Research article - (2025)24, 128 - 141 DOI: |
Comparing The Effects of Maximal Strength Training, Plyometric Training, and Muscular Endurance Training on Swimming-Specific Performance Measures: A Randomized Parallel Controlled Study in Young Swimmers |
LiuXi Yang1, BingHong Gao1,, Yu Chen3, Qi Xu2, JiuShu Zhou3, Qi Tang3 |
Key words: Swimming, sports training, resistance training, sports performance, dry-land strength training |
Key Points |
Design |
The study utilized a randomized controlled design, incorporating two experimental intervention groups (MST, PT) alongside an active control group (MET) that continued regular dry-land muscular endurance training. Participants were drawn from an university swimming team using convenience sampling. To ensure specific swimming training did not affect the results, the swimmers within each sex were randomly assigned to one of the three groups. The randomization, using a 1:1 allocation ration, was carried out through simple randomization using opaque envelopes distributed to the swimmers prior to their initial assessment, giving each swimmer an equal opportunity to be placed in any group. This method ensured allocation concealment. The randomization process was overseen by a researcher who had no role in the subsequent evaluations, guaranteeing the blinding procedure. Independent researchers, unaware of both the group assignments and the intervention protocols, conducted assessments one week before the intervention started, at the third week of interventions and again after the sixth week of training. The swimmers and the coaches implementing the training interventions, however, were not blinded. |
Ethical standards |
The study received approval from the Ethics Committee of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, with the protocol registered under code number 120-20240913. Participants were fully informed about the study’s objectives and procedures before involvement. Swimmers voluntarily provided consent by signing an informed consent form. Adhering to ethical standards outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki, the research ensured that all participation was completely voluntary. |
Participants |
To achieve a statistical power of 0.95 and a significance level of 0.05 for the F tests -specifically focusing on the repeated measures ANOVA within-between interaction- a total sample size of 6 participants was recommended by the G*Power software (version 3.1.9, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany). This calculation was grounded in an effect size of 2.38, utilizing a partial eta squared value of 0.85 from prior research comparing plyometric training in swimming in the variable of 25-m front crawl (Sammoud et al., The criteria for inclusion included the following: (i) attendance at the three evaluation points, (ii) a minimum of five years of swimming experience was required to avoid the learning curve associated with the primary movement proposed, ensuring the training targets the desired outcomes without exposing participants to poor posture or an increased risk of injury, (iii) attendance of at least 90% of intervention training sessions, (iv) absence of any injury or illness during the experiment and in the month leading up to it, (v) no involvement in any additional strength and conditioning programs, and (vi) experience in resistance training of at least 2 years. Conversely, exclusion criteria were also established: (i) non-attendance at any evaluation moments or tests, and (ii) the use of any drugs or illegal substances that might affect the adaptations being examined. The criteria match was verified by two researchers, each holding a PhD in sports science and with over five years of experience in strength and conditioning training for athletes. After initial recruitment, thirty swimmers were recruited. Throughout the experiment, three participants were removed from the study due to unrelated injuries sustained during non-intervention training activities ( Twenty-seven university-level swimmers (10 women and 17 men) participated in the study. The men had an average training experience of 9.2 ± 1.3 years, while the women had an average of 9.0 ± 1.9 years. The men averaged 182.7 ± 6.3 cm in height, and the women averaged 169.6 ± 7.5 cm. The men weighed 72.9 ± 10.8 kg, while the women weighed 59.1 ± 6.0 kg. The men had a body mass index of 21.8 ± 2.8 kg/m2, and the women had a BMI of 20.5 ± 1.0 kg/m2. Additional information about the specific characteristics of each group and overall is provided in |
Training interventions |
