Table 9. Age, body mass index, balance and muscular capacities as
classified by sliding distance when the path was spread with glycerol and the
walking speed was 100 steps·min-1. (EO = eyes open, EC = eyes closed).

Sliding distance
<5 cm (n = 14)
>5 cm (n = 15)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Age (years)
43.6 (8.5)
41.4 (6.9)
Body mass index (kg·m-2)
27.0 (3.1)
26.2 (1.9)
Balance  Functional balance (s)
 10.7 (2.2)
 12.2 (7.7)
  Functional balance (s+errors)
11.0 (2.2)
12.9 (7.7)
  Functional balance (errors)
.4 (.6)
.7 (.7)
  Dynamic stability (mm)
1393 (379)
1902 (565)
  Dynamic stability (s)
15.1 (2.3)
18.8 (4.3)
  Postural balance (EO) (mm2·s-1)
7.5 (3.1)
9.2 (4.0)
  Postural balance (EC) (mm2·s-1)
10.4 (3.9)
11.8 (5.9)
  Perceived balance (1-5)
3.7 (.7)
3.4 (.9)
Muscular capacities Sit and reach (cm)
 32.9 (8.9)
 29.9 (10.7)
  Squatting (repetitions/60s)
28.4 (5.8)
24.8 (8.9)
  Sit-up (repetitions/60s)
35.4 (7.7)
34.3 (6.7)
  Trunk extension strength (N)
795 (143)
866 (149)
  Knee extension strength (N)
532 (122)
494 (128)