The major findings of the current investigation were as follows: 1) HRVNOC and salivary cortisol correlated significantly during test weeks that displayed the lowest HRVNOC and highest salivary cortisol levels. 2) The decline in HRV from week 3 to week 7 was correlated with a reduced volume of intense training/training load, suggesting that this decline was not due to training stress, but rather the increase in fatigue/stress associated with the beginning of the competition period. 3) When the athletes were focused on training (weeks 1-3), the change in sleep duration was negatively correlated to both K2 and salivary cortisol levels, indicating that a reduction in the amount of sleep may be associated with elevated weekly strain. Finally, 4) although the amount of easy training and training load increased, a reduction in the volume of hard training is reflected in salivary cortisol levels with a positive relationship between changes in K2 and cortisol during weeks 3-5. Thus, young endurance athletes appear to handle large amounts of easy training when the volume of hard training is reduced. During the 7-week study period, HRVNOC and cortisol displayed a negative relationship (Figure 4). When observing each test week separately, we found strong negative correlations between HRVNOC and cortisol during week 1 and 7 and moderate negative correlations for all remaining test weeks (Table 3). This indicates that cortisol and HRVNOC have a negative relationship for young endurance athletes. The evaluation of three-day nocturnal RMSSD for the HRV analysis used in the current study is based on previous findings. Although daytime recordings are commonly used, it has been suggested that night readings enhance reliability since external factors are no longer affecting an individual during sleep (Pichot et al., 2000; Buchheit et al., 2004; Nummela et al., 2010). Earlier research has found that the time domain variable (RMSSD) has shown similar recovery times and changes to the commonly used high-frequency variables of HRV (Hautala et al., 2001; Carter et al., 2003), indicating RMSSD effectively evaluates change in autonomic regulation. Additionally, RMSSD measures have shown a high correlation to the high-frequency variability (Otzenberger et al., 1998; Esco et al., 2018) with various breathing frequencies having minimal effects on RMSSD values (Electrophysiology, 1996). Moreover, similar ballistocardiographic-based measures of nocturnal HRV have been compared to electrocardiographic measures and results showed that both HRV and HR data agreed with electrocardiography data that was also tested in real-life conditions (Vesterinen et al., 2020). These findings support the idea that HRVNOC may be a useful method to evaluate individual response for endurance training. Daily (Hautala et al., 2001; Carter et al., 2003; Kiviniemi et al., 2007; Hynynen et al., 2010; Herzig et al., 2017) and weekly HRV (Pichot et al., 2000; Nummela et al., 2010) values, which are both responsive to training, are commonly analyzed. However, since daily measurements can be influenced by pronounced diurnal variations, weekly averages may provide a better indication of adaptation to training and are recommended for use (Plews et al., 2013). At the same time, utilizing the combined values for nocturnal and morning HRV over several days instead of weekly values provides a better measure of rapid responses by the autonomic nervous system (Nuuttila et al., 2017). Additionally, although several studies found no sex differences in resting HRV values response to training of cross-country skiers (Hedelin et al., 2000, Schäfer et al., 2015), the averaging of several HRV values may help diminish the effect of individual confounders, such as gender, on HRV (Schäfer et al., 2015). Therefore, we analyzed the nocturnal morning RMSSD for three successive days, an approach that does not require special software and involves calculations that can be made easily, allowing its use not only in the laboratory, but in real life as well (Hynynen et al., 2010). One important factor that may influence the daily changes in HRV values as well as the current state of recovery is sleep (Shinar et al., 2006). Sleep and overall levels of fatigue are highly interconnected, and sleep appears to have a critical role in the daily functioning during the adolescent years (Brand and Kirov, 2011). Sleep duration is a frequently and easily investigated measure for overall health and recommendations suggest that adolescents (13-18 years of age) should obtain 8-10 hours of sleep each night (Paruthi et al., 2016). In addition, athletes are advised to obtain additional sleep and ample research has reported the detrimental effects of sleep loss on human performance; demonstrating sleep is a valuable factor to observe in athletes (Fullagar et al., 2015; Simpson et al., 2017). Although monitored each night, sleep was not controlled during this study. Therefore, personal commitments (i.e. socializing, studying) and individual sleeping habits likely influenced the relationships between sleep and other investigated variables. Previous research has discovered that even elite athletes are often unable to obtain the recommended amount of sleep (Roberts et al., 2019) with a recent review finding greater deficiencies in athletes’ sleep during competition periods (O’Donnell et al., 2018). Our findings differ from this tendency, with the greatest volume of sleep occurring during the competition period (Table 2). Additionally, the sleep duration during this study consistently remained within the recommended 8-10 hours. Although the quality of sleep was not monitored, previous research with young gymnasts found the overall quality of sleep was unaffected