Case report - (2020)19, 298 - 308 |
Coordination between Crew Members on Flying Multihulls: A Case Study on a Nacra 17 |
Eric Terrien1,, Benoît Huet1, Paul Iachkine2, Jacques Saury1 |
Key words: Interpersonal coordination, joint action, course of experience, cognition, water sports |
Key Points |
The role of the sport equipment in the explanations of collective coordination in sports |
In the domain of sport psychology, the role attributed to sport equipment in collective coordination varies depending on the theoretical assumptions that grounded the studies. From the social-cognitive perspective, the performance of a team relies on the capacity of each team member to know what his or her teammates are going to do and when they will do it (Eccles and Tenenbaum, Compared to the previous perspective, the ecological dynamics framework emphasizes more on the role played by the environment (including sport equipment) in collective coordination. This framework articulates key concepts from ecological psychology and non-linear dynamical system theory (Seifert and Davids, More recently, R’Kiouak et al. ( This approach considers cognition as an enacted property of the history of the structural coupling of an autonomous organism with its environment (Maturana and Varela In the present study, the flying boat presents similarities with a rowing boat as both are highly affected by each crew members’ activities. However, on a flying boat the respective activities of each crew member, are very different from those of rowers, depending to their own specific roles on the boat. The constraints of their collective task require a reciprocal interdependence (Saavedra et al., |
Theoretical framework and research purpose |
The study was conducted within the course of action theoretical and methodological framework (Theureau, Within the course of action framework, the theoretical object representing the construction of the meaning from the actor’s perspective is the “course of experience” (Theureau, From this perspective, we particularly focused on how sailors mutually interact with their partner and the boat to maintain the stability of flight on a foiling multihull. We define flight stability as the tendency of the boat to maintain a steady flight with minimal variations of ride height and heeling, despite the ongoing perturbation of its dynamic equilibrium originated by the crew members actions and the wind, waves and sea current variations. Therefore, flight stability is a central issue in foil sailing (Heppel, In line with these considerations, and with the previous studies of R’Kiouak et al. ( |
Participants and context of the study |
This case study is rooted in a collaboration between expert sailors and researchers who were themselves experts in sailing. The sailors of the present study were members of the French national sailing team, training for the Nacra 17 event at the 2020 Olympic Games. The Nacra 17 foiling catamaran is an Olympic multihull for two sailors. The helmsman was a 34-year-old man, and the crew was a 25-year-old woman. Both sailors had more than 10 years of experience in sailing competition at national and international level. At the time of the study they had been training and competing at international level as a Nacra 17 crew for six years. In this period of time, they have been ranked four times in the top ten at the world championships. The protocol of the study was explained in depth to the sailors and to their coach. They all provided explicit consent to participate in the study. In addition, the study followed the guideline of the university ethics committee. Sailing activity was studied during a three-hour training session. This session took place during a training session scheduled at the end of the competitive season. |
Choice of a specific situation for an in-depth analysis |
We selected a nine-minute beam reach leg (i.e., perpendicular to the wind direction) for an extensive analysis of the crew members’ activity. On this leg, the boat sailed under jib and mainsail. The helmsman held a stick connected to the rudders and held the mainsheet to act on the mainsail traveler. The crew held the same mainsheet to act on the mainsheet block. When the boat was flying, both crew members were trapezing (when trapezing, sailors are hooked with a waist harness to trapeze lines attached to a point high on the mast). In this position, the sailors had their feet on the gunwale and their bodies fully extended outside the hull. This position gives more leverage to control the heel and opens the possibility of walking along the gunwale to balance the boat’s trim. This sequence was selected because the flight of the boat is particularly unstable on reaches, challenging the crew’s coordination. During this sequence, the instruction for the crew was to go as fast as possible, staying on a boat trajectory perpendicular to the wind direction. After the session, the crew members expressed that this sequence was the most salient during the training session from their point of view in terms of perceived difficulty of maintaining flight stability. All these factors created favorable conditions to conduct an instrumental case study on this singular sequence (Baxter and Jack, |
Data collection |
Collecting data in situ |
Two types of data were gathered in situ: (a) continuous video and audio recordings of the crew members’ behavior and verbal communications; and (b) mechanical data about the boat behavior. |
Data collection for the analysis of the course of experience |
Self-confrontation interviews were conducted immediately after the training session to collect retrospective verbalizations of the sailors lived experience of that studied leg. A self-confrontation interview is a method consisting of confronting a person with traces of a past episode of his/her activity to “re-live” this episode of activity as it was experienced (Theureau, |
Data analysis |
The data analysis was carried out through two main steps: (a) reconstruction and synchronization of the crew members’ courses of experience, and (b) identification of episodes of collective coordination and (c) categorization of forms of interaction. |
Reconstruction and synchronization of the crew members’ courses of experience |
