Table 1. Characteristics of the football players by competition level. Data are means (±SD)
Competition Level Age
Training (hours·week-1)
1st national (n = 19) 26 (3) 72.7 (5.5) 1.77 (5.6) 12
2nd national (n = 17) 24 (2) 70.4 (6.1) 1.76 (4.4) 10
1st regional (n = 30) 29 (5) 76.5 (8.2) 1.73 (4.3) 10
Sub 16 years (n =14) 16 (0) 60.7 (4.4) 1.70 (3.9) 10
Sub 14 years (n= 32) 14 (0) 55.1 (5.3) 1.66 (5.9) 8
Sub 12 years (n = 24) 12 (0) 46.8 (5.7) 1.50 (6.0) 4.5