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© Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007) Suppl. 10 , 215 - 218
39. MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS P-154 Global football talent and distribution analysis of players at Germany 2006 World Cup finals Xiao-Ke
Chen , Jian Sun and Yi-Zhang Chen OBJECTIVE Football talent of players in the World Cup 2006 finals' were assessed. METHODS Tallent idedntification was made using questionnaires defined in literature and statistical analysis was conducted. RESULTS Talent of 2006 world cup finals players was unequally distributed. Most of the top level football players with high talent make their living in the European football leagues ahead of AFC, CONCACAF, OFC, CAF and CON-MEBOL. In England Premier League Clubs, there are 79 world cup final foreign football players. This number is ahead of Germany, France Italy and Spain. DISCUSSION Many factors that influence the distribution of football talent in the world do exist. These factors include economics, politics, culture and religion. For the under developed countries, it is a good opportunity to improve football match management experience in advanced countries. Improved football technologies and strategies including talent are also available in football developed countries. KEY WORDS
Talent, global, 2006 World Cup final, football player. P-155 Soccer team identification levels of university students; gender and supported soccer team differences Baris
Sözeri, Ünal Karlı and Settar Kocak OBJECTIVE Understanding sport fandom is the first step in defining and classifying individuals' involvement in the consumption of sport. Besides, highly identified sport fans have been reported to spend more money on team merchan-dise, and game tickets (Wann, 2001). Ascertaining the levels of team identification levels of with regard to gender of sport fans shall be helpful in marketing segmentation efforts of sport clubs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the university students' levels of soccer team identification as well as examining the differences among different gender, and supported sport club. METHODS Participants were 456 (218 male, 238 female) university students. Wann's Sport Spectator Identification Scale's (SSIS) was used to assess the level of team identification of sport fans. Independent samples t-test analyses and one way ANOVA was conducted to analyze the data. RESULTS Results of the one way ANOVA analysis indicated that there was no significant team identification level difference among the supporters of different soccer clubs (BJK, FB, GS, and others). Whilst, male's fandom level was found to be significantly higher than female's. 54% of the males were found to be highly identified fans whereas only 24% of the females appeared to be highly identified fans. DISCUSSION Team ID is a very strong predictor of attending a game, buying game tickets and merchandise. Results of this study indicated that majority of the university students are either medium or highly ID soccer fans. Marketers of the sport clubs should make use of this high level of team ID by applying more marketing efforts for university students to buy their products. REFERENCES KEY WORDS
Soccer, team identification, gender differences, sport fans. P-156 Ticketing in 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cup Hiroko
Maeda OBJECTIVE When trying to attract a sports event of a large magnitude, a heavy burden, financially and otherwise is placed on the host country and the cities involved. However the hosts hope to benefit by the merits of increasing their economic growth and revitalizing the sports activities of their residents. One method of achieving this is to provide the opportunity to watch a sports match of high degree. The purpose of this research was to make the difference in the tick-eting process, such as distribution, in both tournaments and their respective venues clear. The research of the venues was divided into two areas: the host country, and the host cities. METHODS From the official announcement from the organizing committee of the 2002 (especially about JAWOC) and 2006 (OC 2006) World Cups, four main areas were surveyed and analyzed. The four main areas of interest were the principle of ticketing, the organization in charge of the business aspects, the selling methods, and measures taken against the black market. RESULTS The principles of ticket marketing were the same for 2002 and 2006. In the 2002 tournament, 50% of all the available tickets were distributed to the residents of the host country. On the other hand, for the 2006 tournament, only 9% of all the tickets were distributed among citizens of the host country. DISCUSSION The number of distributed tickets to the host country and its residents was significantly lower in 2006 in comparison to 2002. Appeal of OC2006 to procure tickets and the resulting active response by the residents of the host cities for the 2006 tournament led to the increased opportunity for the residents to attend the games. This was the largest difference in comparison with the 2002 tournament. REFERENCES KEY WORDS
Ticketing, FIFA World Cup, host. P-157 Trainers' reflection styles of leadership characteristics to players Recep
Cengiz1, Asaf Özkara2 and Tekin Colakoglu1 OBJECTIVE Trainers created different groups and have various statues, they have to develop information, discrimina-tions, critics and evaluations about team. This creates a trainer profile who have conscious, gentlemen and accepting success and unsuccessful. The purpose of this study is to determining the approaching ways of trainers according to leadership characteristics and proposes some suggestions. METHODS The sample of the study is created from A-B-C licensed and goalkeeper trainers. The 5 likert type ques-tionnaire had developed by taking suggestions from experts of this area. The questionnaire sent to trainers by Turkish Football Federation. 788 questionnaires of 1100 had evaluated which had returned. The reliability coefficient of ques-tionnaire had found as 0,73. RESULTS According to the result of Tukey HSD multiple comparison test A-licensed (X=1,95) trainers opinions aver-age and B-licensed (X=2,09) trainers opinions average has a significant difference to C-licensed (X=2,20) trainers in a positive way. DISCUSSION It may be that trainers and players relations' expectations occur negative or positive. In this point it could be said that the opposite expectations may caused confusion and inner conflict unavoidable. As a result; when football trainers' approaching styles to players had observed according to their licensed levels, B-licensed trainers have more liberal approaching styles according to A-licensed trainers. Also C-licensed trainers have more and more liberal approaching style to others. KEY WORDS
