Table 3. Blood immune and biochemical variables at rest in endurance athletes during normal training and after 2-3 weeks of heavy intensified training. All data are mean (± S.E.M.).
Normal Training Heavy Training
LPS-stimulated neutrophil degranulation response ♦ (fg/cell) 166(13) 111(7)* Robson et al. (1999b), (n=8)
Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio 1.4 (0.2) 1.5(0.2) Additional interval training sessions
Saliva IgA (mg/l) 115(21) 104 (25)
Plasma Cortisol (nM) 431 (37) 471 (42)
Plasma glutamine (µM) 686 (46) 646 (50)
Plasma CK (U/l) 137(33) 564(189)*
T-cell CD4+/CD8+ Ratio 2.91(0.71) 2.05 (0.32) Verde et al. (1992), (n=10)
IgG synthesis (ng/ml) 644 (207) 537(130)* Training distance increased by 35%
IgM synthesis (ng/ml) 730(190) 585 (445)*
*P<0.05: significant effect of additional training
LPS, lipopolysaccharide; CK, creatine kinase; CD, clusters of differentiation; Ig, immunoglobulin.
♦ elastase release in response to stimulation with bacterial LPS.