The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage would have different effects on different types of muscle architectures. In brief, the results of this study, which was carried out in healthy sedentary male participants, revealed that all the three muscle groups exhibit significant (a) subjective pain (DOMS) and plasma CK and Mb level increases and (b) ROM and isometric peak torque decreases in all follow-up evaluations following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. The workload per muscle volume during the eccentric exercise was significantly higher in the KF and EF muscles than in the KE muscles. Consequently, eccentric exercise-related changes occurred significantly less in the KE muscles than in the other two muscle groups. Muscle strength reductions were noticeably less frequent in the KE muscles compared to KF muscle when the muscle length was to a certain extent longer compared with the shorter position. The present study results are consistent with previous studies investigating eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage responses of the elbow flexor and knee extensor muscle groups (Jamurtas et al., 2005; Saka et al., 2009). Similar to these studies, the current study reveals higher muscle damage responses in the elbow flexors than the knee extensors. Jamurtas et al. (2005) suggested that the potential cause of different muscle damage responses between the knee extensor and elbow flexor muscles may be the effect of natural training loads due to daily use between the extremities. Saka et al. (2009) estimated the muscle volumes of the knee extensor and elbow flexor muscle groups using MRI and calculated the workload per muscle volume unit by using the total work done by each muscle group during eccentric exercise. They stated a more exciting perspective by showing that the workload per muscle volume unit was higher in the elbow flexors. In the study by Chen et al. (2011), the eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage responses were investigated on four different muscle groups (knee extensors and knee flexors, elbow extensors and elbow flexors). Chen et al. (2011) indicated that muscle damage was greater in elbow flexor and extensor muscles and the least sensitive muscles to injury were the knee extensor muscles. In the studies mentioned above, the muscle damage in knee extensors was found that it is less than found in knee flexors, which is similar to the findings of the present study. Although the muscle damage indicators following eccentric exercise were similar between the flexor muscles of the elbow and knee joints in the present study, Chen et al. (2011) reported a higher response in the elbow flexors than in the knee flexors. Besides, the alterations in CK, Mb, and isometric strength levels following eccentric exercise among the three muscles were lower in the study by Chen et al. (2011) than observed in the present study. The participants were in the sitting position, and the joint range was 0-90° during the eccentric exercise protocol applied to the four muscles in the study by Chen et al. (2011). On the contrary, the joint range was adjusted between 0 and 120°, and the participants were in a lying position during the eccentric exercise protocol in the present study. Several studies demonstrated that eccentric exercise applied to muscles in different muscle fiber lengths would lead to different muscle damage responses (Hunter and Faulkner, 1997; Jones et al., 1989; Macpherson et al., 1997; Nosaka and Sakamoto, 2001). We believe that the eccentric exercise applied in a wide joint range of motion (0-120°) in the present study allowed the muscles to be exposed to a higher maximal eccentric workload. Interestingly, isometric strength loss among the muscle groups was significantly affected by test angle, in other words by muscle length, with the lesser difference between muscles in a longer length and more strength loss difference in KF and EF muscles than KE muscles in shorter muscle lengths. According to the sarcomere strain theory during eccentric exercise, the intact sarcomeres transform to a shorter length following muscle damage. Therefore, strength loss during an extended muscle would be expected. Although not analyzed in the present study, it was also the case in our study that all three muscle groups exhibited higher muscle strength deficits in longer muscle length. However, the strength deficits in the KF and EF muscles were more apparent compared to the KE muscles in the shorter muscle length. Knee extension strength loss after eccentric exercise was lower at 110° (extended length) than at 30° of knee flexion angle in the study of McHugh and Tetro (2003). Our findings are consistent with the results of the study by McHugh and Tetro (2003). Several studies (Crameri et al., 2007; Dudley et al., 1997; Franklin et al., 1993), which investigated the differences in muscle damage outputs of knee extensor and flexor muscles to eccentric exercise, showed that muscle damage, similar to the present study, develops more in knee flexor muscles compared with knee extensor muscles after eccentric exercise. In the light of these findings, it is possible to speculate that the knee flexor muscles are more responsive to muscle damage originating from eccentric exercise. On the other hand, Chen et al. (2011) distinctively compared the changes between elbow flexor and elbow extensor muscles following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. They did not find apparent differences between the muscles, and the authors expressed that both muscles have the same or similar responsiveness to muscle damage originating from eccentric exercise. While the responses following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage are different between arm