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VIth World Congress on Science and Football, Book of Abstracts, January 16-20, 2007, Antalya, Turkey
© Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007) Suppl. 10 , 44- 46
10. BIOMECHANICS (2) O-056 Use of weighted balls in improving kicking for distance Kevin
Kicking for distance is an important part of Australian Rules Football
(ARF). However there has been no research examining how distance can be
improved. Weighted implements have been successful in improving perform-ance
in sports such as baseball (Escamilla et al., 2000). The use of weighted
balls might be useful in training for maxi-mal kick distance. The aim
of this study was to examine the effect of maximal distance kicking training
using regulation and weighted balls on maximum kick distance. RESULTS There was no difference in kick distance in pre-testing between groups. In post-testing, both Group 1 and Group 2 produced significantly longer kick distances than the control group. As well, both group 1 and group 2 signifi-cantly increased distances from the pre-test to the post-test. Table 1. Kicking distances for Group 1 (regular balls), Group 2 (weighted balls) and Group 3 (control before and after a five week distance kicking intervention
Specific kicking for distance improved maximal kick distance in an elite
group. The use of regulation balls only or regulation and weighted balls
both increased distance. There was no statistical difference between meth-ods,
although the weighted ball group improved 0.8m more. A longer intervention
might show a significant result. Spe-cific kick distance training is recommended
to increase distance. KEY WORDS
Australian Rules Football, kick distance, weighted balls. O-057 Development of a mechanical kicking simulator Christopher
Holmes , Roy Jones, Andy Harland and David Ward OBJECTIVE Ball sports equipment has utilised impacting machines or 'robots' for experimental verification of proto-types and computer models. In the case of soccer kicking machines are used during ball development as they provide repeatable impact conditions unobtainable during human testing procedures. This paper describes the development of a kicking machine and details some preliminary results. The study aimed to develop a kicking machine to allow accurate and repeatable simulation of impact between foot and ball that exists within various kicks in a game of soccer and rugby. METHODS Previous player studies stated maximum ball launch velocities of 38.1m/s. The design was based on a rigid A-frame, using a servo motor, capable of accelerating the kicking leg to a maximum velocity of 2300deg/sec. The leg's rotation was adjustable within the machines software, and various launch conditions were replicated using an adjustable teeing mechanism and interchangeable end effectors. RESULTS
High speed video of soccer and rugby ball impacts at 10,000 fps, enable
detailed analysis of launch condi-tions and ball deformation. A maximum
ball speed of 50m/s was achieved, with the repeatability of the leg speed
calcu-lated to 0.06kph (1SD). KEY WORDS
Kicking robot, ball impact simulation, launch conditions, soccer impact,
rugby impact. O-058 Movement patterns of body segments for curved running in soccer players Neal Smith
, Paul Brice and Rosemary Dyson OBJECTIVE Research into locomotion has tended to focus on linear motion, with only limited studies on non-linear motion that would be used in soccer play (Hamill et al., 1987; Smith et al., 1997). Body lean is a consistent feature of non-linear motion. For maintenance of body lean, the body centre of gravity must be moved toward the centre of the curve to counter the toppling moment. This study aimed to quantify the segmental contributions towards body lean and how this would affect the maintenance of non-linear motion in soccer on a natural turf surface. Body lean is achieved by reorientation of larger body segments. METHODS
In this study 8 male soccer players (21.7±2.3yrs, 72.3±6.4Kg) volunteered
to participate. All wore stan-dard six-studded soccer footwear. Trials
were performed whilst running at 5.4ms-1 in both straight, and curved
(radius 3.5m) conditions. Kinematic data was collected at 50Hz using Peak
Performance pan and tilt software. Angles of lean with respect to vertical
in the frontal plane were calculated. REFERENCES KEY WORDS
Soccer, curve, lean, running. O-059 Kinematic analysis of high performance rugby props during scrum training Mark Sayers
International rugby games have approximately 19 scrums and teams use scrums
to establish dominance over the opposition, and to initiate offence. Despite
its importance and the issues surrounding scrummaging and injury, there
is limited research on the biomechanics of scrimmaging. No scientific
research has reported the kinematics of scrummaging in elite rugby players.
The purpose of this study was to examine the sagittal plane kinematics
of several international rugby props during a combination of both training
and game based scrummaging drills in order to develop a greater understanding
of the techniques involved. CONCLUSION It was concluded that clear differences exist in the sagittal plane kinematics of props during different types of scrummaging training. The implications of these findings are considerable, as these data suggest that the exces-sive use of scrummaging machines, plus some scrum training drills (e.g. 5-man) may have a negative training effect. KEY WORDS
Biomechanics, rugby, scrum, kinematics. O-060 Foot to ball interaction in kicking in Australian Rules football Kevin
Kicking is the most important skill in Australian Rules Football (ARF).
A major coaching cue in kicking is the nature of contact with the ball
(Ball, 2006). However, no ARF data exists for ball to foot contact times
or for the distance the ball moves while in contact with the foot. As
well, if work can be done on the ball during impact, this will have implications
for conditioning and coaching. The first aim of this study was to provide
basic information on contact times, the distance the ball moves and change
in shank angle during ball contact. The second aim was to see if differ-ences
existed for these parameters for short and long kicks. The third aim was
to determine if work was done on the ARF ball during kicking. RESULTS For 30m and 50m kicks mean contact times were 9.8 to 10ms, mean ball distances were 0.19 and 0.24m, and mean change in shank angles were 14 and 18 degrees respectively. 50m kicks were significantly larger change in shank angle, larger ball distances (small effect, p=0.06 only) and significantly larger change in ball velocity. No differ-ence existed for contact times. Table 1. Foot to ball interaction for a long and a short kick.
CONCLUSION Mean contact time and distance the ball moved lay between soccer values. Work can be done on the ball during the ARF kick (approx 270J) so using momentum equations is inappropriate. Change in shank angle and distance the ball moves during contact means muscular force can be applied and has implications for conditioning. KEY WORDS
Kick, Australian rules, impact |