The main findings of this study were that those who scored a 3 had a larger peak hip flexion angle, knee flexion angle, knee internal rotation angle and dorsiflexion angle compared to those who scored a 2 or a 1. However, no differences were found in peak hip flexion angle, knee flexion angle, knee internal rotation angle and dorsiflexion angle between those who scored a 1 and those who scored a 2. We also observed differences between groups in the hip flexion angle, knee flexion angle, knee internal rotation angle and dorsiflexion angle at various portions of the OHDS when inspecting the ensemble average waveforms. Our findings only partially supported our hypotheses as we did not observe differences between those who scored a 1 or 2 in peak hip flexion, knee flexion, or ankle dorsiflexion. Peak hip flexion, knee flexion, and dorsiflexion angles are during the OHDS are representative of squat depth (Bulgan, 2017; Butler et al., 2010; Jenkins et al., 2017). However, squat depth is determined in the FMS using the position of the femur relative to the ground (Myer et al., 2014). The FMS scoring criteria for a 3 on the OHDS states that an individual must maintain an upright torso, femur below parallel with the ground, and knees aligned over the feet (Cook et al., 2014). A score of 2 has identical criteria as a 3 but a single exception that the heels are elevated (Cook et al., 2014). An elevated heel may reposition the foot, shank, and thigh segments and likely contribute to the differences found in knee and hip flexion and ankle dorsiflexion between those who scored a 3 and 2. Conversely, a score of 1 is differentiated from a 2 via multiple factors, such as the femur being above the horizontal or the knees not being aligned over the feet. Individuals who score a 1 may not possess both of these characteristics, which may have contributed to the lack of difference in hip and knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion between those who scored a 2 and those who scored a 1. A decrease in sagittal plane hip range of motion (<120º) or dorsiflexion can be a contributing factor in OHDS performance based on FMS score indicating limitations in movement (Butler et al., 2010; Cook et al., 2014; Jenkins et al., 2017), and a lack of hip flexion or dorsiflexion may place additional strain on the knee. Previous studies have found a difference in hip flexion and knee flexion between those who scored a 3 or 2 compared to those who scored a 1, but no difference between those who scored a 3 and a 2 (Bulgan, 2017; Butler et al., 2010). Similarly, we found that the FMS scoring system may not be able to distinguish between 3 levels of movement dysfunction. Furthermore, the OHDS may be limited to assess movement quality compared to other squat variations. For instance, individuals may display adequate depth when unaccompanied by an overhead component or by squatting with a wider stance (McMillian et al., 2016). Our findings indicate that the FMS score of the OHDS primarily identifies differences in squat depth. However, clinicians should further evaluate individuals with limited squat depth since the source of restriction is unclear from the score. For instance, restricted ankle dorsiflexion may relate to capsular tightness, soft tissue restrictions of the foot and posterior lower leg musculature (Myer et al., 2014). Furthermore, restricted ankle movement may limit sagittal plane tibial motion, and concurrently contribute to compensatory motions such as increased foot pronation, talar eversion, and tibial internal rotation (Mauntel et al., 2015). Secondly, the magnitude of hip flexion may be influenced by the anatomical structure of the femoroacetabular joint, soft tissue restriction, or hip extensor weakness (Cheatham et al., 2018; Myer et al., 2014). If an individual lacks depth with hip flexion, it may be due to the individual possessing a deep femoroacetabular joint (Myer et al., 2014), whereas a shallow femoroacetabular joint would allow for more depth with hip flexion. This may indicate that anatomical structure may influence movement patterns regardless of neuromuscular impairment, which has implications for appropriate intervention selection. Finally, we note that there may be kinematic differences in trunk and shoulder motion that may also influence squat depth that were not assessed. For example, additional thoracic extension and shoulder flexion may aid in altering the total body center of mass position, and thus contribute to additional squat depth. Contrary to our hypotheses, there were no differences in peak values for frontal plane hip and knee motion, which could indicate that the FMS scoring criteria for the OHDS lack a consistent criterion to assess frontal plane knee and hip kinematics. Moreover, visualization of the frontal plane hip angle waveform suggested that the sample, on average, entered a knee varus position rather than valgus position regardless of FMS score. Previous studies evaluating the FMS did not measure the frontal plane hip or knee angle during the OHDS (Bulgan, 2017; Butler et al., 2010). However, the FMS scoring criteria does state that knees should be aligned over the feet in the frontal plane (i.e. “knees track inside of feet”).