All groups participated in regular swimming training, which was exclusively designed by the coaches without input from the researchers. The training routine often included warm-up exercises, technique drills, and conditioning training in form of high-intensity interval training or sprint sets, followed by cooldown. In addition to their regular training, the experimental groups (MST, PT and MET) engaged in resistance-based training interventions. During the training period, swimmers participated in 12 resistance training sessions (6 weeks with two sessions a week) that focused on three distinct training modalities: MST (involving bench presses, back squats, and deadlifts at 80% to 95% of their one-repetition maximum), PT (including explosive push-ups, medicine ball throws, and non-weight jumping exercises), and MET training (e.g. push-ups, squatting up, pull-up, dumbbell-flying birds). Each session was conducted twice a week for 50 to 60 minutes, incorporating 10 to 15 minutes of preparatory activities, and took place on Mondays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 15:00, allowing for a 72-hour recovery period between sessions to optimize performance and muscle adaptation. The randomization process for assigning swimmers to groups was conducted within performance clusters. This method ensured that athletes within each cluster were randomly assigned, eliminating any potential interference from differing performance levels in their adaptation. Additionally, all athletes within a given cluster followed the same swimming training plan, while still being allowed to pursue individual goals based on their own swimming paces. Despite these individualized goals, the training methodology was standardized across the group. The only difference occurred in dry-land strength training, where each swimmer performed the specific resistance exercises assigned to their group, with the training designed and supervised by the coaches. Resistance training and swimming-specific training were deliberately separated to maximize recovery and performance; the training load was systematically increased from weeks 1 to 5, followed by a reduction in intensity during week 6 to promote recovery and adaptation. Each resistance training session started with a standard warm-up routine that included 5 minutes of running, followed by 10 minutes of dynamic stretching targeting both the upper and lower limbs. The PT program is detailed in All movements required maximal intent and maximal speed execution. During weeks 1 to 5, the number of touchdowns was progressively increased by one each week, reaching a total of 64 to 108 touchdowns. In week 6, this number was slightly reduced to 72. Rest periods of 1 to 2 minutes were provided between sets and also between exercises. Movements performed during the warm-up or ground contact times were not counted in the training plan. The details of the MET program are presented in For the pull-ups, participants grasped the bar with both hands at shoulder width, maintaining approximately a 90-degree angle between the arms and torso. The body angle relative to the ground was less than 45 degrees, with the legs aligned horizontally with the torso. During the exercise, participants pulled themselves up until their chin touched or surpassed the bar, and then lowered their bodies back to the starting position to complete the repetition. To promote effective training techniques and maximize swimmers’ performance, each group was paired with a dedicated researcher or assistant who had a minimum of three years’ experience in strength and conditioning coaching. The coaching groups were responsible for delivering the program to the swimmers, offering constructive feedback, and ensuring that every exercise was executed with full intensity to enhance the training effect. Swimmers received clear instructions to exert their utmost effort during each repetition, and verbal motivation was provided throughout the workouts to foster dedication and engagement among the participants. |
Testing procedures |
The testing procedures were conducted during three distinct time points: the week prior to the start of the intervention, the third week of the intervention, and the week following its completion. The testing days and procedures were consistent across all assessment periods to minimize potential biases that could influence the results. To ensure proper recovery, a 48-hour rest period was observed before each evaluation, which took place before the swimmers' first session of the week. All evaluations were conducted in the morning, beginning in a climate-controlled room set to 22ºC and 55% relative humidity. In this setting, demographic data, anthropometric measurements, and strength levels were assessed (the strength assessments were used exclusively for adjusting the strength training). Approximately 30 minutes after completing the strength evaluations, participants moved to a 50-meter swimming pool with a water temperature of 26.6ºC for the swimming performance tests. Before the swimming tests, the athletes performed a specific dry-land warm-up that included a standardized dynamic stretching routine for both the upper and lower limbs (~5 minutes). This was followed by a 600-meter freestyle swim and three 50-meter freestyle accelerations at low to medium intensity. Three minutes after completing the warm-up, the swimmers began the performance tests. The swimming tests were always performed in the same sequence to ensure consistency. The selected tests were proposed to differentiate the key phases of performance in competitive freestyle swimming: the start phase and the freestyle swimming phase (Marinho et al., Testing was conducted with the 15-meter start individually to allow full focus on the athlete’s performance, while the remaining tests were performed in pairs for efficiency and comparative analysis. Verbal encouragement was provided throughout to maximize effort, ensuring consistency in performance across all trials. |
