Although COX training has been recommended to induce more adaptations in athletes (Arazi et al., 2014), the impact of cluster sets COX training on physical performance adaptations in male volleyball players following a 6-week training intervention has not been thoroughly investigated. This study aimed to explore the effects of a 6-week COX training with different set configurations (cluster sets vs. traditional sets) on jumping ability, power output, strength, and hormonal adaptations in young male volleyball players. The results of this study revealed that a 6-week CS-COX training not only induced greater adaptive responses in bio-motor ability and peak power performance but also led to lower cortisol levels than the TS-COX following the training period. Conversely, both the CS-COX and TS-COX groups demonstrated similar enhancements in maximal strength, mean power output, and resting testosterone concentrations following the training intervention. Previous research has shown that enhancing jumping ability (i.e., CMVJ) and CODS (i.e., T-test and Illinois) following COX training can be achieved through improvements in neuromuscular adaptations, better synchronization of motor unit firing, increased coordination levels, and greater recruitment of motor units resulting from combined plyometric and resistance training (Watts et al., 2012; Arazi et al., 2014; Berriel et al., 2022), as supported by our findings. The superior adaptive responses in these physical fitness components following CS-COX training may be linked to higher motor neuron excitability and reflex potentiation compared to other training modalities (Ishak et al., 2021). Evidently, cluster sets integrated into plyometric and resistance training have the potential to affect power generation capabilities (Asadi and Ramírez-Campillo, 2016; Arazi et al., 2018), thereby enhancing jumping ability and horizontal speed movements to improve an athlete's overall performance. Conversely, prior research has proposed that incorporating cluster sets into a training routine is particularly beneficial for targeting enhancements in power generation capacity in resistance and power training (Nagatani et al., 2022). The basis for this suggestion lies in the effectiveness of brief inter-repetition or intra-set rest periods in enabling the partial replenishment of PCr stores and in sustaining or improving movement speed throughout a training session (Tufano et al., 2016). Indeed, it seems that incorporating cluster sets (i.e., a 30-sec rest interval between repetitions) led to notably increased peak velocities in acute performance (Haff et al., 2008). Integrating cluster sets into a training regimen can enhance training specificity for power development due to higher training velocities (Tufano et al., 2016; Arazi et al., 2018), ultimately enhancing performance in high power movements such as CMVJ, SPJ, and T-test CODS tasks measured in the current study. The outcomes of this investigation are consistent with previous studies that have demonstrated that a combination of resistance and plyometric training can have a significant impact on enhancing strength performance (Watts et al., 2012; Arazi et al., 2014). This enhancement can be attributed to the augmentation of motor neuron excitability, the increase in motor unit firing frequency, and the rise in efferent motor drive following the training, along with the induction of muscle hypertrophy due to the training (Ebben, 2002). Similar to our findings, Arazi and collagenous (2018; 2021) reported that cluster sets during resistance training induced similar effects on strength gains when compared with traditional sets. While cluster sets are often advised for power development, traditional sets are typically considered more appropriate for enhancing maximal strength. In relation to COX training, it was the first study that compared CS-COX training versus TS-COX training in volleyball players with aiming to compare the magnitude of training effects on strength gains. The study demonstrated that when resistance and plyometric training methods were combined in a single session, there were moderate enhancements in leg press and back squat strength gains for both interventions. It was observed that there were no significant differences in the adaptive changes of neuromuscular and also other mechanisms (i.e., similar resting testosterone adaptations) associated with strength gains following the cluster sets and traditional sets configurations (Arazi et al., 2018). Additionally, the increases in muscular hypertrophy resulting from training may serve as another mechanism for facilitating adaptive changes in strength performance (Li et al., 2019). It appears that the configuration of set structures does not significantly influence the extent of gains achieved after the training intervention (Davies et al., 2021). This investigation was the primary examination to determine the impact of a 6-week COX training regimen with variations in set structure on the Wingate anaerobic power test in male volleyball players. The CS-COX group experienced a large increase in peak power output compared to the moderate increase observed in the TS-COX group after the 6-week training period. Conversely, both the CS-COX and TS-COX groups showed similar moderate training effects on mean power output. More adaptations in peak power output following the CS-COX training could be due to more adaptive changes in the ATP-PCr metabolic pathway. In fact, an elevation in the quantity of rest intervals could potentially improve recovery by preserving PCr and ATP reserves, as well as enhancing metabolite clearance (such as lactate accumulation) (Haff et al., 2008; Forbes and Sheykhlouvand, 2016; Gharaat et al., 2020) This, in turn, may enable a greater availability of substrates, facilitating the maintenance of movement velocity throughout all sets in COX training leading to more adaptive change in short-term (i.e., 5 sec) maximal effort trials by athletes (Tufano et al., 2016). However, there is a lack of conclusive evidence regarding the superiority of any particular training method in relation to physiological variables associated with gains in mean power output. It is crucial to maintain consistent power production during the 30-sec Wingate anaerobic power test and a combination of resistance and plyometric training with differing in rest distribution through the training program did not induce superior outcomes and produced the same (i.e., moderate ES) training effects on power production leading to similar gains in mean power output achieved during the Wingate test. Indeed, cluster sets loading is appropriate for bouts of short-duration, such as those involving jumping ability (Jusoh et al., 2019). It appears that performance attributes requiring sustained force production and involving other metabolic pathways, such as glycolytic to oxidative, were not significantly impacted by this type of training (Haff et al., 