Table 3. Effects of endurance training and acute exhaustive exercise on heart tissue total glutathione level (µmol ·g wet weight) and glutathione related enzyme activities (nmol· min mg protein in untrained and trained streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Values are mean (SD)
At rest After acute exhaustive exercise
Untrained (n=7) Trained (n=10) Untrained (n=8) Trained (n=9)
TGSH 1.69 (.40) 1.68 (.43) 1.61 (.20) 1.69 (.18)
GPX 165.34 (53.64) 107.97 (17.18)* 164.65 (66.34) 104.51 (10.62)*
GRD 33.68 (7.40) 32.48 (8.17) 30.26 (4.33) 29.45 (3.9)
GST 104.68 (40.94) 121.33 (24.87) 117.33 (12.61) 124.02 (17.15)
TGSH=Total glutathione, GPX=Glutathione peroxidase, GRD=Glutathione disulfide reductase, GST=Glutathione S-transferase.
*: difference due to endurance training, p<0.05, by two-way ANOVA.