Starting performance |
The starting performance assessment included both flight distance and platform-to-15m time. A previous study found that the first 15 meters of a 50-meter sprint can account significantly for the overall race performance (Seifert et al., To measure flight distance, an iPhone 14 (recording at 1080p HD / 30 fps) was used as the test instrument ( Flight distance was determined using Kinovea (version 0.9.5-x64), a two-dimensional motion analysis software. The camera was calibrated using a series of poles with fixed lengths, positioned at a vertical offset of 40 cm between the leading edge of the pool and the starting wall, which was accounted for in the video recording. This procedure aligns with previous studies employing calibration techniques for analyzing the aerial phase in swimming (Hermosilla et al., |
Swimming performance assessment |
The swimming specific performance assessment included four key test indicators to evaluate the athlete's performance in different swimming scenarios (Ruiz-Navarro et al., The pool was marked at the 15m, 25m, and 50m points to ensure consistent measurements during each test. Additionally, the distances for the 25m freestyle, 25m freestyle kicking, and 25m freestyle stroke (i.e., kicking without stroking and stroking without kicking) were clearly indicated at the bottom of the pool. This method provided a standardized approach to measure swimming-specific performance across different techniques and distances. In all tests, the start was initiated from the 15-meter mark, with the referee providing the starting signal. Each swimmer completed the test once, and times (measured in seconds) were first measured using an electronic stopwatch (LI-NING 019-1, China). The evaluations were consistently conducted by the same researcher, who is a former swimmer, current coach, and also a judge in swimming tournaments. Prior to the experiments, the researcher was tested in a pilot study, where the results were compared with those obtained through video camera analysis. The pilot study included data from 30 swimmer attempts during an experiment, and the intra-class correlation test, comparing the researcher's results with those from the video analysis, revealed a value of 0.93, showing excellent reliability (Koo and Li, |
Statistical procedures |
Before proceeding with inferential analyses, the normality of the sample distribution was evaluated using the Shapiro-Smirnov test, which yielded a p-value greater than 0.05. To assess the assumption of homogeneity, Levene’s test was also conducted, with results showing p > 0.05. A mixed ANCOVA (time * group) was then conducted, using the pre-evaluation scores as a covariate. This analysis incorporated the calculation of partial eta squared ( |
Significant interactions between time and group were observed in the starting flight distance ( Significant differences were observed between groups in middle evaluation for the starting flight distance ( Significant differences were observed between groups in post-intervention evaluation for the starting flight distance ( In the 25-meter freestyle stroke, during the mid-evaluation, MST significantly outperformed both PT ( In the 50-meter freestyle, during the mid-evaluation, MST significantly outperformed both PT ( |
The findings of our study revealed that both groups significantly improved swimming performance following the interventions. While both MST and PT were similarly effective and significantly outperformed MET in enhancing starting performance in sprint swimming and specific drills, such as 25-m freestyle kicking and stroke alone, only MST demonstrated significantly greater improvement than MET in 25-m and 50-m freestyle swimming. PT, by contrast, showed a significant advantage over MET only in the 50-m test. Furthermore, MST resulted in faster performance improvements than PT, with significant gains observed within just three weeks, indicating quicker adaptation with MST. Starting performance in our study was measured through 15-m starts, which allowed us to observe that both MST and PT were significantly more effective than MET in improving start flight distance and 15-m start swimming time. Interestingly, PT was the first to show significant improvement over MET after just 3 weeks of training. By the post-intervention phase (6th week), both MST and PT were significantly better than MET, with no significant difference between MST and PT at that point. Previous studies suggested that higher lower limbs and trunk strength enable a more powerful and rapid takeoff, increasing horizontal velocity, which contributes significantly to overall sprint performance (Keiner et al., MST and PT lead to superior improvements in starting flight distance and 15-m sprint times in comparison to MET possibly due to their specific impact on neuromuscular adaptations. MST