The novel results from this investigation is that the energy cost of running during a ultradistance trail running event was substantially greater than the energy cost of running in the same subject under various other running conditions. Even though the intensity of exercise was relatively low during the WS100, the energy expenditure of this individual per kilometer of terrain covered was elevated. Normal horizontal running estimation of kcals·mile-1 for an individual of this weight (75 kg) would be ~120 kcals·mile-1 (McArdle et al., 2001, Saunders et al., 2004a), which was closely approximated by the track and MHC1 data in the current study. However, even though running intensity was less in the WS100, caloric expenditure was elevated. A number of factors may have contributed to this increase in the energy cost of running; it may be partly due to the single track trail on undulating terrain. Pace and distance covered is reduced under these conditions which would result in an increase in energy expenditure when expressed per given distance or speed at a given intensity. It has been reported that running in sand can result in a 1.6 fold increase in the energy cost of running (Lejeune et al., 1998). Although the WS100 did not include loose sand, this illustrates the range of energy expenditure across different types of running surfaces. In addition, although there was an overall elevation loss for the section of trail in this study, there were multiple uphill and downhill sections. Minetti et al. (2002) reported that uphill treadmill running can increase the energy cost of running by over five fold, and downhill running can reduce the energy cost of running by nearly a half. This is complicated in this field study where the subject would subjectively monitor intensity through perceived exertion and heart rate. Despite the constantly altered low relative intensity and overall elevation loss, the energy expenditure was elevated. Since the WS100 trial was held at moderate altitude (1693 m) there may have been an increased energy cost of respiration which may have elevated the energy cost of running (Morgan and Craib, 1992; Roi et al., 1999). However the subject was altitude acclimatized having lived for over three weeks at over 2400 m prior to the WS100, which has been shown to increase running economy and thus decrease the energy cost of running (Saunders et al., 2004b). Duration of exercise increases the oxygen cost of running (Davies and Thompson, 1986; Hausswirth and Lehenaff, 2001; Hausswirth et al., 1997a; Sproule, 1998; Xu and Montgomery, 1995). Although cardiovascular drift is thought to contribute to this elevated energy expenditure with prolonged exercise, it is not thought to be the sole factor (Hausswirth et al., 1997a; Sproule, 1998). In the current study, due to the varying terrain and conditions it was difficult to determine any drift in the energy cost over the 21.7 km segment of trail, however the subject had run for ~5 hr over 39.7 km prior to the start of data collection. Therefore the elevation in energy expenditure may have occurred prior to this measuring period. Muscle soreness may have also contributed to the elevated energy cost of running (Braun and Dutto, 2003; Calbet et al., 2001; Palmer and Sleivert, 2001). The intensity of running in the current investigation is similar to that estimated in other studies during ultradistance events. It has been found under conditions of extended running that intensities of 50-60% of VO2max are possible (Davies and Thompson, 1979a; 1976b; Myles, 1979), which compares favorably to the 51% VO2max in the current study. Thus, it is not believed that the elevated energy cost of running in the current study is due to increased intensity that is unrealistic during ultradistance running. Therefore the elevated energy expenditure observed during ultradistance running could be due to a number of environmental and physiological factors; however over the course of ultradistance events this would certainly affect energy requirements. Only one previous study has attempted to measure energy expenditure during prolonged running. Hill and Davies, 2001 measured energy expenditure during a two week daily run with the doubly labeled water technique. The sole subject (63 kg) averaged 6321 kcal·day-1 while running an average of 76.7 km·day-1 (47.6 mile·day-1) on established roadways. Taking into account BMR this would equate to 61.6 kcal·km-1 (~100 kcal·mile-1), which is near the estimated energy cost of running for an individual of this body weight (McArdle et al., 2001; Saunders et al., 2004a). These measurements were taken following the first two weeks of a seven month record setting run on roads around Australia. The method of measurement, subject weight and experience, terrain, and running surface may help to explain differences from the current investigation. Even provided the impressive economy of the runner in the Hill and Davies, 2001 study, this was not compared to the individual’s running economy under normal running conditions to determine any potential elevation in energy expenditure and therefore loss of economy over time. HR was disproportionately elevated during the WS100 trial given the %VO2max intensity. Although the heart rate was similar on the Track trial compared to WS100 (76.0 vs. 75.3% respectively), the intensity (%VO2max) was substantially higher (71.2 vs. 51.0% respectively). Anecdotally, many individuals in ultradistance running notice elevated HR at a given perceived exertion, perhaps due to the anxiety of the race environment. Or perhaps, HR under these extreme conditions reflects the elevated energy expenditure disproportionate to relative intensity as determined by oxygen consumption. Again, due to the nature of the course the contribution of cardiovascular drift to the elevated HR seen in the current study is difficult to determine. However, an elevated HR was apparent even during early stages of the race by this subject. |