and leg muscles and between knee flexor and knee extensor muscles, why it is similar between elbow flexor and elbow extensor muscles is still a question waiting to explain. The study mentioned above suggested that the possible reasons for the differences in the dimension of muscle damage between leg (knee flexor and knee extensor) and arm muscles (elbow flexor and elbow extensor) could be explained as being exposed to different levels of eccentric contractions during daily activities. In general, because of walking downhill or descending stairs, the leg muscles are more exposed to eccentric contractions in daily activities compared to the arm muscles. From this point of view, accepting that knee extensors and knee flexors are more trained for muscle damage due to eccentric exercises during daily activities seems logical. Furthermore, even when well-trained individuals perform an exercise new for them; they may experience muscle pain and muscle damage (Jamurtas et al., 2000). Besides, in a study by Vincent and Vincent (1997), trained athletes established more muscle pain than untrained athletes, but the decrease in muscle strength following strenuous exercise was similar. Moreover, no study has analyzed the activity of the extremity muscles quantitatively during daily activities (Chen et al, 2011; Jamurtas et al., 2005; Saka et al., 2009). It was also demonstrated in another study (Newton et al., 2013) that the extent of muscle damage indicators between the dominant and non-dominant arm flexor muscles are not different after an eccentric exercise. It may be speculated that the large-sized muscles are less responsive to muscle damage resulting from eccentric exercise compared with small-sized muscles. On the other hand, it is also known that larger muscles must be subjected to greater stress to get tired (Hoeger et al., 1987; Hoeger et al., 1990). Interestingly, the muscle damage responses of elbow flexor and knee extensor muscles after eccentric exercise were evaluated in older adults, and the difference between the elbow flexors and knee extensors was found fewer when compared with younger individuals (Nogueira et al., 2014). The studies (Grimby et al., 1982; Aniansson et al., 1986; Frontera et al., 2000; Lynch et al., 1999) showed a greater morphological alteration and more decline in muscle strength of the lower extremity muscles than the upper extremity muscles with increasing age. When this knowledge is taken into consideration, it is possible to express that using the arm and leg muscles differently in daily activities alone would not be a sufficient reason to elucidate the different responses in muscle damage. At the same time, no differences were found in many parameters used to evaluate muscle damage responses of the knee and elbow flexor muscle groups in the present study. Variations in muscle fiber length, fiber type, and muscle architecture would be the reason for the various muscle damage responses between muscles other than being subjected to eccentric contractions in daily activities. It is known that muscle architecture (i.e., fusiform like the biceps or multipennate like the quadriceps muscle) is a factor affecting muscle damage findings originating after eccentric exercise (Friden, 1984). It is also known that fusiform muscles are more sensitive to muscle damage following eccentric exercise than muscles with more pennation. Moreover, when fiber type is considered, it was reported that type II muscle fibers are more sensitive to muscle damage following an eccentric exercise than type I muscle fibers (Jamurtas et al., 2000; Friden, 1984). Knee and elbow flexor muscles are two muscle groups with fusiform architecture and mostly with type II fiber distribution (Klein et al., 2003). On the other hand, the knee extensor muscles have a multi-pennate architecture and are usually comprised of type I muscle fibers (Travnik et al., 1995). The training effect of daily activities was explored in the literature using two similar muscle groups in the lower and upper extremities. The impact of muscle architecture, however, was evaluated by studying muscle groups with different architecture. Muscle volume and the workload per unit of muscle volume obtained using total work during eccentric exercise were found to be similar in knee flexor and elbow flexor muscle groups in the present study. The workload per unit of muscle volume was found significantly higher in both muscles than in the knee extensor muscles. Furthermore, the pennation angle of knee extensor muscles (11.6°) was found significantly higher than of knee (1.3°) and elbow (0.9°) flexor muscles in the present study. When assessed from this viewpoint, it is possible to say that, rather than knee extensor muscles, the muscle architecture between the knee and elbow flexor muscles are similar. Saka et al. (2009) hypothesized that pennate muscles, like the knee extensors, with large physiological cross-sectional areas, would probably have lower mechanical strain per muscle unit than fusiform muscles, like the elbow flexors, during a maximal voluntary contraction. According to this theory, the results of the present study having lower pain perception, higher painless range of motion, reduced increases in plasma CK and Mb levels, and limited decreases in isometric strength in the knee extensor muscles compared with the knee and elbow flexor muscles support the hypothesis suggested by Saka et al. (2009). The workload per unit muscle volume was significantly lower in the knee extensors (2.9 J/cm3) compared to the knee (3.6 J/cm3) and elbow (4.3 J/cm 3) flexors in the present study. We think that the difference in muscle architecture between the knee extensor and knee and elbow flexor muscles might be led to the difference in workload during the eccentric exercise. |