2008). Nevertheless, it is important to note that this study represents the initial investigation, and additional research is necessary to elucidate the adaptations in power performance when examining different cluster sets distribution in athletes using the Wingate anaerobic test. Resting testosterone concentrations are commonly associated with anabolic enhancements when accompanied by decreases in resting cortisol concentrations (Staron et al., 1994). Consistent with previous research on hormonal concentrations during cluster sets loading (Arazi et al., 2018), our study revealed that both the CS-COX and TS-COX groups experienced similar increases in testosterone levels after the 6-week training period. The potential mechanisms responsible for facilitating this adaptation in exercise-induced serum testosterone levels in individuals may arise from traditional enhancements in luteinizing hormone pulsatility or production (Kraemer and Ratamess, 2005). The activation of the endocrine system during exercise can potentially initiate adaptive processes in skeletal muscle cells, resulting in an augmentation of contractile protein levels (Kraemer and Ratamess, 2005). Notably, testosterone is widely recognized as the primary promotor of muscle development and the subsequent enhancement of muscular strength following training (Vingren et al., 2010). Furthermore, it is worth noting that both training groups exhibited small but significant enhancements in testosterone levels. This suggests that incorporating either traditional or cluster sets into a training routine can lead to the establishment of a favorable hormonal profile during rest periods. The study findings also indicated that both CS-COX and TS-COX training programs resulted in similar adaptations in testosterone levels and also strength gains which describe the positive relationship between testosterone concentrations and strength gains following CS-COX and TS-COX training regimen (Tufano et al., 2019). It appears that to control long-term training stress, alteration of the resting cortisol levels is an important indicator to manage training loads (Kraemer, and Ratamess, 2005). Collectively, when the training load is reduced, resting cortisol levels decrease and often return to normal levels (Kraemer and Ratamess, 2005). In the present study, both training groups showed a decrement in resting cortisol levels; however, the CS-COX group displayed a greater decrease in response to training. It suggests that the incorporation of cluster sets during training interventions may create a favorable environment not only for improving power performance but also for reducing the metabolic stress associated with training compared with the traditional training sets (Arazi et al., 2018; Tufano et al., 2019). The factors that influence cortisol levels are complex and multifaceted. In addition to changes induced by exercise from our study protocol, various nutritional, physiological, psychological, environmental, and lifestyle elements - including sleep, diet, alcohol consumption, emotional states, dominance, and mental fatigue - can also impact the adaptive responses of cortisol levels to training (Kraemer and Ratamess, 2005). Notably, the findings of this study indicated that CS-COX training may have a significant effect on catabolic hormones, extending beyond the physiological aspects that influence cortisol responses during training. Since the strength adaptations between the CS-COX and TS-COX configurations were similar, these findings suggest that a brief rest within the single set can be utilized as a strategy to induce less physiological stress and fatigue (Api et al., 2023) while achieving similar gains in testosterone concentration and also strength performance. This study utilized a particular approach to analyze the results by evaluating individual adaptive responses to COX training through cluster sets and traditional sets, addressing shortcomings noted in prior research involving COX training or cluster set configurations (Watts et al., 2012; Arazi et al., 2014; 2018; Berriel et al., 2022). Previous studies predominantly concentrated on reporting the mean and standard deviation of training groups, along with the magnitude of effects quantified by Δ% or ES. However, such methods of presenting results may not be appropriate for team sports, where the varying fitness levels of individual players can significantly influence the overall performance of the team (Tao et al., 2024). Analyzing the individual Rs in Δ% for physical performance assessments is crucial for understanding the extent of change in each player and their respective adaptive responses to training (Tao et al., 2024). Additionally, the calculation of ES and Δ% are important factors that should be included in the results of the study, as highlighted in previous research (Arazi et al., 2014; 2018; Berriel et al., 2022). In this investigation, the individual Rs in Δ% was reported as a method to illustrate the consistency of adaptive changes among players following the training intervention. Our findings indicated that volleyball players in the CS-COX group demonstrated lower Rs in Δ% for physical performance, and hormonal adaptations when compared to the TS-COX group. This finding suggests that incorporating a short rest duration (i.e., 30 sec) within a single training set resulted in greater consistency in adaptations among volleyball players. However, it is important for subsequent research to manage other pertinent factors that may impact the adaptive responses to training, including sample size, factors influencing trainability, and the season's timing. The current research presents several methodological limitations that warrant further examination. Firstly, the study's statistical power has been affected by the relatively small sample size of athletes (n = 8 for each group). Nevertheless, a priori power analysis has been performed, demonstrating that this sample size is adequate for achieving sufficient statistical power (Berriel et al., 2022). Secondly, the observation period was relatively brief; however, prior research has suggested that this duration is appropriate for eliciting adaptations in athletes (Arazi et al., 2021). Thirdly, the results of this study are specifically relevant to trained male volleyball players during preparation phase. Additional research is necessary to determine whether these findings can be generalized to female players and to volleyball athletes across various age groups and fitness levels. Finally, it would have been beneficial to include various configurations of cluster sets to better understand optimal rest intervals within a set compared to other rest durations. To validate our findings, future studies should consider these variables. Given these limitations, we recommend that subsequent research focus on longer-term studies, different athletic populations, or other factors that may influence the efficacy of COX training. |