The core outcomes of this research can be distilled into three key points: (1) Neither StS nor S-D had a significant impact on the energy values of the different frequency bands for GL, BFL, and RF. However, the initial knee angle elicited opposite effects on the high- and low-frequency energy values of the GL and RF. (2) Neither StS nor S-D significantly affected the Pavg or Ppeak. However, in all groups, both Pavg and Ppeak increased significantly with an increase in the angle with the three examined angles. (3) At 90° and 120°, StS led to a significant reduction in GRFpeak. At 120°, StS caused a significant increase in Vpeak. However, these effects could have been negated by PAPE. Additionally, in all three groups, from 60° to 120°, GRFpeak significantly increased with angle, whereas Vpeak decreased. StS rendered Vpeak insensitive to angle changes, an effect that could also have been counteracted by PAPE. The influence of StS, PAPE, and angle on GRFpeak and Vpeak were likewise mirrored in how F and V proportionally contributed to the corresponding Ppeak. The findings of this study corroborate, to some extent, previous perspectives indicating that StS and S-D have no significant impact on the EMG amplitude of the GL, BFL, and RF muscles (Kümmel et al., 2017). Unlike previous studies that compared the effects of a 20-second StS regimen and a regimen combining 20 seconds of StS with 10 repetitive squat jumps on EMG amplitude, this study adopted a regimen of 4 sets of 30-second StS exercises with a 15-second interval between sets. This specific regimen was designed to rule out the possibility that shorter-duration StS (< 60 s) may not adversely affect athletic performance (Kay and Blazevich, 2012; Behm et al., 2016). Additionally, the current study employed a more comprehensive time-frequency analysis technique, namely wavelet analysis, which is considered more suitable than the Fast Fourier Transform for analyzing EMG signals during dynamic contractions (Rafiee et al., 2011; Wei et al., 2012; Zandiyeh et al., 2022). In relation to the impact of angle on EMG measurements, previous research has mainly concentrated on variations in EMG amplitude (Jaskólska et al., 2003; Lanza et al., 2019). For the first time, the present study revealed that with SJs, varying takeoff angles have distinct impacts on the energy values across the frequency bands of GL, BFL, and RF. Intriguingly, the angle had opposing effects on the high- and low-frequency energy values for the GL and RF; as the three angles increased, the high-frequency energy values for the GL increased, while the low-frequency values decreased, and the opposite effect was observed with the RF. Previous studies have yielded inconsistent results regarding the effects of StS and S-D on Pavg and Ppeak. One study’s findings indicated that StS exerts no significant influence on SJ power output (Blazevich et al., 2018); whereas another found that StS negatively impacts it (La Torre et al., 2010). The present study is aligned with this perspective. A notable difference was the prior inclusion of a comprehensive dynamic warm-up, which was absent in our protocol. In our study, only a standardized warm-up was performed before the intervention, primarily to neutralize any potential PAPE effects (Turki et al., 2011). Disparities between other studies and our findings could be due to differing interlude durations between the standardized warm-up and StS protocols. For example, in one study, StS was executed immediately following the warm-up, whereas in ours, a five-minute interval was established to offset potential interference from elevated body temperature (Samson et al., 2012). In terms of the impact of S-D on jump power, prior research indicates that the combination of StS and DJ improves power performance in straight-knee drop jumps (Kümmel et al., 2017). This does not align with our findings, possibly because our evaluation involved SJs, whereas previous studies utilized movements incorporating the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). Regarding the influence of different takeoff angles on Pavg and Ppeak, La Torre et al. (2010) explored the impact of various knee joint angles (50°, 70°, 90°, and 110°) on SJ peak power. They found that the peak power was the highest at 90°, which diverged from the results of our study. Our findings indicated that as the knee-start angles (60°, 90°, and 120°) increased, the power output also increased significantly. This inconsistency may stem from differing StS protocols; previous research stretched the quadriceps and triceps surae, whereas our study additionally stretched the hamstrings, possibly altering the muscle coordination patterns at various angles. In this study, divergent results were observed regarding the influence of StS and S-D on GRFpeak compared with prior research. Previous studies have suggested that neither the StS nor S-D had a significant impact on GRFpeak during SJs (Kümmel et al., 2017). However, in our study at knee angles of 90° and 120°, StS led to a notable reduction in GRFpeak, an effect that was neutralized by PAPE. This discrepancy may stem from our experimental design, which extended the stretch not only to the triceps surae, but also to the hamstrings and quadriceps, coupled with a longer stretch duration. These modifications were made for practical applications. Prior research has shown that three sets of 15-second StS did not significantly affect Vpeak during vertical jumping (Knudson et al., 2001). However, in our study, four sets of 30-second StS significantly increased Vpeak at a 120° angle, an increase neutralized by PAPE. These variations may be attributed to differences in the set numbers and durations. Our study also diverges from previous findings on the influence of different