Low back pain is a common problem in the musculoskeletal system of athletes. According to previous studies, the prevalence of low back pain in athletes across various types of sports is anywhere between 33% and 84% (Farahbakhsh et al., 2018). Golfers are more susceptible to low back injury (prevalence: 34%-42%) as compared to other injuries (Fradkin et al., 2003; McCarroll et al., 1990). Previous studies have also shown that overuse is the cause of 82.6% of low back injury cases (Gosheger et al., 2003). In particular, skilled golfers (low handicap golfers) require constant practice to maintain their skill and perform well in tournaments. The incidence rate of lower back injury among professional and nonprofessional golfers (particularly low handicap golfers) is 55% and 35% (Cole and Grimshaw, 2016), respectively, and thus warrants attention. Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated that non-athlete adults have deficits in dynamic postural control caused by chronic low back pain (CLBP) (Ganesh et al., 2015). However, there have been no studies investigating whether CLBP affects dynamic postural control and swing performance in golfers. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) has been defined as low back pain lasting for more than three months after the occurrence of a low back injury (Bogduk, 2004). Deficits in postural control caused by CLBP have been attributed to the dysfunction of the muscle spindle around the spine (Brumagne et al., 2000). In addition, altered proprioception and reduced postural control may increase muscle tension and delay muscle recruitment (Ershad et al., 2009). Ganesh et al. (2015) adopted the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) as a measurement method and demonstrated that, compared with healthy individuals, male and female patients with CLBP have deficits in dynamic postural control. In addition, Hooper et al. (2016) noted that relative to healthy participants, participants who had recovered from low back pain continued to exhibit significantly unsatisfactory dynamic postural control. This suggests that CLBP non-athlete patients have dynamic postural control deficits that may be permanent. However, other studies on back pain in young athletes have presented different results. Appiah-Dwomoh et al. (2016) studied back pain in young athletes and discovered that they exhibited no back pain-induced reductions in dynamic postural control. They suggested that this absence may be due to the athletes’ use of an alternative methods by which to manage their pain. They surmised that athletes focus on sensory clues provided by the body and produce fine movements based on the effects of back pain on postural control. Thus, they concluded that back pain does not affect the postural control of athletes. However, these authors failed to differentiate between acute or overuse in patients with chronic LBP. Young athletes may have non-chronic back pain or have a shorter CLBP history and less severe overuse CLBP compared to older athletes with a longer training history who have CLBP. In addition, previous studies have not recruited athletes whose sports require massive amounts of repetitive striking with equipment (particularly low handicap golfers with CLBP) who also endure repetitive high load impact during practice. Thus, the overuse striking type of CLBP seen in low handicap golfers may have different levels of risk related to reductions in dynamic postural control as compared to those with acute CLBP and young athletes, which is worth further investigation. The golf swing comprises two crucial skills: precisely controlling the direction of the golf ball and increasing ball flight distance (Sommer and Rönnqvist, 2009; Sprigings and Neal, 2000; Tinmark et al., 2010). In recent years, in order to achieve better training quality and monitor swing performance and data, athletes and coaches have chosen to use equipment to assist in the training process, for example, TrackMan products. The TrackMan portable launch monitor can generate 9 values related to club head impact and 14 values related to the ball flying through Doppler radars and Optically Enhanced Radar Tracking as each swing is performed (Johansson et al., 2015). It is a tool that can be used to assess the accuracy and reliability of golf performance in the form of instant feedback given to players as a training reference. Since it is now common training equipment for elite golfers (PGA, LPGA, and college golf teams), TrackMan can provide information on rapid movement during a golf swing, such as slight differences in the angle and speed of the swing, which is difficult to measure using a high-speed camera, as was the case in the past (Fisher, 2019). Previous studies have noted that the golf swing demands precise motor coordination on the basis of personal physical characteristics. Also, Smith (2010) demonstrated that good golf performance is related to some crucial physiological factors, such as muscular strength, segmental stability, proprioceptive responses, and neurological functioning. However, from the muscle recruitment perspective, the dysfunction of mechanoreceptors in patients with CLBP may cause possible changes in their proprioception, thereby delaying muscle recruitment (Ershad et al., 2009). Also, studies on this topic have reported reduced transverse abdominis endurance in golfers with a history of low back pain during a prone lying task executed on a gym mat (Evans and Oldreive, 2000). Therefore, this raises the question as to whether CLBP may possibly influence golf skills and performance related to precise control of the direction and flight distance of a ball. Postural control is performed when information from human body systems, including the vestibular, visual and proprioceptive systems, are evaluated and integrated (Winter et al., 1990). The vestibular system provides the body with orientation and acceleration abilities. The visual system provides visual references from the environment, orientation, and tracks the movement of the body. The proprioceptive system provides important information related to body orientation and changes in muscle length, as well as the strength of muscles, joints, and the skin. In addition, the central nervous system decides an appropriate plan for action, and the musculoskeletal system responds in the form of postural control and movements (Winter et al., 1990). To summarize, for well-controlled static and dynamic balance, there should be complex interactions occurring among these systems. Choi et al. (2016) did an experiment, which was a biomechanical evaluation and a test for three targeted groups of subjects (i.e., professional, advanced, and novice groups), making a conclusion that a golf swing requires good dynamic balance control. Using such a test, it has been proven that the peak-to-peak displacement and velocity of the COM and COP of professional golfers are generally lower than those of the advanced and novice player. It is noteworthy that patients with LBP have been found to have higher COP oscillations when performing balance activities in an unstable seated position (Radebold et al., 2001). Numerous methods have been used to assess abilities related to dynamic postural control. The SEBT (the Star Excursion Balance Test) is a common, highly reliable instrument used to assess dynamic postural control, as well as balance and injury risks, among both athletes and the general population (Gibson et al., 2018). It is frequently used for assessment in rehabilitation courses. The SEBT represents the control of dynamic balance in eight directions, where a loss of control may lead to deficits in dynamic postural balance for a number of reasons. By analyzing the ICCs for the eight cardinal directions (Hertel et al., 2000), Hyong and Kim (2014) revealed that the ICCs for the intrarater and interrater reliability of the SEBT range between 0.88 and 0.96 and between 0.83 and 0.93, respectively, thereby indicating high reliability. According to previous studies, a deficit in the anterior reach distance in the SEBT may result from smaller hip flexion and greater knee flexion, and that in posteromedial and posterolateral reach distances may result from the strength of the hip flexion and the strength of the knee flexion and hip extensors (Pinheiro et al., 2019). With the exception of the joint range of motion and strength of the lower limbs, lower back injuries lead to proprioceptive deficits and also affect posterior directional control in the SEBT (Hooper et al., 2016). Previous studies have indicated that the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the SEBT range between 0.78 and 0.96. Considering the athletic characteristics of golfers and their high incidence of low back injury, the purposes of this study can be stated as follows: (1) to investigate whether low handicap elite golfers with CLBP will exhibit deficits in dynamic postural control, (2) to explore whether the SEBT is a valid measure to determine return to competition in golfers with CLBP, and (3) to investigate whether CLBP affects golfers in terms of their golf swing parameters. An attempt is made in this study to clarify the influence of golf overuse-induced CLBP in terms of both postural control and swing performance. This study is intended to provide useful information for golf coaches, trainers, and rehabilitation personnel, as well as a simple method by which to assess postural control that will provide a reference for designing training regimens and monitoring the training and recovery of golfers with CLBP. |