Table 3. Pre- and post-ex plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), plasma protein carbonyl content (PCC), susceptibility of non-HDL to oxidation (non-HDL ox.), serum ceruloplasmin (CER) values and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activities in non-smokers and smokers. Data are means (median; SEM).
Non-smokers (n=10) Smokers (n=10)
MDA Pre-ex 9.72 (9.64; 0.52) 7.96 (7.85; 0.65)
(nmol·ml-1) Post-ex 9.86 (9.69; 0.46) 8.38 (8.03; 0.61)
PCC Pre-ex 2.45 (2.37; 0.20) 2.28 (2.05; 0.20)
(nmol·ml-1plasma) Post-ex 2.63 (2.58; 0.29) 2.59 (2.37; 0.25)
non-HDL ox. Pre-ex 303.75 (329.35; 36.75) 261.35 (289.90; 22.90)
(nmol MDA·mg-1 cholesterol) Post-ex 329.90 (336.65; 35.70) ** 309.65 (325.40; 21.50) **
CER (U·L-1) Pre-ex 35.23 (29.95; 5.46) 57.73 (60.23; 6.74) #
Post-ex 35.55 (28.47; 5.52) 58.02 (64.62; 6.60) #
SOD (U·g-1Hb) Pre-ex 988.89 (933.00; 114.83) 967.50 (880.00; 141.14)
Post-ex 832.67 (763.00; 94.02) 847.90 (792.00; 102.49) *
GPX (U·g-1Hb) Pre-ex 34.03 (32.62; 2.84) 38.14 (29.56; 6.32)
Post-ex 33.13 (31.10; 2.50) 27.54 (20.46; 5.65) **, #
* p<0.05
** p<0.01, significantly different from the pre-ex value.
p<0.05, significantly different from non-smokers.