Table 5. Means (± standard deviations) for the body segment range of motion and average angular speed during the delivery.
F2 (n=2) F3 (n=1) F4 (n=2) F5 (n=5) F6 (n=1) F7 (n=3) F8 (n=1)
Segment range of motion (°)
Trunk 27.1(7.3) 53.6(13.3) 31.6(2.6) 34.3(19.1) 35.2(3.3) 40.6(7.9) 52.4(3.2)
SG 59.7(16.0) 128.6(18.0) 73.6(12.5) 100.4(35.1) 76.0(2.5) 124.0(5.7) 117.2(.6)
UA 128.6(39.7) 125.8(9.4) 78.9(47.4) 126.4(12.6) 167.7(14.4) 141.4(12.2) 131.1(11.0)
Forearm 122.3(24.7) 141.8(13.0) 87.8(65.8) 147.3(29.6) 151.8(30.2) 126.6(46.4) 144.8(30.4)
Hand 141.4(57.2) 162.6(47.2) 112.2(86.5) 164.0(39.8) 176.5(40.0) 158.0(46.2) 181.7(20.2)
Average angular speed (rad·s-1)
Trunk 1.26(.66) 1.73(.28) 1.33(.22) 1.36(.79) 1.23(.12) 1.77(.56) 2.40(.29)
SG 2.64(1.07) 4.25(1.14) 3.22(1.24) 3.95(1.14) 2.65(.09) 5.32(1.08) 5.34(.30)
UA 5.85(2.70) 4.21(1.39) 3.01(1.29) 5.10(.96) 5.85(.50) 6.05(1.25) 5.99(.87)
Forearm 5.56(2.45) 4.73(1.49) 3.24(1.86) 5.80(.47) 5.29(1.06) 5.13(.97) 6.56(.98)
Hand 6.14(2.35) 5.21(0.61) 4.12(2.48) 6.45(0.95) 6.16(1.40) 6.47(0.69) 8.31(1.43)
SG= Shoulder Girdle
UA= Upper Arm.