during a competition period (Sartor et al., 2017). Therefore, the positive correlation between changes in sleep and HRVNOC observed during the competition period (r = 0.786) indicates that individuals who obtained more sleep may have also experienced an enhanced recovery. During this 7-week training period, training characteristics had a mixed effect on HRVNOC . Previous research has found conflicting responses with increases, decreases and no changes in HRV all occurring with an increased training load (Pichot et al., 2000; Hautala et al., 2001; Carter et al., 2003; Hynynen et al., 2010). It is evident that the exact mechanisms behind the effects of endurance training on HRV are not well-defined (Herzig et al., 2017). Moderate amounts of exercise have been shown to enhance vagal-related HRV indexes (Buchheit et al., 2004). Thus, the increase in HRVNOC from week 1 to week 3, when physical training increased, supports this previous finding. Moreover, HRVNOC was the highest, during week 5, when training load also reached its highest values, indicating there was a good tolerance to the present training stimulus. However, we found that the changes from week 3 to week 7 showed a positive correlation with decreases in volume of hard training, training load and HRV. Previous research found a decrease in nocturnal HRV values after both moderate and heavy endurance training sessions (Hynynen et al., 2010). Additionally, a progressive decrease in HRV values were found following a 3-week period of intensive training (Pichot et al., 2000). In the present study, the volume of hard training and training load were reduced, indicating that the decrease in HRVNOC was not associated to current training induced stress. Since the period of training analyzed in this study occurred during the initial phase of competition, all subjects also had the common goal of preparing for the early stage of their competition season. Therefore, as a group, weekly training followed similar and expected training programs with an intentional increase in ski-specific training throughout the study to reduce training stress as competitions approached. Similar to physical stress (physical work, fatigue, dietary stress), physiological stress (emotional, anxiety, cognitive), such as anticipatory stress, may have increased during the competition phase due to race-induced pressure and mental preparations that occur prior to competition. An independent measure of anxiety was not included in this study; as a result, although it appears, it is hard to identify if the alterations in HRVNOC and cortisol were induced by competition stress. Nevertheless, previous research has shown that acute stress, due to an anticipatory task, had an impact on HRV during sleep and was associated with a decreased parasympathetic modulation, and therefore, resulted in lower HRV values (Hall et al., 2004), further supporting our current finding. Salivary cortisol levels are frequently used as a biomarker of psychological stress and have shown a moderate association to perceived stress (Hellhammer et al., 2009). Previous literature has investigated salivary cortisol level’s response to exercise and found cortisol only significantly increased after high-intensity exercise with no changes occurring after low and moderate exercise (VanBruggen et al., 2011). Additionally, when investigating cortisol levels in over-trained and control athletes no significant differences between groups were found (Hynynen et al., 2006). Furthermore, both baseline and response to training cortisol levels are influenced by genetics (Feitosa et al., 2002) so individual variation has an added effect on cortisol values. In the present study, changes during week 3 to week 5 showed that salivary cortisol appeared to respond to the reduced volume of hard training by demonstrating a positive correlation (r = 0.810). The fact that week 5 included the highest amount of physical training and lowest salivary cortisol levels suggests that young athletes appear to handle large volumes of easy training and high training loads as long as the amount of hard training is reduced (Table 3). This current finding supports previous research that found, an increase of low-intensity training, equivalent to about 100% increase in training load, showed no changes in cortisol, although decreased performance occurred (Jürimäe et al., 2004). Our study displayed the greatest increase in cortisol from week 5 to week 7, during the early competition period, suggesting changes in salivary cortisol may be more related to the early season race schedule rather than amount of hard training. During week 6, the competition season began with 7/8 subjects participating in their first race. Therefore, when interpreting cortisol results, the stress from racing is an important factor to consider. Previous research has found an increase in morning and afternoon salivary cortisol levels during a competition day, regardless of similar training volume and intensity, indicating competition may alter the physiology of stress-related hormones (Iellamo et al., 2003). In addition, a decrease in sleep quality and duration has been associated with raised cortisol concentrations as well as an increase in activity of the sympathetic nervous system (Spiegel et al., 1999). In the present study, the training stimulus and sleep duration remained similar each week; therefore, our findings support the idea that competition stress may have increased morning cortisol levels. However, the cortisol values presented in our study were not collected on race day, so it is hard to know if a competition-induced stress was still present. The analysis of 3-day average salivary cortisol levels used in the present study