The present study, to the best of the authors' knowledge, is the first investigation to explore the impact of SSIT on different surfaces in relation to the physical fitness attributes of female soccer players. Our results indicated that all training surfaces were effective in inducing significant adaptive changes to enhance the physical fitness of female soccer players following the 7-week intervention. Comparative analysis of the interventions revealed that the SAND group exhibited significantly greater improvements in CMJ compared to the LAND group. Although the changes in other variables did not reach statistical significance, there were differences in the magnitude of changes among the groups. Notably, the SAND group demonstrated greater gains in percent changes for the 20-m linear sprint and Yo-Yo IR1 compared to the GRASS and LAND groups. Additionally, the SAND and GRASS groups displayed greater adaptations in the Illinois CoD and MKD compared to the LAND group. However, in the 2.4 km time trial, the training effects were observed to follow the order of SAND > GRASS > LAND. The CMJ is one of the most influencing abilities on soccer performance particularly in crucial skills like heading (Paoli et al., 2012). Our results regarding the positive effects of SSIT on CMJ corroborate previous studies (Kunz et al., 2019; Arslan et al., 2020; Boullosa et al., 2022; Clemente et al., 2021; Dai and Xie, 2023) reporting significant effects of SSIT on CMJ performance by targeting specific mechanisms such as enhancing muscle-tendon properties, improving intermuscular coordination, and increasing alpha motor-neuron firing rate (Wahl et al., 2014; Song and Deng, 2023). Buchheit and Laursen (2013) suggested that short duration and high intensity interval training is an effective training modality for improving neuromuscular systems by enhancing force development and firing rates. Additionally, the short foot contact time during SSIT is similar to the stretch-shortening cycle involved in jump training, which leads to adaptive changes in the neuromuscular systems and subsequent improvements in VJ performance. Interestingly, the type of surface used during training plays a significant role in individual responses to training. The SAND group (9.6%) showed greater improvements than the GRASS (7.6%) and LAND (5.2%) groups, while the GRASS group showed more gains than the LAND group. Research indicates SSIT on SAND results in higher activation of muscle fibers due to sand's shock-absorbing and friction qualities (Impellizzeri et al., 2007). SAND may require more effort from the muscles to overcome the instability of the ground, leading to increased work in the muscles and tendons during short runs in SSIT. This, in turn, enhances the contractile properties of the muscle fibers and allows the leg muscles to reach an active state, resulting in greater gains in CMJ (Pinnington and Dawson, 2001). In fact, it is possible that undergoing training on SAND, given its inherent instability, may cause a change in the force vectors exerted while running, resulting in adaptations that improve the ability to generate vertical force (Pereira et al., 2023). This improvement can be attributed to the requirement for increased stabilization and force generation to maneuver on the unstable surface (Mirzaei et al., 2014), ultimately leading to enhancements in CMJ. Conducting further research on the biomechanical mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon could offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of SAND training in enhancing CMJ performance. Furthermore, performing SSIT on GRASS may adhere to the principle of training specificity. Conversely, SSIT on GRASS led to more adaptive changes compared to LAND, making it a recommended training strategy. Overall, conducting SSIT on different surfaces elicits different responses, and the SAND and GRASS surface could be a suitable training surface for inducing better adaptations than LAND; however, for greater gains in CMJ the SAND surface is better than others. If a SAND surface is unavailable, it is advisable to choose a GRASS pitch. Performing SSIT on a GRASS surface tends to result in greater gains compared to LAND. With regards to inter-subject variability in response to SSIT intervention, the SAND group exhibited lower IRs in current changes and CV compared to other groups, as well as GRASS in contrast to LAND. This highlights the significance of selecting the most suitable surface for promoting uniformity in adaptations for female soccer players. Thus, SAND is recommended over GRASS and LAND, and GRASS is also preferred over LAND. Our findings indicate that a 7-week SSIT program is an effective training method for reducing 20-m sprint (SAND, -4.1%, GRASS, -3.0%, and LAND -2.9%) and Illinois CoD (SAND, -3.2%, GRASS, -3.4%, and LAND -2.3%) times in female soccer players. These findings are in accordance with previous studies that have shown positive transfer of SSIT to sprint and CoD ability gains in athletes (Arazi et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2020; Dai and Xie, 2023). SSIT facilitates maximal horizontal acceleration, which is crucial for sprinting and CoD tasks. A quick change of direction may stem from rapid force development and high power generation in the lower extremities (Miller et al., 2006). The improved linear speed could be linked to advancements in the acceleration component of maximal sprint and enhancements in stride length, leading to gains in sprint performance (Lee et al., 2020; Clemente et al., 2021). Furthermore, it seems that engaging in SSIT may impact the improvements in maximum strength, power, and speed necessary for adaptive enhancements in the CoD ability. The findings from Boullosa et al. (2022) and Song and Deng (2023) suggest that SSIT induced adaptive alterations in the CMJ and linear sprint, leading to a positive transfer to the CoD ability gains in female soccer players as highlighted by Arazi et al. (2017). Results of a comparative analysis could be supportive of the fact that the unstable and shock absorbance nature of the