(Butler et al., 2010; Cook et al., 2014) Additionally, greater frontal plane hip motion is associated with aberrant movement patterns during other tasks (e.g. landing) (Donohue et al., 2015; Hewett et al., 2005; Padua et al., 2009). The OHDS of the FMS was examined because it contributes the largest proportion of variance to total composite score relative to the other FMS tasks (Kraus et al., 2015). However, hip adduction and knee abduction may be more commonly observed during unilateral movements such as cutting maneuvers, a lateral step down, a step up, or a single-leg squat (Earl et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2014; Paz et al., 2016), or high velocity bilateral movement such as a drop-vertical jump (Hewett et al., 2005). Similarly, increases in hip adduction and knee abduction may be more identifiable during a drop landing compared to an OHDS due to greater movement velocity and high impact forces (Hewett et al., 2005; Padua et al., 2009), Therefore, multiple tests are necessary to assess frontal and transverse plane hip and knee motion rather than relying on the OHDS during the FMS, and future studies are needed to determine if FMS scores are associated with movement patterns during other tasks (e.g. drop landing, cutting etc.). We found that those who scored a 3 had a larger peak knee internal rotation angle and larger knee internal rotation angle throughout the OHDS compared to those who scored a 2 and those who scored a 1. Though knee external rotation is observed with dynamic valgus,(Ishida et al., 2012) we observed that our sample, on average, entered a knee internal rotation position during the squat. The higher knee internal rotation angle values in participants who scored a 3 compared to a 2 or 1 are likely attributed to greater knee flexion. Knee internal rotation is necessary to unlock the knee and allow for more depth during a squat, and greater knee flexion is associated with greater knee internal rotation (Ishida et al., 2012; Zarins et al., 1983). Due to the arthrokinematics and alignment of the tibiofemoral joint, the tibia will internally rotate relative to the femoral condyles (Zarins et al., 1983). At 90º of knee flexion, individuals possess approximately 25º of passive knee internal rotation (Zarins et al., 1983), and the knee will begin to internally rotate at 30º of knee flexion (Ishida et al., 2012). Therefore, clinicians should consider the magnitude of knee flexion when interpreting if greater peak knee internal rotation is a potentially hazardous movement on an individual basis. For instance, greater knee internal rotation observed in the presence of lower knee flexion may place additional stress on internal knee structures. Excessive knee internal rotation is considered a hazardous biomechanical movement that may contribute to injury (Earl et al., 2007; Padua et al., 2009; Rabin et al., 2016). For example, excess knee internal rotation during unilateral movements may contribute to ACL injury risk (Ishida et al., 2012; Padua et al., 2009), and unilateral tasks may be better suited to assess transverse plane knee motions. Study strengths included an exclusion criterion that excluded those with past knowledge of the FMS to ensure consistent exposure to the OHDS assessment between all participants. Previous research indicates that prior knowledge of the FMS and its scoring criteria influence participants’ performance (Frost et al., 2015). Secondly, we used multiple raters who were FMS-certified to evaluate all movements, which likely improved the scoring validity. We note that the agreement between raters was moderate to substantial (Landis and Koch, 1977), and this was consistent with past literature evaluating the OHDS (Garrison et al., 2015; Minick et al., 2010; Shultz et al., 2013). There are limitations to consider when interpreting the results of this study. Firstly, we only assessed lower extremity kinematics. Trunk kinematics, such as forward trunk lean may contribute to an increase in the relative hip flexion angle and a decrease in knee flexion, and also influence the moment arm at the hip and knee via the vector of the ground reaction force. Therefore, it is important to consider trunk mechanics in future studies to differentiate between FMS scoring categories. Thirdly, we utilized two sessions where participants were first screened and dichotomized to scoring groups, and then assessed 3-dimensional OHDS biomechanics during a second session following a 1-week washout period. While we cannot rule out a learning effect of the OHDS, we note that the washout between sessions was standardized between participants and no feedback on score or performance was provided between sessions. This method standardized the amount of exposure, while simultaneously provided acclimatization to a novel task. Previous research also indicates good test-retest reliability of FMS scores when using a 1-week washout (Shultz et al., 2013). Finally, we did not consider anthropometric contributors to OHDS score, which may also influence joint and segment kinematics and should be considered in future studies. |