Football, trainer, football player, approach style. P-158 Opinions of amateur and professional football club administrators on problems related to sports administration in Ankara Hakan
Sunay and Ulas Cufadar OBJECTIVE The spread of the sports which is very important on the life of the people and the countries and the suc-cess be gained in the international field are related to a strong and resistant management and organization. In some parts of the sports management, there are some problems arising from the structure of the organization. Today's soccer clubs have entered into a managing period with many problems. The aim was to determine the opinions of the amateur and professional football club administrators on the problems related to sports management in Ankara. METHODS The subjects of the research consisted of the amateur and professional football club administrators in An-kara. The research was carried with the contributions of 50 club administrators. This questionnaire (prepared with re-searchers) was applied. The reliability coefficiency of the questionnaire was set at Alfa; 96. In the analysis of the data the percentile ranking and ANOVA was used. RESULTS Most of the administrators don't accept the sports associations and the sports centres as sufficient and they believe that the scientific criteria have not been paid the close attention in the planning, using and the construction of those sports centres, and they also believe that the law of the clubs is a great obstacle in supplying source to the clubs; therefore, the company is essential. The administrators also support the common organizations of the volunteer organi-zations. In the end, the difference between the opinions of the administrators in terms of the statute of the administra-tors, their level of the education and the seniority, has not been found out meaningful. DISCUSSION This study revealed that the sports centres in Turkey were not enough for the ones who want to play sports and there hasn't been paid close care on the planning of those centres, and on scientific criteria and regional needs. The structuring of the sports organisations according to local management principles was highly supported. KEY WORDS
Football, club administrators, sports management. P-159 Homophobia in sports: What university level fans think about homosexual athletes? Leyla
Sarac and Zeynep Ebem OBJECTIVE In sports most of the people have ignored homosexuality, and demonstrated their intolerance (ASC, 2000). These negative attributes have caused gay and lesbian athletes stay silent (Demers, 2006) or declare their homo-sexuality after retirement (GLSEN, 2000). It was also reported that no professional football player in the United King-dom declared their homosexuality not to be outsiders (EGLFS, 2003). In order to guarantee the respect for human rights in sports area, homophobia should be investigated thoroughly. This study aimed to explore the attitudes to homosexual athletes in university students as sports fans. METHODS Three hundred sixteen male (mean age = 22.59, SD = 1.30) and two hundred fifty one female (mean age = 21.80, SD = 1.35) university students (3rd grade n= 244, 4th grade n= 323) participated in this study. Turkish version of Fans Attitudes toward Homosexual Athletes Scale (TFAHAS) was used to collect data (Sarac, 2006). Frequency and percentile ranking were used to analyze the data. RESULTS Majority of the participants stated that they would not change their opinion if favourite male (n=370, 65%) and female (n=380, 76%) athlete revealed that he/she was homosexual (Figure 1). On the contrary, they thought that other sports fans would have a much less favourable opinion toward the homosexual athlete. Additionally, participants mostly labelled homosexual athletes as honest (51.50%), courageous (62.43%), being himself (53.26%), and publicity seeking (30.86%). Results demonstrated that, participants did not tolerate homosexual athletes in soccer (81.30%), wrestling (81.48%), boxing (74.77%), and weight lifting (72.13%). DISCUSSION
Current study revealed that even in the university level sports fans some
homophobic attitudes toward homosexual athletes existed. Homophobic attitudes
were mainly seen in sports that were assigned to males such as soccer,
wrestling, weight lifting, and boxing. Findings of the study may help
curriculum developers to recognize the integration of topics related with
human rights and the existence of homosexuality. REFERENCES KEY WORDS
Athletes, sexuality. P-161 Importance of educational games in making the football skills gained in primary schools Belgin
Gökyürek, Mihriay Musa and Hüseyin Eroglu OBJECTIVE It's known that educational games are effective in making many different skills gained. Football was a popular and current sports branch. The aim of this research was to improve the football skills through educational games. METHODS 24 subjects (12 girls, 12 boys) and 24 of control group (12 girls, 12 boys) of age 12 in primary school participated in the research. DISCUSSION When the 1. and 2. Measurements of subjects and control group were compared in "Shoot wall test" a meaningful difference was seen both in girls and boys. A meaningful difference was seen between the 1. and 2. Meas-urements of control group girls in "Moving the ball changing direction". A meaningful difference was seen in "Moving the ball making slalom" in both boys and girls. Table
1. Comparing the second measurements of shoot wall test of male-female
subject and control. KEY WORDS
Football skills, primary schools. |