The onboard conversations and the verbalizations of the sailors obtained during the self-confrontation interviews were fully transcribed. The reconstruction of the courses of experience of each sailor consisted of a comprehensive analysis of the verbalizations of the sailors collected during the self-confrontation interviews. During this process, a meticulous investigation of audio-video recordings and measurement data was conducted by the researcher to enrich his interpretation of the verbalization of the sailors. According to the course of action theoretical framework, a course of experience is a chain of meaningful units of activity from the actor’s point of view. By hypothesis, each meaningful unit is composed of six articulated components that, respectively, account for the different phenomena of human experience at each instant of the ongoing activity (Theureau, After identifying the chains of meaningful units of activity for each actor, the two chains were time synchronized using the video recording as time reference. Such synchronization allowed to examine in detail the collective interlinking of the crew members’ courses of experience (Theureau, |
Identification of episodes of collective coordination |
This step of the analysis was carried out by considering, on one hand, the dynamics of the articulation of the crew members’ courses of experience, and on the other hand, the concomitant dynamics of the boat’s behavior. The joint changes of the states of preparation of the sailors were identified in the synchronized courses of experience of the crew members. Each joint change of the states of preparation delimited the closing of an episode (or part of an episode) and the opening of another episode (or part of another episode). An episode could be composed of several parts of discontinuous episodes where the closure was only temporary. In this case the episode already opened was temporarily “put in the background” until it opened again. Thus, 24 collective changes of the states of preparation were identified, corresponding to 14 episodes ( The description of the behavior of the boat was based on the analysis of the video-recorded data and heel angles measured by the IMU: Firstly, based on the video and the self-confrontation interviews, we identified episodes where the flight’s viability could be considered as “critical”. Critical flights episodes are more about circumstantial evidences that the viability of the flight is being threatened than about measuring the level of stability of the flight. These episodes were identified when (a) the sailors described major perturbations of the flight during the self-confrontation interviews, and (b) observation of the video recording revealed one of the following situation: the boat is flying too high with the tips of the foils about to breach the surface, the boat is flying very low and struggling to maintain the hulls above the water during a lull of wind or the boat suddenly drops down and slams the water. In this way, five critical episodes were identified. Secondly, for each of the remaining episodes we analyzed the heel angles measured by the IMU to characterize the level of stability of the boat. We conducted this analysis on episodes or parts of episodes that lasted more than 10 seconds, considering the inertia of the boat’s movements when rolling from side to side. More precisely, the mean angle of heel was calculated and the Standard Deviation (SD) of this angle was taken into account to evaluate the boat’s flight stability. During the whole leg, the SD of the angle of heel was 4.55 and the maximum SD of the angle of heel for a 10 second window SD was 7.88. When the SD of an episode was less than 3.94 (corresponding to the half of the maximum SD of a 10 second window) the flight was considered “stable.” Conversely, when the SD of an episode was greater than 3.94, the flight was considered “unstable.” This analysis permitted identification of five stable episodes and three unstable episodes. Due to its short duration, one episode could not be characterized in terms of stability of flight. Consequently, this episode was removed from the analysis. For each of the episodes (or parts of episodes), the duration, the mean angle of heel, the SD of the angle of heel, and the cumulated time, are respectively presented in |
Categorization of forms of interaction |
Finally, we identified the forms of interaction between crew members and the boat underlying the control of the boat’s flight in relation to environmental constraints. We proceeded by synthesizing the states of preparation, representamen and meaningful units of action of the crew members for each episode. The episodes presenting similarities in terms of state of preparation, representamen and meaningful units of action were grouped in a same category. We then took into consideration the behavior of the boat: when all episodes in the category corresponded to similar behavior of the boat, that category remained unchanged; when one or more episode in the category corresponded to a distinct behavior of the boat, that category was split based on the boat behavior. Six categories were identified, corresponding to the six forms of interaction ( |
The analyses revealed six forms of interaction between the crew members, the boat, and the environment underlying the control of the boat’s flight. |
Form 1: Individual coordination with the boat of the two crew members to maintain flight stability |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by concomitant individual activities directed to the boat focused on preserving flight stability. There were no meaningful interactions between crew members. The episode 13 represents this kind of interaction in which the behavior of the boat was stable with a standard deviation of the angle of heel of ±3,37 (during the first part of the episode) and ±3,49 (during the second part of the episode). During these episodes, both crew members had similar states of preparation related to preserving a perceived stable flight. These phases were described as “good phases” by the sailors, e.g.: Crew “ |