often allows the recruitment of high-threshold motor units and increases overall force production (Suchomel et al., The results of our study also showed that both MST and PT significantly improved 25-m freestyle performance, whether using only kick or only stroke, compared to MET. Interestingly, at the 3-week evaluation, PT performed significantly better than MST in the 25-m kick-only test, while the opposite was observed for the 25-m stroke-only test, where MST achieved faster results than PT. However, by the post-intervention phase, no significant differences were found between MST and PT in either test. Such findings align with evidence about the relevance of muscular strength and power for optimizing stroke and kicking performance during sprint swimming possibly due to their role in generating propulsion and minimizing resistance (Keiner et al., The results observed in our study may be attributed to the hypothesis that MST enhances the recruitment of high-threshold motor units and improves muscle fiber activation (Girold et al., When examining ultimate performances in 25-m and 50-m freestyle sprint swimming, our results indicated that only MST exhibited significantly better performance than MET at both distances. Additionally, PT was only significantly better than MET in the 50-m sprint. MST modality often promotes greater improvements in explosive strength, leading to more powerful strokes and effective kick propulsion, crucial for short-distance sprints (Keiner et al., An additional interesting finding revealed that MST showed faster improvement, being significantly better than both PT and MET by the third week. However, by the sixth week, no significant differences remained when compared to PT. The significant improvements observed in the MST group by the third week can be attributed to rapid neuromuscular adaptations, such as increased motor unit recruitment and firing rates (Tillin and Folland, Despite the promising findings of this study, several limitations warrant consideration. First, the relatively short intervention period of six weeks may not fully capture the long-term effects and sustainability of the training modalities on sprint swimming performance, nor does it account for the impact of trainability over longer durations. Future research should explore extended training periods to determine whether the observed benefits persist or evolve over time. Additionally, the sample size and context of this study may limit the generalizability of the results to broader populations, particularly those at different competitive levels. Moreover, due to time constraints, some training interventions could potentially be more robust in future research. For instance, in our study, the MST did not include a pulling exercise, which is highly relevant for swimmers. Future investigations should include diverse participant groups, specifically elite and younger swimmers, to enhance the external validity of the findings. Lastly, while we measured starting performance, future studies could incorporate additional metrics, such as biomechanical analyses, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving performance improvements. This study has some interesting practical implications. It suggests incorporating MST twice a week, as visible effects can be observed by the third week, with further enhancements in performance noted by the sixth week in short-distance sprint swimming. While PT is also recommended, its effectiveness varies depending on the context, as it shows significant improvements in shorter sprint tests but is less effective for the 50-meter distance. Coaches must consider the specific context when integrating these training modalities and adjust their introduction according to periodization. Additionally, managing appropriate training loads is essential to avoid potential negative effects on the daily water-based training process. |
This randomized parallel study revealed that, although all groups showed significant improvements after the interventions, both MST and PT played a more substantial role in enhancing sprint swimming performance compared to MET, albeit with specific nuances. MST was significantly more effective than MET in starting performance, analytical drills (kick and stroke), and freestyle swimming at both 25-m and 50-m distances. In contrast, PT showed significant improvements over MET in starting performance, sprint swimming (kick and stroke), and 50-m freestyle, but not in 25-m freestyle. Interestingly, MST demonstrated faster, more significant adaptations in 25-m and 50-m freestyle swimming compared to PT and MET, making it preferable for shorter training periods, such as 3 weeks. These findings suggest that coaches may consider MST for quicker performance improvements, while PT may offer a better balance of adaptation over a longer period, such as 6 weeks. |
The experiments comply with the current laws of the country where they were performed. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available but are available from the corresponding author who organized the study. |
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