shifts the focus to the total stress that was occurring each week rather than the stress response of an individual competition. When the subjects were focused on training (week 1 to week 3), changes in sleep duration revealed a negative relationship with both K2 and cortisol, proposing a decrease in sleep may be associated to an increased amount of weekly strain. This agrees with findings that found high intensity training negatively affected both subjective sleep parameters and recovery-related ratings (Kölling et al., 2016). Furthermore, in endurance sports, the parasympathetic form of overtraining syndrome often dominates (Lehmann et al., 1993). Therefore, the increase in physical training during week 5, followed by the competition stress during week 6, may have resulted in a delayed fatiguing affect that was displayed during week 7. Pro-longed stress causes an increase in cortisol as well a decrease parasympathetic activity (McEwen, 2007) which may explain why an increase in cortisol was found as well as a decrease in HRV during week 7. Additionally, an anti-inflammatory process occurs due to training as well as muscle damage. Therefore, the elevation of cortisol may be associated to the greater training volume during week 5 or a result of a maximal race effort causing added stress and increased stimulation of glycogen re-synthesis (Kirwan et al., 1998). In the present study, performance/recovery status was followed with SRT. As illustrated in Figure 2, running is a common exercise mode in both hard and easy training; therefore, a SRT was applicable for monitoring fatigue with this group of subjects. The easily repeatable design (based on speed and inclination) of this testing protocol provides a test that can be conducted in various training environments, such as at training camps or after long travels, to help athletes and coaches determine current levels of fatigue. Although the lack of individualized exercise intensities may reduce the reliability of the test, the repeated design provides valuable heart rate and lactate data at standardized exercise intensities during the 7-week period and significant changes in this data would indicate that levels of fatigue should be further investigated. Previous literature supports the application of submaximal tests for monitoring and predicting performance (Lamberts et al., 2004), but details the importance of implementing multiple variables so adequate insight of individual status is applied when interpreting results (Capostagno et al., 2016). As a result, we investigated the relationships between SRT heart rate, SRT blood lactate, morning salivary cortisol, HRVNOC, and physical training. During controlled submaximal intensities, HR has shown to remain constant with the lowest variation occurring at 90% HRmax values (Lamberts et al., 2004). In the current study, changes of SRT heart rate (around 90% VO2max) between week 5 and 7 displayed a strong relationship with changes in cortisol (r = 0.929). Cortisol demonstrated an additional relationship between week 3 and 7 with a negative correlation to changes in SRT heart rate (r = -0.929) and blood lactate (r = -0.857). Common assumptions about changes in HR at submaximal intensities suggest that an increase in aerobic fitness is linked to decreases in HR, while increases in HR are associated with a decline in fitness, dehydration or overtraining (Lamberts et al., 2004). Earlier research additionally suggests reduced submaximal HR is only a sign of effective endurance training when no decline in maximal performance is present (Hedelin et al., 2000). Therefore, without maximal HR values it is hard to evaluate the relationship between SRT HR and resting cortisol values, which also have mixed results. In addition, in order to detect significant changes in SRT, it is recommended that the HR values are approximately 7 bpm different at 90% HRmax workload (Lamberts et al., 2004) and therefore, fluctuations during the present study were too small to interpret any training induced changes. Since variation in response to training stress is an apparent difference, it is logical to assume that monitoring variables, such as HRV, that also have an individualized response to training stress would be beneficial for optimizing performance. Research has investigated the response to endurance training and numerous factors have helped explain these differences such as, genotype, training background, gender, age, training load, etc (Carter et al., 2003; Buchheit et al., 2004; Nummela et al., 2010). In addition, large differences were observed despite prescribing the same amount of volume and modifying intensity training individually (Nummela et al., 2010). During this study, although physical training was not standardized, comparable training occurred due to group training and competition schedules. Present findings showed similar weekly trends for both HRV and cortisol but individual differences were high, agreeing with previous findings (Figure 3). Due to this high intra-individuality, previous research has investigated and implemented HRV-guided training into endurance training programs. HRV-guided training resulted in a lower frequency of high-intensity exercises and therefore, a decreased training load (Kiviniemi et al., 2007). When the timing and amount of high intensity exercise is adjusted, a slight change in the training periodization occurs. A large training focus for young endurance athletes is building their aerobic capacity and an improved endurance comes from accumulated years of effective training. As a result, further research should follow the long-term effects on HRV and endurance training before implementing a HRV-guided approach to training in young athletes. |