Form 2: Verbal communications between crew members to share expectations about perturbations of the flight stability |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by communication between the partners about the perception of their common surrounding environment (i.e., waves and wind to be anticipated or obstacle to be avoided). The episodes 3 and 9 represent this kind of interaction. Due to insufficient duration of the three parts of episode 3, the behavior of the boat was only characterized by mechanical data for episode 9. During this episode, the behavior of the boat was stable with a standard deviation of the angle of heel of ±3,37. During these episodes, both crew members had similar states of preparation related to the perception of salient changes of environmental conditions, such as incoming gusts of wind, or crossing with other boats. Verbal communication between crew members consisted of short announcements and mutual confirmations of the perceived environmental events, e.g.: Helmsman: “ |
Form 3: Interpersonal coordination to optimize respective actions directed to the boat to maintain flight stability |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by activities directed to specific elements of the boat in coordination with the partner’s actions on the boat. The episodes 2 and 7 represent this kind of interaction in which the behavior of the boat was stable with a standard deviation of the angle of heel of ±3,45 (episode 2) and ±2,65 (episode 7). During these episodes, both crew members had congruent states of preparation related to the perception of specific elements of the boat needing joint action to be adjusted. This was, for example, the case for the mainsail that was adjusted by the mainsheet held by both the helmsman (actions on the traveler) and the crew (actions on the blocks). In this case, there was a congruence of the actions of the crew members directed at keeping the boat flat. During these episodes, the relation between the crew members’ actions was mutually perceived through shared elements of the boat. For example, in episode 7, the crew expressed during the self-confrontation: |
Form 4: Interpersonal coordination to find solutions in reaction to the perceived flight instability |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by activities directed to the boat to recover boat stability “here and now” and activities directed to the partner to find solutions to recover flight stability. The episodes 8, 10 and 11 represent this kind of interaction in which the behavior of the boat was unstable with a standard deviation of the angle of heel of ±4,69 (episode 8, part 1), ±4,65 (episode 8, part 2), ±4,53 (episode 10. part 1), ±4,24 (episode 10, part 2), ±5,06 (episode 11, part 1) and ±5,44 (episode 11, part 2). During these episodes, both crew members had convergent states of preparation directed towards finding a solution to stabilize the flight, involving the partner in the reflection and problem solving. Despite the crew members being involved together in finding a common solution, some conflicts of point of view could occur during their interactions. For example, the analysis of episode 11 revealed a divergence in perceptions of environmental perturbations: in this particular episode, both sailors were perturbed by the lateral instability of the boat. However, leeward heeling was more salient for the helmsman and conversely windward heeling was more salient for the crew. Verbal communications were taking the form of a conflict of points of view with insistent requests and strong argument, e.g. Helmsman: “ |
Form 5: Individual actions of each crew member to a critical flight perturbation to recover control of the boat |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by activities directed at the boat in reaction to a critical state of flight and communication with the partner to share perceptions of the situation. The episodes 1, 4, 5, 12 and 14 represent this kind of interaction in which the behavior of the boat was described as critical. During these episodes, both crew members had a similar state of preparation, directed to the recovery of control of the flight. In these situations, crew members’ attention was focused on the critical behavior of the boat and the significant variations in speed and heeling, as well as perceptions of variations of the behavior of the boat through the commands (e.g., meaningful increasing or decreasing of the tension in the mainsheet or vibrations in the rudders’ stick). Actions of the crew members were congruent with the behavior of the boat: displacements and actions on the commands were aimed at quickly acting to alter the balance of the boat and keep it flying. For example, in episode 4, video recording showed that as the boat kept accelerating in the gust, the ride height kept increasing to a critical point (when the foils come too close to the water surface they can suddenly lose their lift due to ventilation, which results in a crash), both crew members stepped forward along the gunwale to act on the trim of the boat. Verbal communications were characterized by simple expressions of their perception of phenomena endangering flight viability followed by quick checks of the integrity of the teammate, e.g.: Helmsman “ |
Form 6: Verbal communications to build common explanations of the boat’s flight perturbation occurred in the near past |
This form of interaction between the crew members and the boat was characterized by activities of each crew member directed to his/her partner in the form of a reflexive activity about a near past event. The episode 6 represents this kind of interaction. Due to insufficient duration of episode 6 part 2, the behavior of the boat was only characterized on the basis of mechanical data for episode 6 part 1. During this part of the episode, the behavior of the boat was stable with a standard deviation of the angle of heel of ±3,89. During these episodes both crew members had similar states of preparation, related to communicating explanations to the teammate about actions taken during a past event in order to better anticipate similar events in the future. The perceived perturbations by crew members were similar and consisted of memories of what happened and what they had said during a past event. Verbal communication consisted of the developed expression of experienced difficulties during the past event and argumentation about alternative solutions to resolve an eventual future similar situation, e.g.: Helmsman: “ |
