Horner’s syndrome comprises ipsilateral partial ptosis, pupillary meiosis, apparent enophthalmos, facial anhidrosis, heterochromia of the irides (if before age two or congenital), and transient decrease in intraocular pressure. (Worthington and Snape, 1998) The syndrome arises from a lesion that interrupts the sympathetic neuronal pathways from the hypothalamus to the eye. Sympathetic innervation to the eye consists of a three-neuron arc. The first order neuron originates in the dorsolateral hypothalamus. It descends through the reticular formation of the brainstem and travels to the ciliospinal centre of Budge between the levels of the eighth cervical and fourth thoracic vertebrae (C8-T4). There, it synapses with second order neurons whose pre-ganglionic cell bodies give rise to axons, which exit the white rami communicantes of the spinal cord via the anterior horn and enter the sympathetic chain in the neck, synapsing in the superior cervical ganglion. Here, cell bodies of third order neurons give rise to post-ganglionic axons that course to the eye with internal carotid artery via the cavernous sinus. Fibres from these axons form the long and short posterior ciliary nerves. These sympathetic nerve fibres innervate the dilator of the iris. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibres also innervate the muscle of Müller, responsible for the initiation of eyelid retraction during eyelid opening. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibres responsible for facial sweating follow the external carotid artery to the sweat glands of the face. Interruption at any location along this pathway (pre-ganglionic or post-ganglionic) will induce an ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome (Chan et al., 2001). The most common aetiology of Horner’s syndrome is neoplasia (35% - 60%) followed by trauma (4% - 13%)(Bell et al., 2001). The underlying mechanism in traumatic carotid artery dissection is usually blunt trauma and includes road traffic accidents, trampolining, chiropractic manipulation of the neck, treadmill running, skiing and birth injuries (Bell et al., 2001; Demetriades et al, 2009; Fletcher et al., 1995; Macdonald and McKillop, 2006). Cervical rotation and compression of the arterial wall is postulated to cause a small intimal tear that leads to intra-medial haemorrhage compromising the vascular supply to the superior cervical ganglion. (Fletcher et al., 1995) The signs of a Horner’s syndrome may present up to 5 days after the injury. In 50% of dissections, there will be no signs of neck trauma (Fletcher et al., 1995). Cervicocephalic dissections were once considered uncommon for neurological/neuro-ophthalmic disorders such as stroke or transient ischaemic attacks (TIA), and Horner’s syndrome (Bell et al., 2001). However, with the advent of MRA and computerised tomographic angiography (CTA), carotid and vertebral dissections are being recognised more often. Stringaris et al reported 12 cases of carotid dissection in which MRI with MRA was superior to conventional angiography (Stringaris et al., 1996). Computerised tomographic angiograms have a comparable efficacy to MRA. Vertinsky et al. (2008) conducted a study on 18 patients with 25 dissections and showed that CT/CTA identified more intimal flaps, pseudo-aneurysms and significant stenosis than MRI/MRA. Ultrasound techniques are also a valuable modality. Intimal tears on Duplex scan are pathognomonic and have 79% sensitivity for detection of carotid dissections. |