Table 2. Correlation coefficients (r) between ventilatory and lactate thresholds at different times of day.
Variable 09:00 h 14:00 h 19:00 h
Time (sec) 0.62 0.77* 0.70
HR (b.min-1) 0.90** 0.92** 0.94**
VE (L.min-1) 0.71 0.74 0.88**
RER 0.59 0.69 0.56
VO2 ml.min-1) 0.88** 0.82* 0.89**
%VO2max 0.81* 0.85* 0.76*
* p<0.05,
** p<0.01.
HR= heart rate, VE= minute ventilation, RER= respiratory exchange ratio, %VO= O relative to O max.