The purpose of the present study was to describe the role of a shared sport equipment in the emergence of collective coordination in flight multihulls in sailing, and more broadly in team sports in which performance is highly equipment-dependent. The results of this study reveal a set of six forms of interaction between the crew members and the boat, interacting with natural environmental conditions. From the perspective of the crew members’ coordination, three main functional states appear, each of which can respectively be associated with distinct cognitive and interactive processes: (a) extra-personal coordination processes to maintain or restore flight stability; (b) interpersonal coordination processes to maintain or restore flight stability; and (c) reflective interpersonal coordination processes to anticipate environmental events or to understand past events. We discuss each of these three functional states in the following subsections. |
Extra-personal coordination processes to maintain or restore flight stability |
The extra-personal coordination processes to maintain or restore the flight stability are represented by the forms 1 and 5. From each crew member’s experience, the meaningful interactions are primarily between his/her own activity and the flight stability. Two contrasting cases, however, must be distinguished: in form 1, the actions of the crew members are aimed at maintaining an existing stable flight, whereas in form 5 crew members react to a sudden critical perturbation of the flight. In these two cases, from each crew member’s experience, his/her teammate is non-meaningful in the situation, as if each crew member was alone on the boat. This form of interaction is similar to what some authors describe as extra-personal coordination (Millar et al., |
Interpersonal coordination processes to maintain or restore the flight stability |
The interpersonal coordination processes to maintain or restore flight stability are represented by forms 3 and 4, in which crew members are collectively interacting with the boat’s flight stability, and both the collective action and its relationship with the flight stability of the boat are meaningful for the crew members. In form 3, the flight is stable; however, a “need” for interpersonal coordination is perceived by each teammate to act on the boat efficiently. Form 4 is closely related to form 3 with the difference that in this case, flight is unstable. In the following discussion, we suggest that in both cases, the interpersonal coordination processes are aimed at constantly updating team situational awareness about mutual affordances, allowing the crew members to jointly maintain or restore flight stability. As it has been observed in team sports, collective coordination relies on shared affordances (Silva et al., In some cases, the crew members individually perceive affordances, but cannot act on their own, because of their mutual and reciprocal interdependence (Saavedra et al., |
Reflective interpersonal coordination processes to anticipate an environmental event or to understand past events |
The reflective interpersonal coordination processes for anticipating environmental events or understanding past events are represented by the forms 2 and 6. In these, there are meaningful interactions between the crew members, as well as between each crew member and the environment. In both situations, the interactions between crew members consist of verbal communications traducing a reflective activity of both crew members, based on past events, to anticipate future action and create new shared knowledge. In form 2, these communications occur under time pressure due to the incoming perceived perturbations of the environment. Their purpose is to share expectations about perturbations of flight stability that can occur in the immediate or near future. In form 6, there is no time pressure, as the communications between crew members are aimed at building common explanations of flight perturbations that occurred in the near past, in order to share alternative solutions to resolve an eventual future similar situation. These results suggest that, in the crew members’ experience, onboard coordination does not always involve a meaningful relation with the boat. In forms 2 and 6, the boat is non-meaningful in the lived situation of the crew members. In both cases, the flight is stable, and this stable behavior of the boat seems to open opportunities for crew members to focus on meaningful elements of the surrounding natural environment (form 2) or on memories of past events (form 6). In form 2, the meaningful relations for each crew member are with both the surrounding environment and his/her teammate. The perceptions of salient changes of the environment (e.g., wind gusts) trigger verbal communication between crew members aiming at sharing contextual information (Poizat et al., |
The results of the present study complement results of previous studies in rowing (R’Kiouak et al., Further research should be undertaken to solve methodological and technical challenges for the study of flying multihulls such as the Nacra 17. Indeed, this study participates to reinforce the importance of jointly considering the crew members lived experience and the boat movements. However, a methodological limitation of this study remains in the objectivation of the behavior of the boat. Further studies should focus on the validation of a stability index to distinguish stable, unstable or critical behaviors of the boat. In our view, technical innovation is required to take in consideration the relation between the boat and its environment by measuring moment to moment windspeed, wind direction and waves height, without constraining the boat/crew activity with the measurement systems. In line with previous studies (Cuijpers et al., |
The authors would like to thank the athletes and their coach of the French Sailing Federation for their participation in the present study. The authors would also like to thank the École Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques for the logistic contribution to the present study, and more specifically Yves Clouet for his expertise on coaching flying multihulls. The experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed. The authors declare no conflict of interest with the contents of this manuscript. |