Table 1. Subjects profile and static rearfoot measurements. Data are presented in means (±SD)
Control PFPS F value P value
Age (years) 25.1 (8.7) 38.4 (10.1) 13.54 .001
Body mass (kg) 61.3 (7.5) 70.6 (18.2) 3.046 .109
Height (m) 1.66 (.06) 1.66 (.06) .00 .997
Subtalar joint neutral position (°) -1.00 (1.36) -2.20 (1.51) 4.716 .04
2D RCS (°) -.23 (1.35) 2.35 (1.41) 23.802 .001
3D RCS(°) 2.52 (3.11) 7.02 (3.33) 13.137 .001
Negative values indicated inversion and positive values indicated eversion.