jump-start angles on GRFpeak and Vpeak. Earlier studies have shown that in SJs initiated at varying knee angles, GRFpeak decreased, while Vpeak increased with the angle (La Torre et al., 2010). In contrast, our study showed the reverse trend for both GRFpeak and Vpeak. These inconsistencies may be due to variations in the stretching protocols. Finally, an intriguing phenomenon not previously reported was observed: at 120°, StS altered the relative contributions of F and V to Ppeak, an effect nullified by PAPE. This may be because previous studies have primarily focused on the overall F-V relationship rather than the F-V relationship at specific time points. In this investigation, we found no marked alterations in the frequency band energy values for the GL, BFL, and RF following StS and S-D, which could be due to various factors. First, StS is known to reduce the EMG amplitude, which is thought to be linked to alterations in cortical-spinal excitability due to prolonged stretch-induced sensory stimulation (Trajano et al., 2017). However, the duration and intensity of stretching implemented in this study may have been insufficient to affect the cortical-spinal excitability. Second, many earlier studies relied on the interpolated twitch technique (ITT) for measurement (Fowles et al., 2000; Trajano et al., 2014), a technique that reflects activation level increases dependent on increased discharge rates of fibers rather than on additional motor unit recruitment (Trajano et al., 2017). In contrast, our study employed maximal rapid contractions using SJs, indicating that all motor units were recruited (Desmedt and Godaux, 1978). This methodological divergence may account for the variances between our results and those of prior research. Finally, PAPE did not induce significant alterations in energy values across the muscle frequency bands. This may be attributable to the primary influence of PAPE on intramuscular Ca2+ sensitivity (Blazevich and Babault, 2019), which occurs within muscle fibers (French et al., 2003). As for the BFL, the energy values across its frequency bands showed no marked response to angle changes, likely because the length of the BFL is influenced simultaneously by both the hip and knee joint angles (Gajdosik et al., 1993). Thus, even if the knee joint angle increases, any simultaneous increase in the hip joint angle could lead to negligible changes in the actual length of the BFL. The divergent effects of angular changes on the GL and RF frequency bands can be attributed to two factors. First, the length variations of the GL are smaller than those of the RF at different knee joint angles, thereby affecting muscle activation differently (Close, 1972). Second, the differing proportions of Type I and Type II muscle fibers in the GL and RF result in different activation thresholds and intensities (Schiaffino and Serrano, 2002). For Pavg and Ppeak, neither StS nor S-D led to significant changes. This may be attributed to the fact that in our study, StS and S-D did not influence the neuromuscular system, which could be a critical factor in dictating reduced performance in exercise (Power et al., 2004). Moreover, shifts in the mechanical attributes of muscle-tendon units may reposition the maximal force-velocity curve towards the right, without necessarily affecting peak force performance (Balnave and Allen, 1996). As the angle increased, both Pavg and Ppeak demonstrated significant increases. This could be due to the alteration in joint angles, leading to corresponding adjustments in the initial muscle length moving toward the optimal length. At this optimal length, the crossbridge overlap is maximized (Millman, 1998). Additionally, changes in the joint angles result in altered lever arms (Worrell et al., 2001), subsequently affecting various power outputs. At 120°, the significant changes in GRFpeak, Vpeak, and the F-V relationship corresponding to Ppeak induced by StS may be attributable to the noticeable shortening of the primary force-generating muscles compared to other angles (Reese and Bandy, 2017). This change, coupled with the decrease in muscle stiffness caused by StS (Iwata et al., 2019), creates a cumulative effect. This effect modulates the length-dependent changes in Ca2+ sensitivity (Balnave and Allen, 1996) and the rate of force conveyance (Maffiuletti et al., 2016). Ultimately, these factors collectively alter the F-V relationships associated with GRFpeak, Vpeak, and Ppeak. However, PAPE may counteract these effects by increasing the sensitivity of contractile proteins to calcium ions (Ca2+) (Blazevich and Babault, 2019). Compared to other angles, GRFpeak significantly increased, while Vpeak decreased at 120°. Concurrently, the relative contribution of F to Ppeak increased, whereas that of V decreased. This may be because the primary force-generating muscles have a more advantageous initial length and lever arm at this specific angle (Millman, 1998; Worrell et al., 2001). This observation was consistent with previous findings (La Torre et al., 2010). This study had a limitation. In analyzing the force-velocity relationship, our study only assessed GRFpeak, Vpeak, and the force and velocity indices corresponding to Ppeak. We did not account for the theoretical limits of both force and velocity, thus hindering a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of StS and PAPE on full F-V characteristics. Given this limitation, future studies should explore the effects of StS and PAPE on the theoretical aspects of the force-velocity relationship in greater depth. This would help in understanding the applicability of these interventions across a broader range of force-velocity configurations, thereby advancing both the theoretical framework and practical applications of the research. |