SAND and GRASS surfaces and may require more effort from the muscles, resulting in increased work in the muscle fibers in short runs during SSIT, leading to improve contractile properties of the leg muscles to reach an active state, resulting in greater achievements in 20-m sprint and Illinois CoD speed (Pinnington and Dawson, 2001; Impellizzeri et al., 2007) than LAND surface. Furthermore, the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers and involvement of eccentric to concentric muscle actions during SSIT could be another mechanism in enhancing sprint and CoD ability (Clemente et al., 2021). In addition, the IRs in percent changes and CV were lower for SAND and also GRASS compared with LAND which indicates better adaptive responses in players with greater uniformity in adaptions. Therefore, it is recommended to perform SSIT on different surfaces to elicit different responses. The SAND surface could be a suitable option for training to improve sprint gains, while both SAND and GRASS surfaces are optimal for enhancing CoD ability. However, if a SAND surface is unavailable, it is better to use a GRASS pitch for SSIT as it yields greater gains than LAND, with greater homogeneity in adaptations. Our results indicate SSIT performed on different surfaces is an effective method for improving Yo-Yo IR1 (SAND, 14.0%, GRASS, 11.0%, and LAND 11.1%) and 2.4 km time trial performance (SAND, -7.5%, GRASS, -6.0%, and LAND -4.8%), regarding the relationship between repeated sprint ability, aerobic capacity, intermittent endurance, and heart rate recovery in youth soccer players, which corroborates previous studies (Arazi et al., 2017; Arslan et al., 2020; Boullosa et al., 2022; Clemente et al., 2021). The enhanced aerobic performance could be attributed to improved oxygen delivery (Fereshtian et al., 2017; Sheykhlouvand et al., 2016a; 2016b) and utilization by the active muscles (Sheykhlouvand et al., 2022). Research indicates SSIT leads to adaptations in both the central and peripheral components of aerobic activities (Sheykhlouvand et al., 2018a; 2018b; Rasouli Mojez et al., 2021; Sayevand et al., 2022), as well as optimize the resynthesis of high-energy phosphates and recruitment of fast-twitch motor unites (Sanchez-Sanchez et al., 2019), resulting in improved performance in Yo-Yo IR1 and 2.4 km time trials. On the other hand, the SAND group demonstrated a 14% (Large ES) improvement in Yo-Yo IR1, surpassing the 11% (Moderate ES) improvements shown by the GRASS and LAND groups. This highlights the clear advantage of engaging in intermittent sprint training on SAND compared to other surfaces via greater enhancements in energy expenditure alongside a greater accumulation of H+ during exercise which could be a key element in enhancing muscle buffering capacity (Binnie et al., 2013). Consequently, this leads to advancements in the aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of athletes, leading to more adaptations in Yo-Yo IR1 for the SAND training group. It is widely documented that running on SAND requires significantly more energy than on a firm surface like GRASS (Pinnington and Dawson, 2001). Furthermore, training on SAND results in higher average heart rate and blood lactate accumulation during a conditioning session for team sport athletes, surpassing the effects of training on GRASS surfaces (Binnie et al., 2013). Typically, interval training on SAND, as opposed to a firm surface, can result in higher training intensity, leading to greater aerobic adaptations resulting in more enhancements of aerobic capacity, oxygen uptake kinetics, exercise economy, and lactate threshold (Wahl et al., 2014; Song and Deng, 2023). A high level of aerobic fitness is crucial for recovering and maintaining high-intensity efforts throughout a soccer game. Reduced H+ accumulation and elevated buffering capacity could be another explanation for enhancing Yo-Yo IR1 and 2.4 km time trial performance (Kunz et al., 2019; Dai and Xie, 2023). Training on SAND may also lead to greater gains in running economy, further enhancing running performance. Furthermore, SAND and GRASS exhibited lower IRs in percent changes and CV compared to LAND, suggesting superior adaptive responses in players with more consistent adaptations. Therefore, it is recommended to incorporate SSIT on different surfaces to elicit varied responses. If a SAND surface is unavailable, a GRASS pitch is a suitable alternative for SSIT in female soccer players. Based on the study's findings, the effectiveness of a 7-week SSIT training method in enhancing MKD has been established, as all training groups (SAND, 9.3%, GRASS, 9.5%, and LAND 8.5%), displayed significant improvements after the training period. These results are consistent with previous research that suggests interval training has a positive impact on soccer players' KD (Lees et al., 2010; Rodríguez-Lorenzo et al., 2016), possibly due to enhancements in biomechanical factors involved in achieving maximum kicking distance, such as increased leg linear speed resulting from neuromuscular adaptations following the SSIT regime (Lees et al., 2010). Upon analyzing individual responses to the training, it was observed that the type of training surface had influence on the adaptations in MKD indicating more adaptive responses for the GRASS than the SAND and LAND. Moreover, SAND and GRASS demonstrated lower IRs in percentage changes and CV in contrast to LAND, implying more effective adaptive responses in players with greater consistency in their adaptations. A limitation of this study is its exclusive focus on female participants, limiting the generalizability of the findings to females only, not males. Moreover, the players involved in the study were adults, therefore it is necessary to be careful when extrapolating these results to other age categories such as prepubertal. It is crucial to emphasize that our results specifically pertain to interval protocols conducted within the conditions of this study. The potential for comparable outcomes with different reference intensities or training volumes remains to be determined. |