH0, 0.0832 for RSImod20, and 6.66 cm for JH20). Interestingly, Kubo et al. (2003) observed that females had lower hysteresis of tendon and aponeurosis of the medial gastrocnemius than males, indicating that females may have a more effective storage of elastic energy during the stretch-shortening cycle. Combined with the finding that female national team soccer players have a greater difference in JH between a CMJ and a static jump (no countermovement, thus no stretch-shortening cycle) versus male national team soccer players, it appears that females may more effectively store and use elastic energy (Castagna and Castellini, 2013). However, this explanation may or may not apply to the CMJ: a recent review suggested that the stretch-shortening cycle may not play as big a role in CMJ performance as previously believed (Van Hooren and Zolotarjova, 2017). Should the stretch-shortening cycle make only a small contribution to CMJ performance, then an increased ability to store elastic energy by female athletes may have little additional benefit to their ability to perform a countermovement. One potentially confounding factor in the comparison of RSImod between male and female athletes is the fact that athletes came from a variety of different teams. Differences in RSImod observed between teams are potentially related to both the demands of their sport and the differences in how they are trained (Sole et al., 2018b). Sports with an emphasis on vertical motions, such as volleyball, may have different relationships with RSImod than sports with an emphasis on more horizontal motions, such as soccer. Further research should examine the influence of sport on sex differences, and future research should make sex comparisons across athletes of similar sport backgrounds. Exponents used to scale IMTP PF results were calculated from this study’s sample, rather than using a scaling exponent from prior studies. The estimated allometric exponent b = 0.695 was used for PFa in this study, but we could not find statistical evidence that b is different than the 2/3 exponent commonly used in other IMTP studies. An estimated 95% CI was (0.443, 0.947), which overlaps the 2/3 exponent commonly used in other research. The 2/3 exponent, while initially validated against the weightlifting totals of male weightlifters (Lietzke, 1956), appears also to be valid for PF results from the IMTP. Given that the body position used for the IMTP is based upon a key position of the clean (Haff et al., 1997), use of the 2/3 exponent has face validity, and validity for our sample. Additionally, when an interaction model ln(PF) = a + b ln(BM) + c sex + d ln(BM) × sex was considered for development of the exponent in our study, we had a lack of evidence for sex-specific allometric exponents. To this end, the data (at least for this study population) were not against the assumption of b = 2/3 for both sexes. Whether we used the estimate b = 0.695 or the theoretical value b = 2/3, the conclusions from the ANCOVA model remain the same. |