Table 1. Cross-sectional area (µm2) of type I, IIA and IIB fibers from soleus, extensor digitorum longus - EDL and gastrocnemius (white portion) muscles of sedentary with no supplementation (CON), sedentary with creatine supplementation (CR), exercised with no supplementation (EX) and exercised with supplementation (CREX). Data are presented as mean (SEM). * p < 0.05 as compared to CON and CR. § P< 0.05 as compared to EX.
Muscle-Fiber type CON (n=9) CR (n=10) EX (n=10) CREX (n=11)
Soleus-I 3833 (97)
3659 (96)
4246 (80) *
4812 (68) *, §
Soleus-IIA 3553 (117)
3436 (136)
4152 (94) *
4597 (128)*, §
EDL-I 1715 (56)
1760 (65)
1829 (47)
1864 (39)
EDL-IIA 1988 (69)
2111 (52)
2540 (69) *
2822 (91) *, §
EDL-IIB 3331 (71)
3623 (70)
3977 (104) *
4552 (90) *, §
Gastrocnemius-IIA 4473 (79)
4612 (72)
5064 (125) *
5831 (89) *, §
Gastrocnemuis-IIB 2770 (40)
2791 (36)
3342 (38) *
3698 (26) *, §