Table 1. Frequency (Hz) of stroke cycle of the most oscillant joints as a function of practice level and race distance in elite (EXP) and novice (NOV) finswimmers. Data are means (±SD).
Frequency(Hz) EXP 100m NOV 100m EXP 800m NOV 800m
Hip 1.89 (.30) 1.54 (.26) 0.97 (.16) 1.01 (.16)
Knee 1.88 (.29) 1.53 (.28) 0.97 (.16) 0.98 (.17)
Ankle 1.88 (.29) 1.53 (.28) 0.96 (.16) 1.01 (.16)
Average 1.88 (.01) 1.54 (.01) ** 0.97 (.00) 1.00 (.02)
** significant difference (p < 0.01).