Table 2. Height, body weight, body mass index (BMI), and sum of skinfolds for the exercise and control groups. Data are mean (SD).
Body Weight
Exercise Group
Pre-training 1.5 (0.05) 44.0 (5.7) 19.4 (2.0) 83.2 (22.7)
Post-training 1.5 (0.06)** 45.2 (6.0)** 19.5 (2.0) 74.6 (21.4) † 
Control Group
Pre-training 1.5 (0.08) 39.5 (6.7) 17.4 (1.7) 60.0 (15.8)
Post-training 1.5 (0.08)** 40.0 (7.3)** 17.4 (1.7) 61.4 (16.7)
“Pre-training” and “Post-training” were used for both groups to indicate pre- and post-testing; however, the control group did not walk-train. Due to rounding of numbers, although height appears to be similar, there were significant changes over time.
* Total sum of skinfolds (right triceps, subscapula, suprailiac, abdomen, right thigh, and right calf).
** p < 0.05 compared with pre-training for both groups combined.
†  p < 0.05 compared with pre-training values.